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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. It's obvious you don't watch many Panthers games.
  2. Eichel may very well turn out to be an elite superstar. He's still young. But, at this point, I'd trade him straight up for Vinny Trochek.
  3. Sorry I haven't lived up to your standards. But, statistically, Miller was average.
  4. Fair enough. But Miller also only had two good years of save percentages. All the rest were pretty average. Don't get me wrong, I liked Miller for the fact that he was consistently average. I think only Tomas Vokoun was a more consistent goaltender, and one of the most underrated. But still, Miller was never anything special for most of his years. Just saying, I like Hutton. He seems calm, composed and a leader. But, he's never been a starter which makes me leery about moving forward. Play the hot goaltender, not the one you're paying the most money for.
  5. Still pissed the Sabres didn't pick up Spuddy Gallant when he was available. Housley is soft.
  6. Ryan Miller had two good years. The rest was average, but he's been given starter status because of his Olympic run. Although, he was great as a backup last year. Still, he has a lower career save percentage than Lehner and Sabres fans wouldn't hesitate to trash him on a daily basis.......... shootouts not considered. And Lehner has played on worse teams than Miller has.
  7. I'm not sure who should be the starter between the two. But here's the way I see it. Hutton is in his 30's and he's never been a starter. He's looked pretty good, but there is a reason why he has never been a starter. Of course, when you play with Rinne you're going to be a backup regardless. Still, if he was starter material, other teams would have tried to pry him from Nashville years ago. Without a bonafide starter, Housley should be starting whoever is hot. For him to not play Ullmark after a shutout just dumbfounds me. If Ullmark is hot, play him. If Hutton is hot, play him. You don't bench a goaltender after he just posted a very respectable shutout.
  8. At this point, since my move, I am equidistant from Nashville and Raleigh. Do I turn in my Panthers and Sabres fan card to follow a new team? Nashville costs an entire mortgage to see a game. Carolina, I can get an AirBNB for cheap and lower bowl tickets for pennies on the dollar. Hmmmm.........
  9. Oh, definitely not. I'm not going to take away from what he accomplished. He is near the top all-time in win percentage. But he did take over a team that was young and chock full of talent just waiting to explode. Maybe he had something to do with that, maybe not. But the fact remains, he is a teacher and not a head coach. The Sabres have been failures for several years and in that time, they have had soft, lifeless coaches. Rolston, Bylsma, Housley............ Look at the best teams in the league. They have head coaches who are hard-***** and not teachers. The Sabres haven't had a player's coach since Nolan.
  10. I follow two teams, the Panthers and the Sabres. I knew exactly what Spuddy did for the Cats. He is a player's coach. Head coaches don't need to be teachers. Tallon hired Boogie and he's filled Gallant's spot perfectly. Rolston, Bylsma, Housley................ none of these guys have the balls to be head coaches. Bylsma was fortunate to take over a team that was going to win a Cup regardless. The Sabres need a real coach. A player's coach.
  11. Do I have to be the first person to point out that Lehner has a higher career save percentage than Hutton? I would have loved to see what Nolan could have done with today's roster.
  12. Housley is like Rolston who is like Goober Bylsma. They are teachers, they aren't head coaches. They all make perfect assistant coaches, but they make for horrible head coaches. This is a big boy league, if you can't produce, you should be demoted. The NHL level isn't a place for learning. An NHL head coach should be somebody like Spuddy Gallant. I'm so done with BFLO sports. Unfortunately, I'll watch them all weekend and then bitch about how much they suck, lol.
  13. Nice thing about BFLO teams, you have a pretty good idea how the game will turn out after an hour. That way, you can get ***** done around the house and let the game play in the background.
  14. Stop being a teacher and start being a leader who sticks up for his players and holds officials accountable. For example, Spuddy Gallant.
  15. Rob Ray: "Phil Housley is freaking out on the bench....." What does that entail, a "gosh darn it, dagnabit"? Phil, grow a pair. You're a head coach now, not an assistant.
  16. I'm all for Hutton as starter. But, why in the hell is Ullmark not in net tonight?
  17. Better hurry up, space is limited.
  18. I'm just glad the train wreck started early this year. This way I don't have to go spending more money at a bar to watch the game.
  19. I haven't read this entire thread. But, I sleep like a baby. It might have something to do with the fact that I still sleep on a full wave waterbed, when I get on a full mattress bed, I can't sleep to save my life. Regardless, one major thing I have heard puts people to sleep is to leave the TV on, but keep it at a very low volume so you're concentrating on what is being said. Once you are focused on what is being said, instead of trying to figure out why you can't sleep.......... you've fallen asleep. If you can't sleep, you need a distraction. If you can't sleep and you are in a pitch black room with no sound, you'll never fall asleep.
  20. Thanks, I'll take your word for it. ? That was a fun game, agreed.
  21. He will be. In fact, I bet McDermott starts him next week. Because, Buffalo.
  22. Nice to see they've worked on their penalty issues. Why am I still watching this garbage?
  23. This whole organization is an absolute joke.
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