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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. I liked the icegirls with halter tops. You know, the three girls with big hairy bellys. Thats what I'm talkin bout
  2. That call was real weak. They gotta call the stars for diving when they fall down like that. Pathetic
  3. These guys weren't contenders last year. This year they aren't even playoff contenders.dammit. This group is embarassing.
  4. I think it's more a case of everyone underestimating how beneficial Tallinder was for him last year. Those two had some chemistry.
  5. That cross check call on Vanek was weak. Is it just me or do the stars go down easy?
  6. This team couldn't hang onto a two goal lead if Lindys job depended on it. Wait a minute,it does depend on it. Anyone know what this years draft class is like. Any can't miss crosby,stamkos types at # 1 that Buffalo could land
  7. Thats the kiss of death. Calling an opponent a lesser team. There's not many teams I would put in the catagory of being lesser right now. Thats Regiers problem,he continues to overvalue the players on this team then he tries to prove it year after year.
  8. It amazes me how fans will go to the officiating when their team sucks and is simply outworked when it counted. I suppose its frustration. Can we start a letter writing campaign to the absentee owner about our displeasure with the team 'his boys' are icing? It would seem to be a better use of our collective frustrations than blaming the refs. This is simply a bad team. Period.
  9. I'm beginning to feel like I'm in an abusive relationship. Last game I got roses,this game they slapped me in the face. I suppose we were due a loss.
  10. The devils have 14.9 more years to watch this play out and how many coaches is Kovy going to run out of town in that timeframe?
  11. Apparently Ruff is following through on his threats to only play the guys that show effort. We should remind him that in critical situations you put out players with the ability to get it done. I suppose he's trying to balance giving life lessons to the underachievers and still putting them out there when they are counted on to produce.
  12. Ottawa sees Buffalo as just what the doctor ordered. Despite their recent ills they come in brimming with confidence about their ability to beat this squad as evidenced by their statements in some of the press. The way the Sabres have played at home I don't blame em but if the boys play like they did in Atlanta they should beat them.
  13. I think Darcy has maintained that he will always take the best player available rather than drafting to fill a need. In this case I believe he drafted to fill a need but I like the choice of Kassian and think that once he developes he will be one of those rare players that combines skill and toughness much like a Shanahan.
  14. And since I'm doing as the players do and using tired cliches I'll give another. You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear. That for me sums up Lindy Ruff and managements predicament. If only Darcy didn't have an inflated opinion of 'his' boys.
  15. I agree. This isn't so much a collapse as an indication of this teams true character and make-up. The prognosticators throughout the league have said as much for a couple of years now. Nobody in the know considered this team a true contender. Let this slide continue and if the hockey gods see fit we'll finally be rid of Regier. He sits on his hands and the players simply follow suit. As they say,$hit flows downhill.
  16. The way things have been going it had better be the crack pipe,hash pipe or bong because that'll be what it takes to numb the misery of watching this team.
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