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Posts posted by Gramps

  1. As a relative newcomer, I have no beef with anyone and do not ever care if someone attacks one of my posts as stupid. And maybe some of them are. 


    I didn't post much at first as the board at first appeared to be more of a "good ole boys" club with many posters having 10000+ posts. Then it struck me that a lot of the guys and gals on here probably know each other personally and have gone to games together or socialized in another setting. If I lived in Buff, I probably would have tried to hook up with the group at some point. I also have no issue with posters are accustomed to bantering with the same group as it tends to be habitual. I'm thinking a lot of the folks on here are much younger than me and may have an age connection as well.


    I also don't think a hockey board is the place to interject political slant as there are plenty of other internet boards on which to do so. There is an active political board at City-Data that can be entertaining at times with all sides represented. Everyone seems to have good intentions as to the Sabres and we are all sick and tired of watching losing teams. 

  2. Pretty sure it came about because of the contrast between bright white teeth and dark skin; it was only used to describe a black person with a great smile.




    Regarding Jackson, one of us is going to look like a buffoon a year from now :lol:


    Cam was a no-brainer #1, but a lot of that is because that QB class was not well-regarded as a whole. He just didn't have much competition for the spot. There was definitely a ton of chatter about him having high bust potential and not being an NFL passer.


    Gonna take more than a year to get Jackson ready. 


    Cam would be #1 in this year's class as well - size, mobility, arm, college stats, and national championship. 

  3. I believe it, I didn't pay attention to the draft back then. 



    Because no qb has ever had such pronounced issues with accuracy and gone on to fix them at a level with exponentially higher difficulty, faster linebackers, more complicated defenses, less time etc.


    Agreed - Newton completed 66% of his passes, 30 TDs, and only 7 INTs his lone year at Auburn playing in the much tougher conference than Jackson. Cam was a no-brainer at #1 whereas no one sees Jackson as a #1.

  4. I view core as the players that have a reasonably good chance to be here long term and that are built around in order for the Sabres to be good again. I like Pominville, but he is not one of the core players.


    Ok, who are your core players ? Eichel, O'Reilly, Okposo, Risto, McCabe ? I think the Sabres would trade Risto in a heartbeat for the right return. Same with Reinhart. 

  5. Pominville is certainly not part of the core, but he is part of the problem, in only that he can't offer much anymore.


    He is certainly part of the on ice core currently. I don't know anything about another core unless you're referring to players with long term contracts.

  6. Wow.. this thread is still going?


    Housley is not the problem.  The core group of players (whoever they are) are not the problem.


    The problem is the absolute lack of secondary scoring, the sub-par defense, and goaltending.  


    This team is worse this year because they had to learn a new way to play and it took some time for them to get it.  Whether it was through willfully resisting Housley or just getting everyone up to speed, who knows.  There were also a ton of new faces on the roster in secondary roles.


    This team, with Eichel, would be winning a few more but we've seen a general uptick in the way they play.  The problem remains their ability to score from the bottom 6 and struggles on the back end that expose a goaltender who lets in soft goals.  There are issues in the locker room I am sure.  I am sure that some of them perhaps have been laid to rest via communication.  Some of them may pertain to Lehner and/or Kane and hopefully those will be removed soon.  Once this team can ice a 3rd line that requires the opposition to pay attention things should change.


    Good post and I agree with everything except for the bolded. I consider Pominville to be part of the problem now, both 5-on-5 and on the power play. He is relatively useless and I don't know if he's tired and/or just has given up. I know we've got him for one more year, but if he continues on this path, he shouldn't even make the roster next year. 

  7. Mine turns 14 in 2 weeks.  If he's with adults he's polite.  When he's with his friends they are all idiots.  


    If I hear racist or sexist crap or anything of that ilk the last time he sees the Xbox will be when I body slam him on it.


    In other news... no one has been traded.  So this is the kind of crap we talk about.  :)


    I have a 14-year-old that's addicted to Skyrim and gets extremely angry when I ask her to stop playing. No racist stuff from her though as just about all of her

    friends are from other countries including her. 


    These exactly.


    We need to be competitive next year. I’m fine with Ullmark getting his first shot to staple down the #1 role, but we need a capable tender there with him fighting for that same role. I think the best option is a projected 50/50 battle for the starter position, Ullmark and another guy with starter potential.


    Obviously Ullmark is still the end-game, but not only does the other guy provide insurance, hopefully a competitive battle elevates both guys to greater heights. In theory I wouldn’t even be opposed to the other guy being Lehner, purely based on talent, but I think his attitude is an issue to Botterill and that he also won’t want to pay him.


    But there’s no market for Lehner. Is everyone ok with letting him walk for nothing? Can’t see very much in return if anything.


    Trade him and Doug Allen to the Irish Tenors for Ronan Tynan

  9. Nah, there's nothing any other defenseman in the system can do to help at this point. Risto and Scandella are a solid #2 pair on a good team. Nelson and Antipin are solid 3rd pair guys. Beauloeauoeuou is borderline NHL material. Gorges should be retired. So we're missing two top-pair NHL defensemen.


    Bogosian is supposed to be a #1 - McCabe 3rd pair

  10. Seems everyone on the board is pretty down on Lehner but a question ... 


    Lehner is currently 36th out of 49 in GAA .. how much of that is directly attributable to Lehner's bad play and how much to piss-poor defense by the Sabres ? 


    If you put Lehner on the Bruins, would his GAA be around the same as Rask's ? If we shored up our own defense, would Lehner be better ? 


    The Canadiens pretty much suck this year and Price's numbers reflect that. I think most of us would take Price in a heartbeat even though he's now 30. A lot 

    of folks thought Fleury was done and he's close to leading the league. 

  11. Craig Custance was on GR this AM he spoke to a GM who is a buyer and he mentioned that the sellers have not backed off on their asking prices as of yet. He mentioned again certain teams are hesitant about taking players with term remaining as here maybe a Tavares Sweepstakes this Summer, this benefits Kane.


    In addition there is a belief around some teams Kane will be movitated as this is a Contract year. I believe he is coasting to avoid injury until he is traded, that’s just me though.


    Custance was asked what effect Nash would have on Kane, states he has spoken to the Sabres and there is not that much concern as there are 8-10 teams still interested in Kane. Custance feels Nash and Kane are top tier of the rentals and there is a drop off after that.


    Servalli mentioned that it is unlikely Hoffman gets moved


    I don't see him coasting - he had 9 SOG today and 4 hits - mixing it up some with Tom Wilson. 

  12. how is the crappy traffic with all the urban sprawl just great I bet


    Pretty sad ... on a weekday morning/evening at rush, would take about 1h45m to get to downtown ATL - about 25 miles. 

    The house needs some updating, particularly on the electrical system and windows (original windows, mostly painted shut), but overall it's in good shape for a house 60+ years old.


    Floors look great - I'd have to do some painting though and remove any old lady wallpaper. 

  13. Huh?


    I don't think any of the QBs selected in the 1st round this year will be starting right away so they'll be sitting just like Rodgers did.. And you said Rodgers was projected as the top pick - by some I'm sure all - not all. Allen is also projected by some to be the top pick.

  14. Rodgers was projected to be the top pick. Obviously he wasn't picked there, but he was highly regarded


    And just because he sat for two years, behind a HoF QB, doesn't mean he needed to. It also doesn't mean Rodgers Sits => HoF, so Allen Sits => Is Rodgers


    Replace Allen's name with anyone in this year's draft and some have Allen as the top pick. 

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