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Posts posted by Gramps

  1. Of course you were right. It's hard to call people on this stuff though (depending on your personality). I've sat silently in hospitals when doctors came in, didn't wash their hands, then touched my infection-prone mother.


    Here's a weird angle on this story. I go to a pizza place I like and order slices. The guy who owns the place (I think) and has been there for eons, tears slices off an already baked pizza and heats them up. I watch his bare hands handing the slices, and I don't seem to care. At some place like Subway, I think I'd have a coronary.


    Could be that the pizza oven is about 700° ? 


    I'm constantly asking anyone at Moes, Chipotle, Qdoba to change their gloves as all of their workers seem not to mind touching your food with the same gloves they just wiped the counter down with or picked up food off the floor. 

  2. Should be gone - Gorges / Lehner / Johnson / Nolan 


    Qualify - Reinhart / Nelson / maybe Wilson / maybe Antipin


    Resign - maybe Pouliot / Falk 


    Trade - Larsson / Beaulieu / maybe Girgenson


    Shop for - #1 defense pair / #1 goaltender 


    Pominville to the 4th line or make a Moulson like move

  3. That’s incorrect, the news reports were that we wanted a 1st (2018), a good prospect and another pick. Teams weren’t willing to go that high, yet. The Craig Custance interview on GR on 2/20 says that Jbot’s asking price looked about right given the comparables. While the report on this deal kinda sorta looks like what he said he wanted, it’s not even close. All he really got a 2nd (2019), a 24 yr old former prospect and a de-valued 4th rd picks because it’s 2 years from now. Read Cullen’s article on TSN and you’ll have a clear understanding of how Jbot missed badly on this deal.


    The “prospect” in this deal is 24. We got a decent player named Wilson, 25, earlier this season for a 5th rd pick. We acquired Smith, who looks very similar to O’Regan for nothing as a college UFA. O’Regan has 5 pts in 22 NHL games. Griffith, again, another similar player in size and age in our organization, gave us similar production and was sent back to the AHL.


    Have you looked at the West standings ? San Jose is no lock to even make the playoffs as they're only 2 up on 8th now. They paid for 19 games. 

  4. I think it really comes down to this, Kane was called a "greedy selfish player" and Botterill blew it as a greedy GM, over valued him, missed the timing and basically got nothing in a face saving deal. 


    We did NOTHING at the deadline. We should have moved Gorges, Pouliot, Nolan, Josefson, all the UFAs and we should have moved them for anything. 

    We still have Lehner, we still have Moulson (I know), all we had to look forward to this year before the lottery was a glimmer of hope for the future with a good deadline house cleaning and we got a big bag of nothing. 


    Well I guess we find out now if Kane was a cancer but that's about it. 


    Who was gonna take any of the guys listed above ? Healthy scratches are not a best seller at the deadline. We already knew there was no interest in Lehner.

  5. This is depressing because I think we all wanted to see a prospect that would help now or soon and a first round pick in this year's draft so that the rebuild would have some energy.  This trade is of no near term help, and we just traded the winger with the most goals on the team.  How is this team not worse right now and for the foreseeable future?


    Because this season is shot and we can sign or trade for an equivalent or better UFA on 7/1

  6. I don't see how keeping Kane playing out another losing season would improve our negotiating position before July 1st.  Let Kane play playoffs, let's see if he can stay healthy, and then let's see what happens July 1st.  In your scenario if Jbot doesn't sign him at the end of two months,  he basically gave up a 1st rounder, a prospect, and a 4th rounder for the right to negotiate with a player that has already lived in your city and played on your team for 3 years. 


    Regarding poker with the big boys, I think it would have shown timidness to not make a move here.  I also think that even when you lose a negotiation, you can use that as leverage in another situation ("hey man, I got killed last year, if you don't give me XYZ I can't make that deal").    


    Actually it would've shown stupidity as no team would trade for Kane's rights before 7/1 knowing he's an UFA. 

  7. How do any of us have enough information to pass judgment on this trade?  Superficially it can appear one way.  Again, we are not in the business, so we don't know.  


    It's not like information about moves and trades have not come out days, weeks, months, or even years later that make you rethink why something happened.  So why get bent over something within 30 minutes of it happening as if that's all it will ever be?


    A voice of reason 

  8. That doesn't mean he should have taken this one.  There is value to letting the league know you won't be had.  Considerable value, IMO.



    Yeah, that's what it looks like.


    Oh OK ... if GMJB didn't take the best deal, fine. But if he didn't deal Kane and Kane doesn't resign with us, I'd like to see your posts come 7/1. Kane didn't exactly help himself over the past month and I'm sure the other 31 GMs have more info than us.


    AND the condition is the Sharks re-signing him, not lottery.  THIS SUX!

    John Vogl Retweeted

    Here's the condition of the first-round 2019 pick in the Evander Kane deal: if the Sharks re-sign Kane, it's a first; but if Kane walks into free agency, it's a second-round pick in 2019



    Probably the best other offers included a guaranteed 2nd and not a conditional 1st. 

  10. The message it sends is that the NHL is a business and it's the same as any other team here in that players may be moved if it helps the team. You do what you have to do to make your team better.


    Seriously ? You think the Penguins would have moved Crosby or Malkin at the deadline a few years back ? 


    You never know if moving a player "helps the team", but it's pretty obvious that moving some would not. 

  11. In reading about the chat with Falks parents, is anyone here worried that Phil may actually be a deterrent to the locker room "coming together" what would you think If you see the "stars and leaders" not pulling their weight and having no reprocussions, Babcock had no problem dropping Kadri for poor play. I'll be honest, I'm not sold on Phil, he does need some time, so I'm not advocating replacement.... Yet, but if we're not at a near 90pt pace halfway through next season, then I feel that we know


    If we're not better on paper at the start of the 2018-19 season than today, I don't think we'll really know. Get Phil some more talent.

  12. It's an odd question to say who do you want back on a bad losing team. I literally don't care if ANYONE is traded cause none of them have shown themselves to be consistent winners. I mean some guys are ok and some guys have moments and Jack has talent but there is no one who is heart and soul of the team and if you can improve the team I have no problems moving anyone. 


    I have an issue with the thought of moving anyone to get better. How are you ever gonna build a core of guys that can play together year after year if everyone could be moved at any time ? I'd rather see Jack, ROR, Risto, Reinhart, ERod, Nelson, Guhle, and possibly McCabe together for 3-4 years and replace the rest over time. Also, what kind of message does it send to prospective UFAs that might want to come here if the guys you wanted to play with might be gone ? 

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