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Everything posted by HopefulFuture

  1. lol, Maverick more like it. And yes Eleven, I am the counter point, not all of which is pig headed. But, I do but the jibs in as you do. Back and forth we go, but if you notice, in all my views, it's the Constitution, rule of law and loyalty to nation and citizens that come first.
  2. Straying from common sense includes: --impeachment hysteria While you may label it "hysteria", millions of others view as I do, a right and wrong issue. The failure of the citizens, I.E. yourself included, to not hold political individuals in power that represent or administer your governing bodies accountable is not only an act of unaccountability, it's irresponsible. And, as I've stated since day one, what is missing in the modern day American Culture, Accountability and Responsibility. You say Tomato, I say Tomato, only, my Tomato comes without "made in mexico" sticker. --imposing stricter requirements to obtain a gun than to vote No one has opposed stricter requirements, as a matter of fact, I believe the stand I took on that was one of "State" checks, not Federal. Unreasonable? I don't believe so, since the Federal government has proven through the individuals in power they are far more willing to "impose" agencies of vast resources in an effort to usurp the will of the people. I.E. IRS as one example. As for voting and the ability to prove citizenship, yes, if the borders are not to be secured, then the electorate must, from those that would use such as a tool in an effort to once again, usurp the will of "legal citizens". --immigration hysteria It is the Responsibility of the Executive Branch to "faithfully execute the laws of this nation". It is not for the Executive Branch to re-write said laws through the guise of executive orders, which is akin to a king or emperor, which in point of fact, the very foundation of this nation was brought about to oppose. Any view other wise is sheer ignorance of the facts with regards to the historical nature of what America is. --ebola hysteria Protecting the people with common sense rules providing for the "safety of every single American Citizen" is one of the core principals of safe guards put in place with "common sense" to ensure such. To bring, unnecessarily, individuals with a virus that has the potential to devastate even one American life due to poor policy decisions such as this is failing, once again, to "faithfully execute the office of President of the United States of America". At no time, 0, none, should any American be put in undue harms way because of one individuals decision in government, that is not a core value of the founding of the nation and it is not sane policy. We're ready for you to call yourself a garden shovel. I am more than ready to bury these obviously insane, and yes, insane, liberal policies that have hurt so many of my fellow citizens, some, have even ended lives. The same can be said of the Republican side, and I've called them on it as well. I'm ready for you to call yourself anti-American Citizen and a traitor to those that suffer as "legal citizens" in this nation due to your failure, as a fellow citizen, as a neighbor to stand up for them. Is that to much? Not from where I stand. Actually, it isn't. Just because you say it is, doesn't make it so. Look at the other 170+ nations on the planet that haven't fulfilled that role, do you believe they have a sudden urge to do so? Didn't think so.
  3. So, reasonable responses on the President's wrong doings to Congress or the American people, no responses to the overwhelming support for the 2nd amendment and, of course, the pulling out of Hitler's name in an effort to incite the old "we are the only ones on the planet who can stop this mad man" story line. The more liberals are subjected to common sense, the quieter they get, or, the more deflective of the subject matter and defensive they become. It's the same with the Republicans, but, at least I can say I know more common sense conservatives then liberals, therefore, I won't throw the conservatives entirely under the bus............yet. But, if they stray from common sense, I'll be more than happy to call a spade a spade, as always. So, you completely ignored my "it's time we started" statement and went right in to the Hitler comparison? I don't see it, not the comparison. I see a regional land grab, unlike Hitler, Putin isn't about to unleash the dogs of war across all of Europe. To even believe so is folly.
  4. I'm sorry, did you just compare Putin to Hitler? Oh, I've been waiting for the opportunity, champing at the bit if you will. Do tell please, I'm all ears.
  5. It's actually not the United States business what happens in Ukraine, nor anywhere else for that matter. "Trade with all, Alliances with none" - Thomas Jefferson It's time the United States let the rest of the world fend for themselves, we need to care for our own now, and with what little wealth we have left, it better happen pretty quick. As I've openly stated time and again, I have never subscribed to, nor would I ever, the doings of the Republican party, just as now, I'm calling out the Democrats. There can be no gray area, right is right and wrong is wrong, punishment of the harshest terms should be served up on the platter. The American Citizens deserve better than what they have received these past many decades. Not since Ike and Kennedy has there been any reason to show one ounce of respect to a President. Save Carter, who, although fubared some policy implementations, was actually a square up guy. Oh, and here is a map supporting gun control. Notice the massive areas who don't support it!!!!! http://www.isidewith.com/map/2Y5/support-for-gun-control
  6. It is an impeachable offense to lie to Congress, here is the actual rule: In the United States, impeachment can occur both at the federal and state level. The Constitution defines impeachment at the federal level and limits impeachment to "The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States" who may be impeached and removed only for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors". Here is the lie he told Congress, on September 09, 2009, in a speech before Congress: "Here are the details that every American needs to know about this plan: First, if you are among the hundreds of millions of Americans who already have health insurance through your job, Medicare, Medicaid, or the VA, nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have. Let me repeat this: nothing in our plan requires you to change what you have." At no time afterwards and up to roll-out of the 'Healthcare.gov' website did he correct these lies. When the president speaks to the American people, is he not also speaking to Congress? There are at LEAST 29 instances of Obama saying "you can keep your health care plan" and "you can keep your doctor", even after passage of the law itself in March 2010. After passage of the law, these lies become even more egregious. Would the Affordable Care Act have been met with more resistance in Congress and more public outrage had Obama told the TRUTH from the beginning? Absolutely it would have, and this is why these lies are so pathetically egregious. And illegal. Oh, and just so your aware, here is the Dems poster boy for the era of that time, Barney Frank himself, saying the President lied: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/01/barney-frank-obama-lie_n_5642132.html
  7. While I completely agree with your over all view of the situation. And believe me Swamp, I can taste blood still for Bush and his henchmen, the more important aspect of the entire conversation, at least, for myself, is when do we as a nation finally say enough is enough. Let's get back to right is right and wrong is wrong. The actual exercise I'm performing in this particular forum is one of engaging every day Americans and their views on the current events and it's relation to the Constitution. By no means do I pretend to be educating anyone, but, it is interesting when I submit a stand that is counter to the majority then commence to defend that stand based on the Constitution. What I've seen, it's appalling. And by no means is that a slight to any particular poster in here, I am on multiple sights doing the same. What I really look at is my unbiased approach when it comes to such conversations. I merely looking at it from a common sense thinking with facts backing it up. Does this make others wrong? Well, I believe it was Numark who pointed out the view in so far as political affiliation, I could be wrong, typing fast to respond, but I think it was Numark. And that response is correct. But what if everyone viewed current day events through the Constitution? Which, in my most humbled opinion, every American Citizen should be viewing it through, Democrat or Republican, Independent or Libertarian. So, I am a conservative libertarian, that is my unofficial affiliation, since I'm actually a registered independent. I have not voted for a party candidate since 2000. There is a little back drop for everyone. EDIT: Oh, and Numark, you made the comment on the impeachment mind set I have and you stated that the President should not be impeached because of a comment another person made. Do you realize that the individual in question was brought in at the behest of the President to co-author the bill, known as the ACA? Do you not believe this strategy he admitted to openly was not discussed with the President himself/ So, if tht be the case, wonderful, our President isn't a liar and deceiver, he's incompetent, just great. And this guy was a Constitutional Scholar? I wonder if he wasn't on one of UNC's fast track with fake classes for athletes programs..... :rolleyes:
  8. So, where is my agenda again? What affiliation do my posts subscribe to? You do not believe that a President that misleads the American Public, and, more importantly, the representatives of the people is not an impeachable offense? Ok weave, I understand, another time perhaps.
  9. No no, I'm ready. I'm not flustered nor frustrated. I've driven my point on the Constitution home in various formats. Don't take my language as something as social class status, because I can run with white or blue collar, the situation really depends. So, what was it you were saying about context and my misinterpretation of such? As I stated, I'm all ears on this.
  10. So, where does that leave you then Swamp? Are you in support of the Constitution, or are in support of a particular political agenda? Because as history has shown, it doesn't end well for the nation as a whole on the 2nd. Oh, then please, enlighten me. I'm all ears. Come on Weave, bring it, I'm ready. Today is the day we have it out apparently.
  11. Here is your post LG. Contrary to what you say, the Bill of Rights, as I've admitted to personally, as a supporter of such, can be altered. Meaning, they are not inalienable. Furthermore, if you read closely all the documents pertaining to the Bill of Rights, they were submitted directly due to Shay's Rebellion. The original thinking of the founders was that only land owners could vote. That is a fact. That should quell those that believe I actually think these men were divine in nature. However, they did produce a very good document. The Bill of Rights is untouchable only in my opinion, as I've stated in the past in so far as the type of government we have succeeding. Each of those amendments has been suspended and/or ignored in the nations history.
  12. So, in essence, your stating Americans are to dumb to know the difference in the 1st one. Your stating that I should not call someone out on the truth of the matter, in the co-author of the bills own words on the 2nd one. And not to respond to someone who attempts to disparage my service to nation on the 3rd, And I'm out of line?
  13. There is no ultimatum. There is black and white, no gray area, as I've stated time and time again. You either support the Constitution because, quite frankly, it's the document that gives you the freedoms you currently enjoy, or you don't. That's not an ultimatum, that's a political choice you make. And to LG, contrary to your statements on rights, the ones you quote are not natural human rights, the 2nd amendment for example, or the 4th, 5th and 7th, but, there are places on this planet where governments don't give those rights, so, what do you say to them, oh, my bad, that only applies to certain people? Give me a brake already. You must be a part of the generation that didn't have to recite the pledge of allegiance. To bad really.
  14. That document is not little. It's the law of the land. And while I completely agree with you that American Citizens are ignorant to the law, as I've submitted time and again, that is by design. As I've pointed out, it's not taught in our educational system, and a few teachers on this very site pointed out, I was correct. That means the system is broken, and the citizens should demand it be fixed. As I've stated over and over again, it's our sworn duty as citizens. Benjamin Franklin, when asked what type of government have you given us sir, replied, a Republic, if you can keep it madam. That says it all.
  15. Oh, but it wasn't easy for the President. It's done, it's all over. I'm merely pointing out the obvious corruption in the process.
  16. Go ###### yourself. You don't like it, put a uniform on, grab a gun and man post, other wise, I don't give a ######. I didn't see you there next to me. And as for you stating I'm calling anyone un-American, quote it, or stuff it.
  17. Really? So you are in support of usurping the Constitution of the United States of America in favor of a policital agenda.OK, good to know.
  18. If the President of the United States is aware the the American People are not fully informed on a piece of legislation that he not only supports, but that the President has brought forth through his/her administration, it is their duty to fully inform the American People. Don't even attempt to state that the law was a legislative piece, because I'll call you straight out a liar if you do. It was an Executive Branch piece of Legislation, that is a fact, not some fantasy land bull ######. I'm a veteran, and while many thank me for my service, at the same time they are doing so they attempt to stick a ###### up my ass when it comes to calling out this obvious attack on the very document I swore an oath to uphold. So which is it, do you support individuals such as myself who support the very document that lays out your freedoms, or do you support the scumbag liars who attempt to usurp and/or eliminate its purporse? Serious question for serious citizens.
  19. Outside of PJ's remarks, I cannot believe the responses I see from supposed citizens. Let me ask you this, how much do you value your citizenship? Because from what I see, those that responded that I am quoting, you don't take loyalty to America itself, and the Constitution in particular, seriously. As for what particular law the President has broken to deserve impeachment, read the oath he takes. It says it all. It's an oath to the Constitution. If you honestly believe that omitting information on a law to be passed and put in to effect does not fall under that, all I can say is grow a brain. Edit: And to PJ's example of immigration as a world view, that is not the case, the entirety of my stance is to "OBEY THE LAW". Currently, even yourself, must admit with the facts at hand, that, in point of fact, the current administration, along with many before it from both parties, are not doing this. To even attempt to state other wise with the facts on the table is akin to pissing on my boots and trying to tell me it's raining.
  20. So let me see if I follow your thinking here........ It's perfectly fine that a Presidential Administration, in conjunction with one political party in Washington, the party that happened to control both houses of Congress at the time, lied to the American people through a lack of transparency, and furthermore, to the peoples representatives, in order to pass through a piece of agenda that may otherwise have been rejected by the peoples representatives....... Is that correct? You are supporting tyranny in defense of the actions taken by this administration? As Benjamin Franklin wrote in Nov. of 1755.... "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." So, the line of thought I get from your response is, to hell with the Constitution, or representative government for that matter. Our side wanted this program, and we got it, even if the people and their respective representatives were lied to, it doesn't matter as long as we got what we wanted. Sorry, but as a citizen, I am fully in the corner of impeachment now.
  21. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/11/11/obamacare-architect-lack-transparency-was-key-because-stupidity-american/ wow, just ###### wow!!!!! You liberals, I really, really am beginning to dislike the fact that you'd support this type of America. Why in the hell would I put on a uniform and serve a nation that is run by people like this. Why would anyone for that matter. Just ###### disgusting. Where the hell is CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC or any other liberal leaning news agency on this story. Why is this not being put forth to the American people. It's news after all, and news on a subject that affects the nation as a whole. Where are they? They are lacky's to the liberal machine, that doesn't take away from Fox news being a conservative lacky, but come on now, really, a guy who was instrumental in writing the bill is saying this and no other outlet reports it? I am convinced now, impeach the bastard. As a citizen, I don't tolerate this type of crap. Just as I called for Bush's impeachment due to the Iraq war, the same applies here. Dishonesty with the citizens.
  22. Don't get me to chuckling now Ink. :D Tortured sports soul syndrome.......a.k.a............Buffalo sports fan
  23. This loss is going to hurt them. A winnable game, at home no less.
  24. Well, let's keep the Islanders early season success in context of their scheduled opponents in that time. It's going to get tougher for them, the easy part of their schedule is about to end. Then they'll be facing a slew of top team opponents all the way until xmas. Let's see how they roll through this part of their schedule, I think many will find they won't hold up.
  25. Zads and Risto looked good together. The situation with the offensive will be addressed over the next 2 seasons. Prepare to have Myers resigned before the end of his current contract. There is much to be said about the developing Defense. This loss means nothing, the development and further education of the D means everything. That is all. Much like a young team, the Amerks are still finding themselves. This means nothing. Obviously the Sabres are built to grow. Not lose. They brought in supposed scoring in Moulson, they brought in supposed leadership in Gionta, they reinforced the defense with Gorges. These aren't moves of a team that wants to be dead last. But none the less here we are, and in that context I say let's tank full force.
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