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Everything posted by OverPowerYou

  1. Okposo has stolen more money from the Sabres than anyone besides Ehrhoff. He never contributed even when we had Eichel, O”Reily and Kane. He should’ve left with that group
  2. I’ve seen photos of the whole Buffalo Sabres team at Bills games (I think it was October 1st against Miami) I wonder what that does to players, coaches, upper management and even the owner to see High Mark stadium, 15 miles away, full, loud, and rocking with 90% bills fans and 10% dolphins fans in attendance. Don’t forget Buffalo also won like 48-21. Then you watch a Sabres game on a random Tuesday night and you see half of the seats are blue and empty. You dont even hear “let’s go buffalo” chants anymore. Back when we were consistently good for 5-6 years I’d be upset if I missed a period of a Sabres game on a Monday night. We used to call the Vanek-Roy-Stafford Sabres soft. They would kick this current teams ass 5-0
  3. Curious to hear what players/coaches said during post game. Pretty sure this year was playoffs or bust. I don’t see them keeping Granato past end of January if this keeps up
  4. If someone gave me season tickets in the best seats I’d decline
  5. Who is the model NHL franchise right now who has built their team from the ground up and I’ll root for them. (Anyone but Boston)
  6. Are there enough Sabres fans in the building to start another “fire Donny” chant?
  7. I’ve never bet on anything in my life. I’m may just bet that buffalo starts off losing 0-3 to CBJ Saturday
  8. We are all the victims of an abusive relationship. We are the spouse that never leaves. We are in year 12 of this. Taking a nose dive at end of December and we still come back for more
  9. Which NHL teams is furthest away from Buffalo? Is it Vancouver, LA, San Jose or Anaheim? I need my hockey but I need it far-away from this trash
  10. Close to being traded because he’s dead weight like Okposo, Clifton, Comrie and Oloffson ?
  11. I’ll be at a family party and won’t be able to watch, they’re playing a good team and they won’t be at key bank center. The stars are aligning for this one Buffalo 4 rangers 3
  12. actually I take back this post. The Sabres are playing the rangers and bruins who are good so they should win easily
  13. Can we all agree to not get mad when the Sabres lose to the Rangers 4-0 on Saturday? Come on, these are the Sabres we’re talking about
  14. 25 goals have been scored at Key Bank Center in the last 2 games
  15. So what we have learned through 34 games? Just watch the 1st period and you’ll know who wins in the end
  16. Given the state of the franchise and their record, I’m still somehow excited about this one. The games against the leafs are always fun and are full of energy. Now that I’m looking forward to this one expect another bad loss
  17. Looking forward to a packed Key Bank Center full of Maple Leafs fans
  18. The problem with the Sabres is that they bring in veterans and NHL stars like Steve Ott, Brian Gionta, Eric Staal, Taylor Hall, Kyle Okposo when it’s 3 years too late. Just stop taking risks on prospects and make a trade for a proven player in their prime for once!
  19. The untouchables - Dahlin, Tuch, Power, Thompson, Cozens, Quinn, Paterka..maybe Levi. everyone else is on thin ice. No pun intended
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