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Posts posted by frissonic

  1. If I'm walking back to my desk, and I have a food box from the cafeteria, that's probably not the best time to try to get me to talk in-depth about why someone hates our boss. Bringing up samples our boss asked this person to look at (for very glaring reasons), then saying, "These suck. I don't get why he wants me to look at these!" is not at all my concern at the moment; my concern is eating my calzone while it's still hot.


    Honestly ... an ounce of observational common sense would go so far, but very few around here seem to possess the necessary skills to implement it.

  2. that's awesome, weave. hopefully you'll have good news for the holidays!


    as far as F'N Fantastic stuff on this end:


    wife gets a much-needed weekend retreat with her girl friends. everyone's heading to park city for the weekend. so that's awesome for her.


    the awesome part on my end:

    1. i'm in charge of the menu from here until sunday. one word: pizza.
    2. i'm in charge of the indoor entertainment for the weekend. one word: movies.
    3. i'm in charge of the outdoor entertainment for the weekend. one word: geocaching.
    4. once the girls go to bed, i have unfettered access to netflix. time to catch up on breaking bad.

    yah. this weekend is gonna be fun.


    EDIT: just read the "hobbies" thread. might have to revise the indoor entertainment and bust out mario kart for the girls.

  3. I STILL need to see that movie, but Netflix streaming says no.


    I'm reluctant to break down and buy it on iTunes. But I really do want to see it.



    rentable for $4.00. just a thought. and it's well worth the $4.00. well, actually it'd be well worth the $20 to outright buy it. it's an awesome movie.

  4. Ugh. Every week I struggle to not post my job hunting frustrations in here.


    Here is a SabreSpace related complaint. I cannot use any of the reply options (emoticons, quote button, buttons to attach pics or links, font or text size box, etc) at my work computer. They are greyed out when I reply to a post. It happens in the quick reply box AND if I select "More Reply Option". Happens when I quote another post too. It isn't happening at home so I do not think it is related to a setting for my account.


    Ideas anyone?


    1. hang in there man. you'll find something.


    2. it could be a limitation of your browser implemented by IT. i have similar issues, in that i can't use various normal functions of firefox on ANY web page-- not just this one. frustrating, to be sure, but nothing you can do about it either. sucks.

  5. Chris in Utah... its not the kids its their parents and their complete lack of parenting which creates these douchebag children.

    My complaint the youth of today, 16-25 year old folks. they all think they are 10 feet tall and bulletproof. This mentality had me bury 6 of this age group in the past 3 weeks. Drinking and driving , bath salts and other acts of plain stupidity. STOP!! Y'all are too too young to be laid to rest.Parents please take a strong interest in your childrens lives please


    actually, that's sadly true. some of the kids who tried this were actually little kids, whose parents were standing right there. since they didn't say anything, i just took their kids hand, moved it out of the bowl with a smile, and said, "can you say, 'trick or treat'? THEN i'll GIVE you some candy!!" and invariably, the young ones were fine. the older, snotty kids just looked pissed as hell when i moved the bowl out of their reach.


    i'm telling ya ... entitlement mentality *can* be stomped out, but you're right--it has to start with the parents teaching very basic, fundamental life concepts, like "something isn't yours unless you earn it," or "don't just take without asking ..." simple concepts, right? alas ... it's becoming a lost ideal.


    and as for you having to bury young kids for recklessness, that's gotta be hard, man. i feel for ya.


    There's no Buffalo Vs. Phoenix GDT, so the only two active threads today are Politics and Weather.

    there also won't be a buffalo @ phoenix GDT on 10 november, which pisses me off since i had excellent tix for that game. my girls were gonna get to go to their first NHL game, and i was going to get them on the path to rabid fandom. instead, we're spending that saturday and sunday in moab. great trade-off, but still sucks that there's no hockey.

  6. My company has pushed me to my breaking point with their stupidity. I went to school to be a mechanical engineer. I have my bachelors and masters, and I passed the FE exam. I am grateful to have a job, don't get me wrong, but I spent 6 years at a school learning engineering, not marketing, advertising and sales. I did not sign on for a sales, marketing and advertising job. I was told it would be sales engineering. I have completed maybe 3 engineering projects in my time here. Every time I finally get an engineering job though, I get yelled at for not doing enough of the other 3. I am slowly losing my knowledge of engineering, and it's frustrating.


    I finally decided after discussing with my girlfriend that I would apply for new jobs. She says I'm always grumpy when I get home, and they are taking my weekends away from me making me travel, and not reimbursing me in any way for that time. So last night I applied for 6 new jobs, 5 of which are in Buffalo. So there's some Friday thread worthy news in there too. I'm just at my breaking point, and it's pouring into my personal life, which is signaling time for a change.


    good for you, man. words cannot adequately express how sh**ty one can feel when his or her job is just that unbearable. i made the jump 4 years ago from my old company to a company 40 miles away, and i *LOVED* it. i was excited to get up, go to work, come home, sometimes keep working after i got home ... it was huge. so much so that the gray spot i had on the back of my head went from the size of a small orange down to the size of a dime in a matter of weeks. i kid you not.


    happy hunting, man. i hope you find something that will make you happy and keep you gainfully employed.


    as for my halloween-related complaint, y'all know i live in utah. we wouldn't be utah if we didn't feel like we have to do things differently. halloween is no exception. someone came up with the brilliant idea years ago that holding a "trunk or treat" instead of traditional door-to-door candy collecting is much safer. it caught on like wildfire, and ... yah.


    so my wife got swept up in the idea. initially, i hated it. it robs me of the ability to take my kids around. it denys me the opportunity to stay home and pass out candy. on our morgue of a street, we already get precious few kids as it is. throw this trunk or treat concept into the mix, and we get literally 2 halloween door knocks a year.


    last night, we decided to participate in one of the local trunk or treats. my job was to man the back of the van, play halloween-themed music, and hand out candy. in the interest of full disclosure, it really was fun. lots of cute costumes; parents peddling their 6-month old in a ladybug costume, desperately attempting to get free candy (and i obliged ...); lots of neighborhood friends out and about ... so yah. it was fun.


    with the very notable exception of the jack-a** kids who tried to just take the candy out of my bowl instead of speaking the magic phrase and the giving of the candy. no--these tweens decided that it was already their candy, and tried grabbing handfuls. "hey, umm ... what are you doing?"


    "taking my candy."


    "i'm sorry ... your *what*?"


    "my candy ..."


    "son, it's not YOUR candy until *i* dump it in your bag. until then, it's in my bowl, and it's my candy."


    honest to God, this entitlement mentality is getting out of hand.

  7. You know our friends to our south, at least all my relatives and friends down there, have a crazy (IMO) way to say the last letter of the English alphabet. They say Zed and not, the more proper (IMO), Zee.


    So, Z(ee) Z(ee) Top would be Z(ed) Z(ed) Top. And, the sports car wanna be by Chevy ... Z(ee)28 would be Z(ed)28. To me that's just plain silly ... :P .


    Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead ...

  8. You guys just love talking about facials don't you.

    well, you don't, so the void has to be filled somehow ... :bag:


    EDIT: guess i should throw my own bit of fantastic-ness out there: long story short, cutting 60+ mile commute down to 6. got a phone call several months back regarding a position way closer to my house. given the environment, long, drawn-out hiring process is not at all uncommon. so i interviewed over the phone with a few of the execs, and they said they'd get back to me. that was in june.


    last week, i got the request to send and updated resume, highlighting key points from the revamped job description. read over the position details, tailored my resume, sent it back to them, and in return, they sent a "letter of commitment" for me to sign, should the company move forward with a contract they're attempting to win. according to them, they're on a *very* short list of competing organizations for this contract. they expect to know by the end of next week if they win the contract.


    so while it's not a lock, it's pretty F'N fantastic if it does go through. and even if it doesn't, i still work for a great company, and that's really great in and of itself.

  9. I've been going out of my mind to find a job of some sort, but have had zero luck. Last Friday I got a call and went in for an interview with a place that afternoon. The interview went well and I was told "you'll hear from our main office about a second interview either today or Monday." Okay, great!


    Nothing Monday. On Tuesday I call the guy who called me Friday asking what's up and he sounds shocked their office hasn't called yet. Says he'll make sure they do. Nope, nothing.


    I call again yesterday, leave a voicemail. Nothing. At this point I'm fired up because I've noticed the company has reposted the listing for the job. I figure I'm being screwed around.


    Then they call me at 10:00 this morning. Second interview is tomorrow morning.


    I'm happy they called, but man, this has been stressful. I just want to work.

    way to play the intrepid card, man. initiative when no one else has called shows balls. that can go either way, but generally favored. nice job!

  10. woke up at 1:15 am. couldn't go back to sleep. tossed and turned, finally gave in. sat on the edge of the bed for a good 2 hours playing some phone game (tentacles or something). still couldn't sleep. took a long, hot shower. thought that'd knock the wake right out. nope. instead, i was awake, wet, and had no towel. stood in the bathroom to air dry rather than stumble through the house, looking for a towel since the closet was empty, and potentially wake up my kids (awkward ...). by the time i got dressed, it was 5:45, so i thought, "what the hell. i'll just go to work."


    got in here, promptly fell asleep. boss nudged me awake. "you okay?" told him the whole saga. he walked away, came back with a coke zero for me.


    awesome that my boss is so nice, yet so unbearably sh**ty, falling asleep at work.

  11. Rush finally nominated for induction into the RnR HOF, what would be awesome is if they declined in the event that they are actually picked.

    i had that exact same thought. for a band that's been snubbed for decades, they have no need of the rock and roll hall of fame. they are, unto themselves, their own hall of fame. period.


    and with this post, i now join the legions of 1000+ posts posters. :)

  12. Hopped on the (read: "a") bike for the first time this millenium. Thought I'd try biking to work. 30 miles. Made it 10.5 before I gave in to handle bar blisters and "other discomforts." But still ... over 10 miles for the first ride in a long-a time? I'm not disappointed. Sore as hell, but not disappointed.


    Edit: Oh! 1 away from the 1000-post milestone!

  13. Well, this became very un-awesome.


    So, here I am at Point Breeze trying to convince a coho salmon or steelhead to come home with me when I get two texts from guys that report to me. One says "have you seen the news yet?" and the other says "did [my boss' name] call you yet?" Oh, feck. Now what?


    Well, it was definitely bad news. Those of you who live in Rochester will probably figure out where I work quite easily. My employer announced today that they are closing our facility in 90 days.


    Looks like I'm job hunting. So much for an awesome Friday.


    Don't bother with well wished folks. I'll be fine. And although I wanted to post it, I don't want to further hijack the thread.


    okay, no well wishes ... but enjoy the fishing. :)

  14. Muse's new CD is ridiculous. Stand-out tracks: Supremecy, Madness, Panic Station, Survival, Animals, Save Me, Liquid State. The last two are sung by Chris Wolstenhume, so if you're familiar with the band and are wondering, "Hey, that singer ... that's not Matt! Who the **** is that?!", there's your answer.

  15. 11 vacation days left, and 11 Fridays left in the work year. Coincidence? I think not.


    4 days or fewer for the remainder of the year, bishes!

    11 vacation days?! good crap. that's awesome. i have ... 6? maybe 7?


    BUT i'm seriously considering moving to a 4-10 sked for next year. every friday off is too good to pass up. and with the sick leave and floating holiday hours our company offers in addtion to incremental vacation time, it's a pretty sweet gig. the only downside is having to work 10 hours. that's a frickin' drag.


    BUT FRIDAYS OFF! hard to ignore.

  16. Ran my first 5K yesterday. Finished with a time somewhere in the 28 minute range (I crossed at 28:50, but I don't know when I officially crossed the start, so I have to wait to see the official time). I started in the back of the pack and worked my way forward. It was definitely an experience, and I'm already set to sign up for another one in October.


    I've found this getting fit thing to be fun.

    nice man! congratulations on the run. my knees forbid me from running, but i'm pretty sure i can bike for a nice long while. replacing my tires this week, then taking a nice, leisurely bike ride on friday from my town to as far as i can go. we have a series of bike paths that link together and go on for at least 60-80 miles ...

  17. The LED might be nice. But why do I need to be able to control my lighting from my phone?

    It's not just that. Apparently, it will integrate totally with your phone and set up blinking alerts when you get a phone call, or when you get a text, or when someone comments on your FB status ... whatever.


    $50 is frickin' pricey, but FFS ... if you can sync your whole friggin' house to turn into a night club (bulbs will sync with your music and put on a light show ...). Not to mention the energy efficiency of A) being LED-based, B) having the capability of setting up timers for particular bulbs or zones so that they come on in the morning or off at night ... it's great as a security deterrant if you're on vacation. Just set the lights up to come on at "random" times.


    Anyway, the concept is just amazingly cool. Cost ... sure--pretty prohibative, but even still, I'm considering a 10-bulb pledge.


    It's *smooth*. I wonder if you can easily do it remotely, now that would be nice. Both when I'm not at home so it looks like someone is there, and to get that poltergiest feel by changing the lights when someone else is in the house.

    Yes. This. That would be an excellent reason for purchasing.

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