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Posts posted by frissonic

  1. I'm sick. It was my girlfriend's birthday yesterday and we couldn't go out and do anything for it.


    My real complaint is that my girlfriend has no sense of self worth and I don't know how to help her. She's an intern at a job and is making next to nothing. She was supposed to have been hired by now, but instead she's still an intern. She won't ask her bosses for a raise because she doesn't think she's good enough, even though they keep putting her on projects and giving her responsibilities just like her co-workers. And it doesn't help that all of her other friends are giant pussies who think she should just be grateful for what she has. $200 a week for an illustrator with a bachelors who learned how to animate in a month is ridiculous.

    200 a WEEK? dude, that's not just ridiculous; that's highway robbery. i guarantee you the reason they haven't brought her on full time is because she simply hasn't asked. it's hella-lot cheaper for them to pay her the pittance pay she's not complaining about than to take her on full time, yet they're still milking her for all she's worth as an illustrator. i don't know about wages out there, but our graphics illustration team out here clear about $60-70k a year. at $200 a week, she's barely clearing $10k a year. how long has she been there?!

  2. suicide.


    now ... before everyone goes bat#### psycho on me for "complaining" about it, let me explain.


    our good friend and neighbor across the street lost her daughter yesterday to suicide. she--the daughter--was in her late teens, done with high school, and from all accounts getting ready to go to college. all of a sudden, she decided not to go. a week later, she killed herself. no indicators, no signs. generally happy go-lucky outward appearance.


    the more i thought about it, the more depressed and overwhelmingly sad i became at not understanding why. she left no note. she exhibited no signs. her mom and dad had no idea. and these are not inattentive parents; they're on top of things. they keep tabs on their kids pretty closely. not to the point of hovering over their shoulders, but enough to know be able to recognize any signs of suicidal tendencies, were any to have been exhibited. but that's the problem--she exhibited precisely none.


    i guess this isn't really a complaint so much as it is a vent. our whole neighborhood is reeling.

  3. our time keeping system is completely down. keep getting the "Server Error in '/apps/XXXXX' Application" sql server error yellow screen. "IT is working it, but we have no idea when the **** this is gonna be up and running."


    meanwhile, i have to sit here and wait for them to fix it. i'm not coming in tomorrow because i'm ripping out our kitchen and dining room tile floor, including the backerboard. i have to have all that removed by saturday morning when the new flooring installers show up. obviously i can't remove cement board while i'm sitting at my work desk. problem is that i cannot leave until this stupid time keeping system is fixed, so now i'm just twiddling my thumbs ... and reading sh** on here. fun.

  4. I'd have to agree. If my mom had done that, we wouldn't have had to spend the $2000+ that we've spent re doing our downstairs because of water damage. All of the exterior insulation was molded and rotten, and the drywall was molded, and the foundation was finished properly, so it sweats through the floor. A lot of things that could've been found and would've saved time and money.

    Your poor mom! I'm sorry to hear about that man.


    It's gonna cost me about 5-6k just to fix the downstairs bedroom/office. Pulled some paneling off the wall a few months ago to start looking at redoing the room. HELLO termite and water damage. I mean all the way down to the studs. The main water shut-off valve is in the closet, and apparently it caused a ton of damage to the frame. Thankfully, the foundation is intact, but I'm still going to have to rip that room down to the studs and redo the whole thing. IF I do everything myself, it'll be about 6k. If I contract it out, it's gonna be closer to 13-14k.


    Home inspection. Can't beat it.

  5. In the process of buying a house. Pretty sure I'm going to need to take a few personal days for mental health reasons when the process is done with.



    I know that sounds like common sense, but I didn't, and if I had, I would have never bought the house I did. 7 years later, and I'm *still* finding ###### that the previous owner jerry-rigged. My favorites so far is claiming secondary water when in reality he siphoned it off our neighbors for his sprinkling system. That set me back about $1800 to get my own secondary line run to my yard. The other is how our ceiling fan receives its electricity: it's hooked to an extension cord that runs into the carport shed and gets plugged in to a regular outlet. Fan-effing-tastic.


    Bottom line: home inspection. Best $300-400 you can spend on buying a house.

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  6. i have absolutely zero to complain about right now. i have an incredible family, awesome job, the sabres are kicking ass all over the place BEFORE tomorrow ... sorry--wish there were a "non-complaint" thread, but this is what we have, so ... there it is.

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  7. More and more I appreciate the polygamy attitude of the Mormons, but not sure I could deal with more than one woman at a time. Got a hard enough time doing that. Maybe the reason I avoided marriage till almost 40.


    Just remember as an old Irishman once told me... all women were educated in the basement of the Pentagon at 5 years old and they know all the psy-ops tricks. Have a beer and don't get too emotionally invested the next time. Remember they accuse us men of not being emotional anyway.

    as a full-fledged mormon in utah, i'm pretty sure i can safely speak for all of us when i say NONE OF US want more than a single wife. those polygs in texas and arizona can have 'em.


    not to mention the fact that actual mormons long ago gave up the concept of plural marriage. probably for a damn good reason.

  8. Now imagine living in a town where the only female hockey fans like the Bruins. I'm pretty sure half of them can beat me up.

    thanks to you, my monitors were covered in coke back-wash and burger king.


    the good news out of this is that my screens are now almost factory fresh.

  9. Trying to decide if I should jump from a state job. State employee layoffs are coming (I have little doubt) and even though I have no idea if my position is targeted, I applied for a similar job with an up-and-coming company. The politics of this place suck and it's clear nobody I work with is very happy here anymore. But if I can survive the layoffs, the long-run benefits are worth it.



    job satisfaction. if you're not happy where you are, move on. life is way too short to spend x number of years not liking the job or company. i did that for almost 5 years. the day i quit, it felt like there was a weight lifted off my shoulders that was indescribably awesome. the day i started my new job was even better.


    if ya ain't happy, bail.

  10. here's my complaint. it's april. i live in a ****ing desert. it's snowing, and my sat dish is inoperable. 8 years of never having a problem, yet "bones" is new tonight for the first time in 3 weeks, and my crappy provider's equipment gets bogged down by a dusting of powder. 7.5 years with dish network and we *never* had an issue. 6 months with DTV, and i've had nothing BUT issues.


    damn you, two year contract. damn you to hell.

  11. My other complaint is that the Connolly II thread was closed. And it was just starting to get really good.


    Oh, and I want to complain on behalf of the country of Japan. With yet another massive earthquake today, I'm sure the prevailing sentiment right now has to be "Why us?"

    not to get all geographical and stuff, but ....


    the islands formed from the interacting of the asian and pacific plates. there have always been massively large earthquakes/tsunamis in the region; i think the reason we're so shocked by the last month's events is the fact that we actually have front-row seats due to the leaps and bounds jumps of technology that brings instantaneous news feeds from literally anywhere in the world. even when egyptian government had shut down their entire internet infrastructure, people were STILL getting the message out about what was happening in tahrir square. we had real-time, instant news feeds from various vantage points in japan; virutally real-time video of the devestation of the earthquake and tsunamis. BUT this isn't new to them. sitting in the ring of fire as they do, and specifically japan because of its geographic location on the asian/pacific plates ... they're going to get hammered with earthquakes and tsunamis. what's different is our ability to get notifications and the depth of that coverage from practically anyone at any time.

  12. On Tuesday the Rush concert in Greensboro was moved from Friday to Saturday night due to "unforeseen circumstances". Now I can't make it and had to get my 8th row floor ticket refunded. :censored:

    assuming that this is for the time machine tour, i don't know what your circumstances are of course, but i would do everything legally possible to get out of whatever it is you have. fake a cold. claim a family death on your significant other's side and need to "be there for moral support." if you don't have one, fake it. ;)


    i'm really not trying to rub salt in the wound if you can't go, but this show is one of their best ever. geddy hasn't sounded this good in years. AND they play 'carvan' and 'bu2b'. seriously ... fake a hospital visit or something.

  13. today being 31 march, i was unprepared for the ramp-up of practical jokes in anticipation of april fools day, of course being tomorrow. my brother and i swapped my 80GB ipod for his 16GB touch. he got to work, tested it, and immediately started firing texts about how it doesn't work, the video looks scrambled, so i recommended a battery of troubleshooting possibilities. he claimed he tried all of them and that his wife was gonna be pissed as all hell because it was HER 16GB touch that he traded (auspiciously for her). he even went so far as to claim marital issues and that this was suppsoed to smooth things over ... all of which i fell for hook line and sinker. THEN he slams me with the final line about wanting to take enough pills so he can "sleep and not wake up until tomorrow, when it actually IS april fools day ..."


    to summarize, early april fools day jokes suck.

  14. I don't know how it is for you folks in the metro B-lo area but in my neck of the woods it looks like the plows and salt has already been put away for the season. Snow, slush, and an icy coating underneath for the ride into work. It stopped snowing hours ago. WTF? 60 minute commute this morning. Sucks.


    And a bonus complaint;


    My son is 13. He joined the track team this year. Came home from practice and ate 2 plates of spaghetti, damn near half a loaf of garlic bread, and a huge bowl of ice cream. I'm feeling $200 grocery bills in my immediate future. I'm goin' on a diet so I can afford to feed the kid.

    our daughters are 5 and 6, and we've noticed a marked spike in their appetites over the last few weeks. used to be we'd give 'em a little plate of whatever, and they'd eat maybe 3/4s. now they're asking for seconds and thirds. we've started giving them much larger portions, and they down it and half a gallon of milk at dinner. thankfully, the wife is a pro at coupon clipping and deal hunting. our grocery bills rarely exceed $50-60 a week, though that might change with the way the girls' appetites are growing exponentially.

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