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Everything posted by HopefulFuture

  1. The shots against were just a reflection of puck possession. It's to be expected from a team like Edmonton, which are further along on the front end rebuild than us. Nuevy's performance these last few games though, wow, he's been worked and he's held up fairly well under the circumstances. Good for him. Not that I enjoy watching the Sabres go through this season, because I don't, but, at the same time, there is a part of me that is relieved we lost this one, if only to further efforts on the draft position. It's a necessary evil, although it's a tough pill to swallow, we must endure to achieve greatness. The defense is looking better with Risto, Zads and Myers in particular. I like the time all 3 are getting, Myers as the future torch bearer for this group with Risto and Zads getting the experience at the NHL level. It does my heart good to see them getting on with it.
  2. Admittedly K-9, I've been vested in this subject for many years, I did my boot camp in San Diego in 1988 where following my 8 weeks there I did not come home for leave as my A school was also in San Diego, I was submitted to shore patrol for 2 weeks while I waited for my Radioman A school class to form up, the equilevant of MP Aux units, to help patrol the border in San Ysidro from the beach to approx. 4 miles in land. And my uncle left N.T. in 79 and took a job with the city of Phoenix. He's retired now, but still lives out there and him and I have spoken on this subject throughout the years many many times. I've also been even more invested since one of my nephews joined the border patrol on the southern border a number of years ago. My other nephew ironically, his brother, is also a border patrol agent, only, up in Washington state. As for what we can do, is secure the border. Get the necessary man power and equipment there immediately. As to what we can do about the illegals already here, start the case by case study and see who stays, who goes and who goes with the ability to hit a work visa program. As I've stated all along, we don't have to send them all back, but we do have to account for them all. Then, once the border is secure, use the existing immigration and work visa laws already in place and work just fine wihen applied, and go from there. The law is the law, it's in place for a purpose, and in this case, these immigration and visa laws do work, if used. Edit: It should be noted, immigration is not so much being sensationalized by only one party. The Repubs are utilizing to instill fear, yes, without a doubt, but Americans should feel some fear, that's laws being disobeyed that put American citizens at risk. But, the Dems also sensationalize it as well, only in their case, it's to acquire a larger support base of votes. So both parties are equally guilty, that's not the larger issue. Does a porous, unsecured border lead to a situation of an unsafe America? The answer is unequivocally, yes. Does illegal migrant labor take jobs from Americans due to cheaper labor rates, forcing an economic hardship on some Americans, the answer is, yes. The border must be secured, the illegals here need to be dealt with.
  3. Why is CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS and ABC not picking up this story? Since Immigration has been touted, by both political parties as one of the 3 major issues of our day? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/11/07/political-pull-border-figures-posted-removed-month-before-election-753938852/ While I'm disgusted by the Republican California representative for telling the American people a lie about 10 terrorists nabbed at the border, he should resign, be fired, and, since he is a representative, charged with inciting the public with false information there were 4 Middle Eastern men detained at the border, of Kurd decent according to this report. That only solidifies my belief that the border needs to be secured immediately. But, the more important aspect of this story, is the staggering number of detained cases, nearly half a million. How many got through that didn't get caught I wonder. And, to top it all off, over half are not Mexican, but from other countries of origin. I won't respond to the political aspect in so far as the report going up then coming down a month before the election, that's not proof of illegal activity or political motivation, since the numbers were put out verbally by the agency anyways. But in the end, this only adds further concrete foundations to my assertion that the border must be secured and the current immigration laws must be adhered to without any further delay, in defense of the nation, in defense of American citizens, it must be done. Combine that with hunting down the illegals already here and dealing with them accordingly is the law, and President Obama is not obeying the law, nor is he upholding his oath to the Constitution. That, to me, is an impeachable act. You wanted the job Barrack, ###### or get off the pot.
  4. If you enjoy a winter atmosphere and are from a larger city, I'd recommend Ellicotville and the surrounding ski area just south of the city of Buffalo. Niagara Falls has some nice evening light displays on the Falls in the winter, but you'd have to go to the Canadian side to truly enjoy them in full force. While not exactly the best time to come to enjoy all Western New York has to offer, there are sleigh rides in certain areas both in the foothills in the southerntier as well as the farm land by both Lakes Erie and Ontario. Depending on snow of course. The real problem is it's the middle of Jan. Normally the coldest part of winter here in WNY with the snow belt either feeling it full force or already pasted with snow from the start of the lake effect snows. So it's definitely a winter situation, no colors on the trees from the season change and no early summer green with decent temps, before the humidity drops in. As for just hanging around the city, well, obviously the Harbor Center, you have to go to Duff's for chicken wings. It's a must. There is sledding to be done all around the area as well. I would highly recommend Letchworth State Park as well. While not nearly as pretty as the fall foliage change over, the winter in the park, especially the Water Falls, offer a unique winter appearance with the ice and snow forming around the falls in a beautiful pattern. If you are coming, these are only some of the things you could do, and, depending on how long you are coming for, to take this trip from Germany, and come here for Hockey, you obviously are going to see a Sabres game, although, it is in the rebuild process so expectations from the team should be tampered, but, I highly recommend a drive over to Rochester to catch the Rochester Americans in a game, where the Sabres young talent is busy developing and honing their skills while building chemistry for the rebuild. It's only about a 1.5 hour drive over to Rochester from Buffalo, so it's not bad. Hope this helps.
  5. That doesn't mean you consider doing so, you have conversations on this board unfinished, and those yet to come, so you don't go anywhere :P
  6. As long as it's the wish of the individual who wants to do it, I have no problem. After all, it's their life.
  7. Agreed. And I submit, it wasn't until the common man threatened to reble that we had the "Bill of Rights", i.e. Shea's Rebellion. I do. It's starts with us, the citizens. We need to live what we expect our representatives to live, that is a life of honesty, integrity and principal. How the nation got to this point is more than apparent. How it gets itself out of this situation is equally apparent. It's up to each individual, each one of us, to do so. So, are the members of Sabrespace prepared to join that cause, or are they merely speaking fodder for the cannon? That is the question I have. I know Eleven, it's alright man. I'm glad you realize I'm not railing against you personally, but I'm on a mission. If I only sway one person to personal accountability as a citizen, and they hold themselves responsible for the rest of their lives, that's a start.
  8. Not at all. I absolutely despised Reagan, hated Bush 41, loathed Clinton and Gingrich for what they did and absolutely wanted 43 and his henchmen hung from the highest tree. I hold no loyalty to any politician that does not tow the line. Eleven, we need integrity re-installed in the process, and not only at the highest levels, but to every level, from the little local townships on up, the only way we do that is if Americans start holding them accountable on all levels. Honesty, Integrity, Principals and a devotion to serve over the devotion to ones self or a group. This is where we need to be. I cannot tell you how much I truly dislike what is happening to our nation in our life time. Unless we, collectively, as citizens, get our acts together and start doing what I say, we can expect the same cycle's over and over again until the nation hits the skids on a very real crapper. I would like the citizens to be more educated on law, politics and I'd like them well informed for elections.
  9. Yea, sorry, I'm answering multiple sights today, not meant to demean or undercut in any way, I always just assume it's a given that honesty and integrity need to be in place in order for this to work.
  10. No, actually, it hasn't. What's happened is people have lowered their moral judgement and character expectations. I mean, I have to ask you, honestly, how in the hell do you think this great experiment of the United States is going to work properly if you tolerate this type of behavior from the political level? Do you just throw some magic pixy dust on it in your view? I'm absolutely astounded that people refuse to hold those in office accountable, it's as if it's become the new normal. And then, look out, they actually act surprised, such as yourself, when people do hold them to account. And you actually expected differently? Just wow.................I don't have anything else to say........................just wow.................... What gripe? You to? Really, you expect me to respect an elected official "after he lied" and try to spin some ..................... I don't even know what your trying to spin, he lied, he has no respect from myself, and many millions more. And it's not just him, it's past elected officials, at many levels. You 2 really don't get it, do you? I mean, really, when you go in to public office, it's to answer a higher calling with in yourself, it isn't for self serving or party politics advancement. I don't see what is so hard to understand here. It's the ethical, moral and proper way to approach it. I find it hard to believe your so indoctrinated to corruption, that you actually accept even though you were obviously taught from birth on that it is wrong.
  11. Of course I have no respect for Barrack Obama, it's proven he's lied to the American people. Why on earth would I respect a man, or any individual for that matter, that does that? I wouldn't, respect is earned, it's not a right due to a title, a title by the way, that is below mine, I hold the highest title in the land, that of citizen, certainly not the President, he is not a king or emperor, he is merely an administrator. And yet even I, as a citizen, the highest title in the land, don't expect respect simply because I have that title. It must be earned.
  12. Oh yea, this isn't partisan, even from an outsider, I especially like this quote at the bottom of the page................................ Why on Earth Would Any Minority or Woman Want To Be a Republican? Unhinged N.H. lawmaker exits stage right
  13. And yes, it does piss people off. If nothing else, left, right, liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican, we all should expect open full disclosure on an honest level with integrity and principals from our governing bodies. Regardless of how events unfold, we pay dam good money at all levels of government to expect the best results. Unintended consequences should not be a factor in any policy implementation. A full on review of the potential pro's and con's should have well informed this administration before they went forward, and I'm sure they were, and I'm sure they didn't give a ######. They did it anyways, a big ###### You to Americans. That sucks. EDIT: And I should point this out, because it needs repeating. Medical is not a right, it's a privilege, hence it's position in the free market system. The only way to change that is by addressing accordingly via legislation, and this piece of garbage they threw out there in a hurry in case they did lose the 10 elections (which they did) only reinforces my belief that just about all of them in D.C. are incompetent as hell and could give 2 ###### about the American people over all, as long as they self satisfy their own ego's that they did something, and that something sucks hogs ass. Just a shame they couldn't do it right and take the time to do so.
  14. I don't disagree with you in this. How does one teach the full context of a subject where religion plays a prominent role? Well, text books can be utilized to do so in a historical context without sending children home to learn the "5 pillars of islam" or the "10 commandments" and so on. There is a way I'm sure d4rk. Back when I went to school, the text books we utilized were specific to Christian historical events with other religions as a secondary if at all mention. Like the inquisitions or the crusades, if I remember correctly, both of those subject matters when I was in history class focused in on the European aspect and was not global in it's representation of the other parties involved. There has to be a benign way of teaching said curriculum without enhancing the religious aspects I would suspect. But there is a shift, and that is obvious, more than not to produce "understanding" of other cultures. It always comes back to the 2 wrongs don't make a right scenario for me, and then there is the religious freedom itself. Since Atheist don't want it, and other religions don't want their children subjected to the others and as parents they have that right, where does it end? But those are questions for all to debate, my main point was, the Christian faith teachings in this nation, and I'll word it so as not to offend, has been rolled back at many levels in the public for a couple of decades now. And as I've stated, the Dems have latched on to that.
  15. While you are completely correct weave, as my fiancee rightly points out, without the ACA, her existing coverage would have remained in place. Her employer admitted as much. So yes, while the employer is as equally responsible for the situation, without the ACA, it never happens. As bio points out, these are not intentional consequences, but they happened none the less because of events that should not only have been seen, but it's straight out incompetence of the law makers to state that they were unforeseen, since it was their duty to investigate every aspect of the impact this law would have had. Well, this is where you and I disagree then. Any religious teachings in public schools are wrong. Religion should be kept out of every aspect, although I am not an Atheist, they do have a valid point, it indoctrinates the young. Edit: And as I pointed out above, there is a long game to consider in this on the political spectrum. If you don't believe political party strategists aren't looking at this, you'd be incorrect, they are.
  16. Yea, I know bio, like I said, they did try to do something right and just, but even after they knew the circumstances were not as touted originally, they failed to inform the American people and even kept on message, which, is a lie. I just literally dislike the 2 party monopoly in this nation, and it's because of antics like this.They shouldn't have touted it as a core subject of the Bill if they knew there was any chance that it wouldn't happen, that is being dishonest. Well, I was going to leave that post in there as a submission of how both the Dems and Repubs work, but, I'll edit it to be more conversation friendly. The Dems have more to gain by easing the grip of Christianity in the nations population because the core base of that religion is pro Republican. Not as many Christians vote Dem as opposed to Repub in other words, so it's just common sense the Dems latch on to anything that can ease that grip. And a further edit, I should point out, in the interest of equality on the situation, that the Repubs do use that religious base in their election process. They do utilize fear of other religions. It's politics at there worse. But, to try and say that the Dems support Central American illegals proves they are Christian friendly isn't the case either, it's all about the vote for them. They can always knock the religion out of them in future generations, it's the long game. One plays it one way on this subject, one plays it another.
  17. I don't believe I ever stated any one is interfering with the right to observe Christianity, I merely stated that it is under assault, I would assume just about everyone would acknowledge the bashing that goes on towards Christians who attempt to speak on their concerns in a political sense. And that would include public education, where children are being indoctrinated in to Islam, say, isn't Islam a religion? Here http://www.jeremiahproject.com/culture/teachingislam.html or how about these http://www.barenakedislam.com/2011/12/16/washington-parents-raise-hell-over-cair-request-to-teach-islam-in-public-schools/ This one was very interesting, not just one school district, but many, and it wasn't even picked up by the mainstream deceivers such as CNN. But then again, why should it be, since the Knoxville torture, rape and brutal execution style murders of a young white college couple by 5 African American defendants didn't even make the mainstream media back in 07 because, as was openly admitted, it wasn't a white on black crime. http://www.cbn.com/CBNnews/460652.aspx Here's one that will set off the liberals on the board, it's fox news, but look, why are they the only ones reporting this? Hmmmmmm......where are those freedom for all CNN and MSNBC'ers I wonder? http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/10/31/marine-dad-upset-with-assignment-on-islam-banned-from-daughters-high-school/ And the list of stories can go on. I'm not here to single out Islam, I am here to say that if you cannot see that there is an obvious play in the religious realm in America, especially for the youth and for those incarcerated, I just don't know what to say, and that includes speaking poorly about another faith.
  18. Yes pastajoe, I realize you, like some, won't acknowledge my statement that the illegal situation would have ramifications down the road. And furthermore, while I don't normally dive in to the religious aspects, if you can't see that Christianity is under assault in this nation, well then, I don't know what to say...................I guess take the bag off your head? I mean, by no means am a bible thumper, but to try and skew the obvious the way some do is just, well....................it's just laughable that you chose to completely ignore it. As for your comment on my fiancee's doctor, that is not true, since her original physician has chosen to limit the amount of subsidized patients via the ACA. It was made clear in both a personal consultation with my fiancee as well as the follow up letter that the original plan she had was. Also, the employer never would have changed the plan had it not been for the ACA. Like I said, the program did a great deal of damage to some citizens in this nation when it comes to trust. Is the ACA the standing factor for this election cycle? No, the economy was, but, the ACA did play it's part. Just as I hope the Republicans have learned a lesson about lying to the public, i.e. Iraq and supporting oil interests, I hope the Democrats have learned they to, cannot lie to the American people.
  19. One of the largest problems in Health Care, the drug companies. I'd like to see a publicly disclosed net earned income and compare it with their gross earned income. Combine that with a list of their customer base to include only corporate and government entities. I think we'd find that the US government is paying prices for these drugs that are sky high as opposed to the private sector. But, that is just a guess. And since the Federal Government does procure drugs from these pharmaceutical companies in such bulk, for the VA, for programs such as Medicare, I think the Dept. of Health and Human Services, whom hold a cabinet position and directly answer to the President is the agency that would dispense at least some of that program, no? I will concede wjag, I wasn't familiar with when the final negotiations were done, I won't concede that it was a lie, since, even after the law was passed, he was touting that line, hell, the whole of the Democrat leadership was. If at any time since the ACA's inception it was negotiated to not have that as a touted principle of the plan, then the administration and then, Democratic leadership in Congress should have come forth to state such. While I won't take away from the fact that they did try to do something right and just, deceitful practices to achieve that goal negates the right and just they were attempting to do. Being honest with the American people is paramount, how else can voters make an informed decision. If they are being told one thing, and something else occurs that they were told could never happen, that is a lie, since the administration and Congressional supporters of the ACA had to be well aware of the effects of the ACA. Of course, that's just my common sense take on it.
  20. Well then good on you for not throwing your support behind lies and deceit. I'm hardly paranoid, some times, the truth really does just hurt. I read your post, my point was, unlike yourself, some don't have the affordability on private insurance. Like the individuals I know, at least, some of them. And some of these individuals, say my fiancee for example, has had the same doctor for 30+ years. Are you saying that someone at the age of 50 who has had the same physician should just say, "oh well, because Obama says I need a new doctor, I guess I have to get one"? Because if that's the case, I guess freedom is dead. EDIT: Oh, and let's not forget the "PROMISE" made by these losers, you won't lose your current coverage nor your current physician. THAT IS A LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Democrats are as equally corrupt as Republicans, to deny such is just pure blindness. It is what it is. As I said to 11, sometimes, the truth just hurts.
  21. Well, you asked for it. As I clearly stated, the illegal situation would have impact down the road, not in this election. So, you made a sarcastic remark, I responded in kind, haters gonna hate. EDIT, to rub salt in the wound, It sucks to know that you support a corrupt political party, doesn't it?
  22. So, you have no first hand experience with this or witnessing this, then good for you. I know people that have, they were beyond mortified. Especially my own Fiancee, who was forced to a different MD because of it. Maybe the war on women wasn't Republican after all, maybe it was the Dems, since, you know, she went from Dem to Independent and voted Republican for the first time in her life because of the ACA, and she's not the only one I know, as I stated. The Dems were afraid to use them, out of fear they'd get caught, like, you know, their crony's in the IRS did, or maybe it was the DOJ failures to protect the rights of citizens that drew attention, or, maybe, just maybe, it was the war on religion the Dems initiated. Who knows really, but it was more than apparent they couldn't use their tactics they'd like to use since the eyes of the nation were upon them and this election due to those illegal activities they'd already engaged in the past.
  23. I won't deny it initiated a catalyst that needed to be initiated, for the good of the nation as a whole. But don't lie to yourself by stating that it's effects were more positive than negative. Many thousands, and I mean thousands, of citizens that were told they could keep their existing doctors, plans or both were lied to. Not to mention the support base of the Democratic Party were given waivers, unions and such. That is corruption. So no, in effect, the ACA did not have more positve effects than anyone thought. All it did was create a great deal of grief for citizens that did nothing to no one and it showed just how corrupt the political system is when it comes to partisan pay backs. The ACA was, is and will be a disaster for the nation until 3 things happen. 1. A plan is in place that is equal for all. 2. It is supplanted by that plan with the citizens coming first and no political cronyism is included. 3. The trust is restored to the citizens that a government of elected representatives puts them first and foremost. With out these 3 select objectives occurring, you will see citizens up in arms about this subject. I think many Democratic supporters really fail to realize just how much the ACA was a part and parcel of this past election. I've spoken with many independents around the country I've worked with, and I mean many, that voted for the Dems up until this election. You simply cannot ###### the American people and expect a courtesy reach around after you do so, that dog don't hunt.
  24. Agreed. But, they have these 2 years to come out with "their" version of what health care control should look like. I have a sinking feeling they are going to sit in the dark with all the lights off stroking their ego in front of the computer porn all the while hell bent on anti Obama crap. I hope I'm wrong, it appeared as though some new blood got in this cycle on their side, let's hope they are intelligent enough to listen to the American people while at the same time working on their behalf to make it happen. I'm conservative, but I will never submit to either party, they've both proven, at least over the course of my life time and historically for the most part, that they cannot be trusted to adhere to the will of the people. It's to late for me, it's Libertarian all the way, with a splash of both foreign and domestic leaning one way or the other slightly based on common sense. And yea, I'm not a far left or right kind of American, I would imagine I'm much more like many regular folks than some. Agreed again, hence the regulation side of the equation. Although Health Care is not a right, and I've stated such, it's treated as such, and, rightfully so, since the health of the nations population affects so many variables, from things such as defense of nation to more subtle subjects such as job performance for economic stability. The medical situation really does have profound impacts on society at large. The fortunate thing is, free market principles in that industry lead to some great advances, the unfortunate thing is the free market principles are not engaging all social economic levels of the population. There is a middle ground where all can be achieved, but before anything is done, the individuals putting those policies in to place must be honest with the people they represent first and foremost. The impacts of such regulations and policies must be submitted to the American people 100% truthfully, there can be no mistakes, this is, after all, the populations health care we are speaking on and should not be taken lightly, as the Democrats just learned.
  25. Well looky here, something you and I agree on. I'd be surprised if they didn't offer something in an effort to regulate the costs, given that is what the American people want. As I said, they'd be fools to attempt to repeal the ACA without a plan in place to replace it that doesn't have the side effects that monstrosity did as well as actually benefiting both the medical field through an increased provider base for the insurance companies, which should ease the ACA's impact but also enhance the consumer base by it's affordability. The insurance companies will have to be dealt with, one way or the other, but the single payer system with checks and balances in place that provides customers with the ability to actually keep their existing comfort zones should they chose is more than obtainable. I still do not understand what in the hell Obama, Reid and Polesi were thinking by being dishonest with the American people, they played with fire, and got burned in the process.
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