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Everything posted by oddoublee

  1. One year protected lottery first round pick (unprotected year two), starting D (joki, but probably samuelson to offset salary and keep ana at floor) and a top 5 prospect (Rosen, Östlund or Wahlberg). Maybe the sabres get a 3rd back. That's the deal.
  2. Healthy ... A very respectable 25g - 30a and a two way presence. He is a plus player for this team. If he catches a healthy streak season over season, I see a 30-35 player. I'm hopeful.
  3. 15 and 15. A fine season for a 19 year old kid who is going to 14 minutes a night. Could see this going plus or minus 5 very easily. Just a kid still....
  4. I don't care that we got rid of Savoie....whatevs. But can we all be honest here? Does this addition really move the needle all that much? We are still no better at C than we were last year due to the mitts trade. Feels like everyone is just pumped something happened, even though nothing really happened. This is a 'meh' trade.
  5. I believe monahan could've solved their center spine issue for a few years minimum versus Zucker who does not solve it at all. All for the cost of an additional .5 a year. The argument is similar enough and you know it. You're being purposefully 'cute' with your arguments and youre smart enough where you don't need to be.
  6. Additionally, leino had nothing to do with age - he just sucked. Erhoff was meh. Both chaulked up to a new and over eager owner. Okposo got hurt, badly. But still found a way to produce a good season at age 33. Skinner - age wasn't his problem. Scoring isn't a problem. He's a bad fit for this team. Talking about a 5.5 million center who slots in as your 2nd and/or 3rd center does not really qualify as a bad signing.
  7. A good center until age 34? There are worst things in life. You cannot avoid ufa's with term bc of 30's. It's as bad a practice as over paying for your young roster players before they've proven it year over year.
  8. Come on, you know what he meant. Most people look at contracts in terms of cap impact...and for the most, rightfully so. I think a majority of sabrespacers would've gladly traded zucks contract for Monahan's.
  9. I happen to be one of those people. I like him, but my expectations are close to what we got last year. I see a 30-35 goal scorer who logs 60-70 points per year.
  10. So, what you're saying is, with a good head coach, Bowen will get us approximately 82 goals next year. Correct?
  11. Yeah....last thing we want to do is make a move that could result is something like a 13 - 14 year playoff drought....
  12. Yeah, I think we are in agreement. I would never send him down now. Just making an observation along the lines of the AHL would have been preferable 'last year's if it were an option. He's a future top 6...just not next year is my guess...top 9 on other teams even would be tough for him.
  13. I agree about observing what he does versus listening to what he says. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to be a great closer. But that is also an organizational effort and not just the GM. No one in the organization seems to know what levers to pull and when. It's concerning.
  14. All I'm saying is, if the rules allowed, the ahl would have been better for him last year. On a playoff caliber team, he would not have been playing in the NHL last year. I like him...just staying the obvious...the sabres lack quality depth. That's the only reason he played.
  15. Am I one of the few who likes Benson but just isn't ready to label him top 6? Bright future...but in reality, shouldn't he be in the ahl next year? Thinking long term of course..
  16. I like him too. As my 13th forward.
  17. I want you to be right. I just don't think you are. I hope you get to tell me " I told you so ". I miss playoff hockey. I grew up on it.
  18. I would've been good w the sabres paying that.
  19. Wouldn't mind either. Boone Jenner would probably be our second best center if acquired. Would allow Cozens to season a bit more. Always been a fan of his game. But if I'm Columbus, not moving him until trade deadline...and he will cost a pretty penny to get at that time. That's my hunch anyway.
  20. Correct. The organization needs to be better at selling and closing. I'm certain we went after a few big fish - guessing we didn't come close.
  21. I am fairly certain you are KA's mother
  22. It is clear they bought Skinner out to make a move this off-season. Every move they made could've been made without waiving him. And they would have been financially better off, long term, having bought him out next year. Trust me, KA and the team went hunting today - and failed. Their NHL scouting and in house promotion team is probably extremely poor and unorganized. Piss poor showmanship is my guess. Gotta know how to sell.... There is far too little NHL experience up top with a far range enough of experiences. My faith is zero. Unless Quinn and JJ step up and Bryam and Power grow up 2-3 years quicker than they should have to, we are floating between 9th and 11th next season.
  23. We will not enjoy playing Boston, again, for the next few years. I trust their ability to bring in appropriate talent far more than Buffalo.
  24. I am open to arguments that this is not an underwhelming start to the off-season for the sabres.
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