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Posts posted by frissonic

  1. That's weird; I never thought of canned green beans as having a strong smell when cooked. Could be worse, man... steamed broccoli or cauliflower, burnt popcorn, and bacon all come to mind.

    Wait..... what?


    You've got a problem with the smell of bacon? That stuff is a pheromone as far as I am concerned.

    lol well that one is the opposite problem from the others... I hate when people cook bacon at work because it makes me not want my lunch! We had an office lady here for a short while who was living out of a hotel and would cook something with bacon in the office kitchen every morning. It was torture.


    i'd like to thank the two of you for helping me solve my dinner dilemma. two words: "bacon explosion." if you're not familiar, google it.


    firing up the grill in t-minus 3 hours, 5 minutes ....

  2. Eating some blood orange Chobani yogurt with lunch, and although the flavor is good, the texture of lots of tiny orange bits makes it feel like I'm eating yogurt that has curdled. :sick:


    think of it as orange-flavored tapioca! :)


    hmm. that's probably not helpful, is it?


    someone microwaved canned green beans. it absolutely reeks around here.


    seriously. who *does* that? it's just mean.

  3. My girlfriend's father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on monday and is having surgery as we speak. So yeah, this has been a rough week. It sounds like this may be an ultra rare case where they caught it early, so hopefully he can beat the numbers on this one. The surgeon also worked on Steve Jobs, so he definitely has the best of the best here.


    I've been getting the feeling lately that she's worried her family could chase me away (which will never happen) and now this happens. There's never good timing for something like this, but still, what crappy timing.


    if anything, this will show her family how much she means to you, and by extension how much they mean to you. it's a sucky way of showing how much you care, but if there is ANY positive to pull from this, well ... there it is.


    as for "catching it early," that is absolutely fantastic. please let us know how the surgery goes. many prayers and thoughts coming your way, man.

  4. I figured I was being obvious in my point.

    it sounds like you have cause to vent. you know what? vent to me. i'll listen. dump your worries and concerns. let's work through this ... together.


    i know it sounds like i'm mocking, but i'm really not. i hope your day goes better and you can hang on until thursday. or better yet, the weekend. :)

  5. Thursdays are awesome. I could really use one right now.

    I concur.


    Thursdays are definitely nice. However, they lack that certain "Friday" appeal. Especially when it comes to a 5-4-9 schedule (aka 9/80 sked).


    However, Thursdays are awesome for some excellent reasons. Complaint Thursdays thread is always interesting. "The Finder," "Person of Interest," and "Bones" are on TV, and indeed, it's really Friday eve.

  6. Dying way too young. Over the past month I have received news of three people from my life (two childhood friends and a parishoner at my church) who have passed suddenly. All were late 30's to early 40's. All had young families who will need to grow up without a father. It makes me extremely sad to think about these broken families, while at the same time scaring the crap out of me about my own.


    Sorry to be a downer, but just a complaint / sobering thought to put sports (Mario Williams, last night's loss) into some perspective.


    I'm sorry for your losses. You're right: you hear things like this, and sports takes such a back seat. I hope you can take solace in the memories you have of these people.

  7. Can't wake up before 7. I needed to be to work by 6 today because I'm leaving early and don't want to burn PTO. Unfortunately, I'm going to be burning about 3 hours today. I guess it's okay, but still ... I'd rather not burn ANYthing--sick leave, floating holiday, PTO ... but something's taking a hit today. Ironically, for the very reason I'm leaving early--to go to the hospital for another round of MRIs to figure out this back issue.

  8. I can't get this damn song out of my head for some reason. I think there is a subliminal message in it somewhere :flirt:



    if by "subliminal," you mean "hitting you repeatedly over the head with a sledge hammer, you are correct. :)

  9. Valium. In a world where Lortab can't even phase this back issue, Valium is doing its job. I can sit up, I can actually function, I can get work done, I'm *NOT* taking a sh**-ton of time off of work ... Yes, Valium is making life liveable.


    And yes--I got an MRI. Absolutely nothing showed up. No slipped disc. No torn muscle. No masses. Nothing at all ... yet I still feel like I've had a million knives driven deep into my lower back, traps, lats, and occipital muslces ... but *not* with the Valium.

  10. so, iOS 5.1 was supposed to fix battery life. crock of crap. i drained 45% in *standby* over night. that's ridiculous. nothing running in the background other than facebook, which with 5.0.1 would have drained the battery *maybe* 5%.


    really kind of pissed at this ...

  11. http://www.timelapseplus.com/


    for any of you budding or seasoned photographers, if your camera doesn't already support time lapse photography, this thing is going to set your world on fire when its released. i got in early and supported the project. the engineer guy is taking a LOT of feedback from the project backers and incorporating the best ideas into the firmware.


    for this coming road trip i'm taking to buffalo, and with the stops we're making in moab, i stand to make some pretty sweet time lapse vids. won't have to drag a laptop out to the shooting location; can just leave the device attached to the port, secure it with some velcro to the tripod, and let it do its thing for the next however many hours. i'm hoping to capture the rising and/or setting of the center of the milky way, something like this:



  12. Digitizing and dumping of our entire DVD collection.


    On our desktop computer, we have a grand total of 7.5TB of storage, split over 6 drives. 3 2TB drives, 3 500GB drives. 1 drive is dedicated to movies for our home theater network. We've had over 300 movies kicking around in DVD/BD format for years--yea, decades. Over the course of the last several months, I've been ripping them to this drive. It's been a labor-intensive effort, but it is done.


    Right now, an overwhelming vast majority of our movie discs are sitting at the local exchange shop, awaiting to be checked and tallied for a cash offer. I have an idea of what they'll fetch, but realistically speaking, I'm just happy to have them gone. At this point, I'm past keeping movies on disc when there are so many various ways to store them withouth taking up a lot of shelf space. I'd rather do that and have a more clean looking environment than have them kicking around. AND the beauty is that ANY of these movies can be played on our TV, or on our iPhones (not AirPlay; Air Video). If you're not familiar with it, I'd highly recommend checking it out.

  13. Whatever you do, take your pain maintenence medication as directed to the letter. I had four impacted wisdom teeth removed in my early 20's and the procedure itself went fine. Then the next day my friend calls me and says he has two tickets in the golds for a Sabres -Pens game, in fact this might have been my last game at the Aud. Anyway, I popped my tylenol with codeine before heading out and figured I'd be fine until I got home after the game. Well driving down route 5 after the game it began to wear off, I'm talking excrutiating pain. I had my friend doing about 90 on Camp road to get home to get more meds.


    if i know i'm going to be out for a while, regardless of how well whatever pain meds i'm on may work, i *always* bring an extra dose for the exact reason you mentioned. also as a general rule, i try (not so successfully) to take a minimum dose as well, so a) i don't get addicted, b) i don't end up building up a tolerance as fast. case in point: i used to get wicked severe tension headaches ALL the time. this recent back flare-up is bad, yes--but it's a drop in the bucket compared to the sh**-storm headaches i used to get. we're talking hospitalization on some occasions, with an IV drip of what the doctor called "a migraine cocktail (torodol, thorozine, and benedryl. trust me--you feel precisely nothing ... until it wears off, then you're back in the 3rd inner ring of hell.). anyway, most of the time, when i'd go to the med clinic, i'd be prescribed a muscle relaxant and a pain killer. the pain killer, almost invariably, was lortab. at first, one 5 mg pill would be enough to kick my ass to the curb from monday until thursday. that was 12 years ago. now, it takes a minimum of 10 mg to even dull the pain, and it lasts maybe 4-6 hours. not cool. especially when i'm only prescribed 20 5mg pills. at best, that lasts 2-3 days, after which i'm calling back and asking for a refill, and i end up looking like a freakin' pill junkie. thankfully my primary physician knows me well enough to know that i'm not, and he more often than not helps with refills.


    anyway, to LGR4M, indeed--ensure that you take your recommended dose as prescribed, but if you're out and about (AND you're not behind the wheel), bring a secondary or tertiary dose just in case. cuz yah--pain at that level can drive one to suicidal tendencies, even if you're never of that mindset as a general rule.


    My back used to go out regularly (thank goodness it has been OK for the last 2 years or so, knock wood). I discovered that for some reason, even though the ibuprofen did kill the pain, it aggravated the muscle spasms. I switched to acetaminophen (the timed-release caplets) and that made a huge difference.

    Do go and have the tests done though - severe back pain is nothing to mess with.


    i kid you not, i had my wisdom teeth taken out in portugal. i wasn't able to do much of anything for about 2 weeks other than sit up, drink through a straw, and eat pudding. good luck man! and thanks for the tests advice. i'm going to go in tomorrow (day off, thankfully).

  14. wicked screwed up back. can't sleep more that 4-5 hours, and that's just from sheer exhaustion. can't get to my chiro until tomorrow. popping ibuprofen like they're little blue red hots. muscle

    relaxants and pain killers aren't even helping.


    a buddy suggested getting an MRI and look into steroid injections because this happens pretty regularly.


    if I were 12, i'd throw a "fml" in here, but really, this is but a hiccup. all things being equal, this is minor compared to what a real "fml" could be. so I guess from that perspective, I don't have much o

    complain about.

  15. Marilyn Manson - The Long Hard Road Out of Hell


    Previous recent reads are Walk This Way, The Dirt, The Heroin Diaries, and I Am Ozzy.


    Next up is gonna be Anthony Kiedis' Scar Tissue.


    I love rock bios if you hadn't noticed.


    They're not exactly rock bios, but I've been reading a lot of Neil Peart lately. His lyrics have always fascinated me, and I thought his books would make for interesting reading. I was not disappointed. "Ghost Rider" has been my favorite, simply because of the subject matter (written as a documentary of his motorcycle trip after his wife and daughter died.) I find ways that people cope with such severe loss to be a fascinating read.


    Of course, I find Neil Peart fascinating on his own. I'm a big fan of drums. There are maybe a handful that fall in line with Neil on the 1-10 scale (Danny Carey is one, but that's just because Tool pretty much ignores anything conventional. You know you've got a good groove going when my wife says "Whoa ... that's slick," referencing the intro to "Ticks and Leeches").


    Also reading the Dick Cheney auto-biography, "In My Time" and "Steve Jobs." In queue, there's Bush's "Decision Points," "The Anatomy of Peace" byThe Arbinger Institute, and a few other.

  16. pillows are fine...I took a massage therapy class, and the instructor pointed that out a few years ago so I've been careful about my pillows and height and what not lol.


    in terms of location and type, it is definitely a tension headache, and I would actually love to see a chiropractor. I just took some Advil liquigels, and those seem to help most days, and I can't take lortabs...make me nauseas. Thanks for the pointers though man! and I'm glad to hear you're starting to find balance with the little one.


    yah, the liquigels are hands-down the fastest acting, most effective i've found with tension headaches. also, DO NOT DRINK ANY CAFFEINE WHILE ON THEM. you'll just regret it later. you may already know this, but in case you don't, caffeine acts as a blood thinner. it tends to help blood flow, which eases the tension in the back. the problem is that, once that wears off, you're uber-mega-hosed.


    i've been hospitalized for these. they were *that* bad. only happened 3 times in about 17 years of having them, but regardless, i've seen it all. "migraine cocktails," tramadol, torodol, thorizne, benedryl, flexeril, robaxin, skelaxin, carisoprodol, imitrex, lortab, codeine, percocet, darvocet, oxycodone ... and even with all that, the liquigels always worked better. it got to the point where if i felt one coming on, i would immediately pop 4, and voila--no headache!


    OH!! also ... these are things that i noticed as "triggers":

    • dehydration
    • hunger
    • exhaustion
    • constipation.

    seems like there was a 5th, but those 4 are primary. eat regularly and drink a *lot* of water, get plenty of sleep, poop a lot ... should help keep the headaches to a minimum in intensity and frequency.

  17. where is your headache? front? back? does it start in your back and migrate up to the back of your skull?


    i only ask the bizzaro questions because i used to get severe tension headaches. got them for decades. finally went to a chiropractor in jan 2009. not sure what he did, but boy howdy it helped a metric sh**-ton. haven't had one since! well, not nearly as severe as i used to get them, anyway.


    anyway, something to consider. another thing to look at is your pillow. it could be too high or too low for your neck. if it is, it puts a lot of strain on middle back (i know ... i thought that was weird too, but it's true!), which is where tension headaches almost always start.


    as far as meds go, ibuprofen or naproxen have always worked for me. but then again, so has lortab. :)

  18. When the cafeteria menu says, "french toast casserole," and I go down there expecting to order "french toast casserole," I do not expect to be greeted with a look of utter confusion with a follow-up scorwl, only to be told, "We're not serving french toast casserole today," even though the stack of menus sitting on their counter specifically says, "2/16--A.M. Eye Opener: French Toast Casserole...An egg, milk, cream, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg batter poured over French bread, topped with a walnut, butter and brown sugar mixture and baked! Served with fresh fruit." Indeed, I expect that what's on the menu is going to be available, or, if they've run out of material or they just can't make it, to at least have it explained that they're not making it today because [insert excuse/reason here]. #firstworldprobs

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