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Everything posted by 7+6=13

  1. Thanks so much for the responses - they were most helpful. LTS, really appreciate you taking that much time. I'm looking forward to watching games with a better understanding of what to look for. Shout out to the long time posters - there's likely more people like me that depend on you for information than you think. Keep it up.
  2. Larsson is not going to be happy about this.
  3. Not to beat a dead horse but I've admitted that I'm still learning about hockey. I played street hockey everyday in the winter growing up in Buffalo but never played organized hockey. Grew up loving the Sabres but never really totally understood hockey. I've learned a ton from you guys, so wanted to ask serious questions that I don't know the answers to. What are a centers responsibilities vs a wingers? I heard Liger say one time that contrary to what most people think - a center doesn't mean he plays in the middle. Can you help me better understand? What skills make a center a center vs a winger? In other words what does a player need in order to play there? Why are centers hard to find? I was listening to WGR today and Simon was saying Darcy once said, centers don't just fall out of trees. This question is related to the second, but what makes them so rare? Please feel free to go beyond the questions I've posed to help me. I appreciate it.
  4. Just think what he'll do to build off that in a full season next year.
  5. I wasn't being snarky - you're a sensitive little guy. You're not the greatest reader. I understand you are comparing NHL first two years of Vesey vs what Casey will do. My point you missed or conveniently skip over is if Reinhart (20 and 21 yrs) who is far less skilled can compare better than Vesey's numbers - why can't Casey? ' You've got real problems if you think Casey is to Vesey as Eichel is to McDavid.
  6. This isn't the same rough and tumble NHL I grew up with. This is more grabbing and holding. It's more aggravating than dangerous. Casey's a good sized young man and is going to be fine.
  7. Of course, but I wouldn't automatically say I'm not confident he can put up Vesey numbers.
  8. You don't think he can put up Reinhart numbers 23 and 17 he posted at 20 and 21 years old?
  9. The last few games have been terrible and it may be the case now. I just didn't see quit 3/4 of the season. I saw a group of players not good enough to play against the other team. That goes for the goal tender too. We played tough against some of the better teams in the league and that showed effort - especially when you saw some of the better teams blow us out, which is what actually should happen.
  10. You guys have much better hockey eyes than me but I don't see it that way. I just don't think it's a heart issue. We aren't skilled enough. Outside of Jack we don't have another high end player. We're a team comprised of roll players and it hasn't been good enough. To me it's critical the next draft brings one to us. This team needs two excellent young players to emerge and the greatest chance of that, IMO, is Casey and this years draft.
  11. If you're comparing last years team to this years and saying we should be better - then why are you blaming Gionta (last year) for this "lazy bunch". It's a largely different roster. Who are these "aging vets" we keep bringing in that "are over-paid and past their prime"? You mean like Pommers? So we could get rid of a terrible Ennis contract and player? Ok, bring back Ennis. It's JBot's first year - he can't be blamed for what he's inherited. Don't you think it's fair to start over with him?
  12. NCAA womens basketball doing that now too.
  13. Even if Casey plays with the Sabres, I'd hate to have him projected on the second line. McDavid started his career on the 3rd line - and he's one of the best to come along in a long time. This is exactly how you ruin or at minimum stall a young players career - putting too much pressure on him too early. Let him ease into the NHL on the 3rd or 4th line.
  14. She's definitely not ugly but she's also not hot.
  15. Do you mean within our own fan base or outside people?
  16. I'm sure we'll have several guys with a + before seasons end.
  17. This could be something as simple as typical ROR. He has a defense mechanism that when he's not playing well - he doubles down on being hard on himself. I don't really care for it - it's a little bit of a turn off for me - especially when he's depended on to be a leader, not sulk. I could see him all down on himself - in an Eeyore type fashion - it's very likely I'll be gone because I'm one of the ones getting payed well and not playing well.
  18. We're not taking on any crap contracts and if you think Kane is more than a rental and you want to warm him up to your time to resign him - you'll give us a first round pick for it.
  19. He did that for you today - you just won't accept it. The NHL is told you what Kane is worth but you wanted JBot to do something special for you. You're not able to be satisfied - that's your fault.
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