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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Posts posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. GoDD over analyzing something small and ignoring multiple posts that answers his question? Shocking I tell you! :P


    Teams interviewed to get insight into teammates and players he played against.


    Really there's a lot that we don't know which makes it even stranger to make a huge deal about.



    What we do know:

    McDavid is going one. Eichel is going 2.


    And the Erie Otters don't have any other draftable prospects?


    "So Jack....when you allowed yourself to be openly videotaped while underage drinking....we were just wondering, who else with high character from your team was there with you?"


    I'm sorry for actually attempting to process this.


    OK...."Eichel Awesome!  Man Woody!"

    Why are you focusing on what 1/3 of the teams did rather than 2/3?


    I'm asking a 4 prong question.


    I think of all people you understand that there is a valid point.



    Again, can anyone say how many teams interviewed McDavid?

  2. Connor McDavid just might be the most scouted player in NHL history. Scouts probably know the color of his poop in the afternoon. Why waste the interview time? He's a known quantity. Buffalo is already focused on their 2nd and third picks.


    If McDavid is on the board at two, he's a Sabre. It's that simple. Eichel at least you needed to know his college plans. McDavidd isn't going back to junior.


    But why would 1/3 of the league interview Eichel.....unless they did McDavid as well.....which makes it sort of foolish even more for Buffalo not to.


    Is there a list anywhere of which teams interviewed whom, or is that all on the downlow? I know the Bills announce visits.

    Eichel should be a 100% lock at #2 right?


    So why bother, like Buffalo isn't bothering with McDavid in your theory.


    Is #2 on the block...and BIG TIME if 1/3 the league blew 10% of their interviews on a guy certain to go #2????????????????????

  3. Ummm... no.  Concept of Kassian showed up before that trade.  Well before.  It became a board meme when we all started to wonder if we over hyped the kid.  It got brought up in the Girgensens draft thread because we were hyping a kid that wasn't even in a top 3 junior hockey league.


    Thankfully, Girgensens is living up to the hype.


    I could pull up the Hodgson/Kassian thread as well.


    It was a pile-on effort by multiple posters. Sports media were saying after the 1st few months.."I'd do the trade 100/100 times"...."If you think this was a bad deal you are a moron"...etc.


    The term itself is fine.....it was when it would be used, like in that thread. I even pointed out the differences between the 2 players. I don' think you ever saw me say Kassian should wear a letter, let alone a day after he was drafted. I was pointing out what a can't miss Girgensons was. Kassian was always about potential.

  4. If I remember correctly, the NHL has limited the number of players a team is allowed to interview. So... if you don't think you have a shot at a guy, why interview him?  It wastes an interview you could have with someone you actually have a shot at.


    Why did 10 teams interview Eichel, yet the Sabres, who the GM just said Eichel deserves to feel he should be the #1 pick, not interview the most logical guy on the board TO interview if Eichel goes #1?

  5. Yeah - not the slickest move by GM TM, eh?


    Loose lips, buddy. First you had to address the "disappointment" thing.


    Oh, snap. Just watched it. Eichel ###### SAID he thought it would be kept confidential within the team, and clearly looked put-out that it was leaked.


    Jesus. GM TM got a pass (from me) on the disappointment thing - but this is a ###### misstep with your future franchise player. Not a big deal maybe. But amateur hour is over, fella. Get it right.


    Any video online I see of the Sabres in a pre interview meeting has Mike Gilbert coaching them what to say.


    Is anyone else working on things with them?

  6. I refer you to post #143 in the same thread. We both ascribed a special character trait to Girgensons. The wiser course I chose at the time was to not burden him with the same kind of unrealistic expectations we were too quick to lay on Kassian.


    Sorry, Ghost. You'll have to save your "I told you so" for someone else as we were in agreement about his character from the get go.


    I am still impressed by your sustained sense of optimism, though. It continues to refresh.


    GO SABRES!!!




    The term "Concept of Kassian" which multiple posters were trying to drive in.....in direct response to DeLuca, myself, and a handful of other posters saying that trading Kassian, a rugged winger with 30 goal potential, for Hodgson who is just another undersized, soft, Sabre-Type (at the time) player....was a stupid move. Hodgson went hot for the few games he was here after the trade and Kassian didn't do much...so we had everyone on the bandwagon, and making fun of a few of us. We still stood strong in saying it was a poor decision....also pointing out all of hodgson's red flags at Vancouver.


    What happens?


    The Sabres after less than a half a season, sign Hodgson to a 6 year $25.5 million contract.


    Vancouver signs Kassian for  2 years, $3.5 million.


    Since Hodgson signed his contract, he has 57 points in 150 games.


    Kassian has 45 points in 115 games.


    Kassian has outscored Hodgson on a points per game basis since Hodgson signed his big contract....and at  13% the total financial commitment, and 40% the yearly one.



    So.....if anyone would like to admit a double F-up.......feel free.


    And again, this isn't, "I told you so".


    This is a direct response to a false claim (partial), which was levied in the midst of a pile-on of a subject.....which may also warrant an I told you so, but the personal shame the Hodgson lovers feel is obvious enough to let them hit the restart button.

  7. Cool! I loved Zemgus from the beginning.  :w00t:

    (stop right there when it comes to reviewing old threads please.  :P )


    K-9 is cool.....


    I just like reading some of the "concerns" from current posters in the new poster thread, and then like to point out every now and then, things aren't in a vaccuum.


    I used to love doing research like I did on Bylsma, but a few years ago I decided it wasn't worth the effort. Getting a head coach is a special case.

  8. What exactly is there to pick? It's not like the guy can write down how he sees the ice so you can teach it to others.


    Why interview Charlie Parker?...it's not like he can tell you how to go an 128 note run of eigth notes at a 240 tempo......


    And you are 1 heroin missed gig away from having the rights to him to play your club for the next 20 years.

  9. I found the interview talk to be rather interesting. GMTM deciding not to interview McDavid, yet 8-10 teams have interviewed Jack.


    If you are picking 10th... what the hell are you offering the Sabres that you think Jack Eichel is in play for your team???


    According to posters here, the combine participants were at a canalside concert with 15,000 people and had each other on their shoulders. I'm sure they were all on flat padded ground, wearing ankle supported sports shoes. It's a mowed cow pasture with thousands of kids who boozed up in their cars, and the guys were probably in sandals.


    If you have a right to interview a guy...you should. For the Sabres not to interview McDavid is sort of goofy. Even if it is just to pick the brain of a "Once in a lifetime talent".

  10. I don't think there's a sliver wrong with what Murray said there. All three are obvious comments.


    I'd like to know the context of the McDavid comment. Was it unprompted? I'm sure he didn't mean it in the sense that they won't pick him if he's there at two.


    The three are contradictory though.


    If he really believes Eichel deserves to feel he should be #1, then you should plan accordingly on even the 5% chance the Oilers take him and interview McDavid. If he knows he would take him at #2 and not have to interview him, then he just lied through his teeth about not being disappointed getting #2.


    It's no big deal...but obvious track covering and pumping Eichel's tires.


    I would interview McDavid just on the chance he blows a knee in a pickup basketball game, or gets arrested with a tranny hooker in Lauderdale the week of the draft.

  11. TM-I was never disappointed in the player we were going to get in lottery, more so on the numbers changing during our rebuild.


    TM-He's had a tremendous year. I don't know why he wouldn't believe he is the best player in this draft. (Eichel)


    TM-We don't plan on talking to Connor McDavid.



    I guess the interview wasn't done by a recovering lawyer.......ooof.......

  12. I wasn't implying you or anyone else. I was actually referring to some books I have been reading lately that deal with human psychology, intuition, statistics, etc...


    The posters that come to mind are more on the football side.


    I don't think anyone feels you were implying him. I just find X. to be the most versed in actual hockey technicals.


    If new posters want a guide....the Godfathers of this board are, X. Benedict for hockey systems and breakdown......Taro T. for a mix of hockey knowledge and real life experience.....and PA Sabrefan for combining knowledge with keen observation and humor. There are dozens who come close, but these are the ones who are to always take into account.



    I think this thread is working. There are more users than guests online now, and the past 2 days the ratio is close. Usually guests outnumber users around 2 to 2.5 to 1 on an average day. (If you think that I am stating this as a fact to be believed, check your administrative software).

    I know. Just having fun with GoDD. 


    You also tried to circumvent the profanity filter with your location.....

  13. There is a lot of good psychology research regarding a similar theme.


    The more detailed you are in your explanation of an event, regardless of accuracy, the more likely an observer will believe you. I could write stuff like, "Watch Ennis's bottom hand and the way he rotates it. Because he has a slight under rotation of the wrist, many of his shots are misplaced high and to right. This can be fixed by the coaches, but muscle memory is hard to overcome, so he will need to put in at least 500 hours of work before he learns proper hand placement."


    And I could get a lot of people to believe me and start to consider me an astute observer of the game.


    Is X. really a 23 year old living in the Dominican?

  14. I'm with Physics...Kalinin was a great 4 on 4 player and I thought he could be an All-Star. He was just too nice of a guy.


    I thought Michael Grosek was going to be a 400 goal scorer and a top power forward for a decade.


    Taylor Pyatt 300.


    I celebrated with PA as the first few posters to be excited about Pegula taking over the team.

  15. I think the main issue with taking the Bible at its "word" is it was written/compiled well after the fact (at least 70 year I think for the gospels, and only in it's present form after the council of Nicea (I think, I'm no scholar)). There's a lot of myth and "tall tales" that could have slipped in by then. Plus, the people who wrote it had a vested interest in portraying Jesus in as positive a light as possible.


    As a parallel there are surely people that believe George Washington cut down a cherry tree (which can't be substantiated) and threw a silver dollar over the Potomac, despite the Potomac being a mile wide where Washington lived.


    Do you believe George Washington was the first President of the United States?


    I think in the Bible, you have to assume more things were left out to protect...so i will agree that they want to cast a positive light. Women were pretty much worthless then and there. Jesus could very well have been married, or even.....just bf/gf with a confirmed prostitute. That's a pretty big ommission, but very possible given the culture at the time.


    God loves questioning. What true god would want a mindless, obediant follower? Even Jesus said (according to the bible), what good is it to love a friend? But if you can love an enemy....that is worth much more.....give or take.

  16. Could we include a video of a bloodied Mike Peca telling the new posters to "get back out there and post, I don't care if your feelings are hurt."


    Off Topic...but I laughed out loud at the intro to the Cup tonight on NBC. One of the Lightning said, "The Stanley Cup is the ultimate....more important than your wedding day."

  17. I will never forget.


    I mean it,...






    No matter how hard I try.


    You have to say it like a German SS officer though to get correct pronounciation.


    I bought the "Nordic NHL Players for Dummies" book.


    I'm willing to help with Tallinder as well.......

  18. :cry:  of happiness! 


    The support here is over whelming. ha ha  Noobs, pay attention to this stuff! 


    Let's use an example from 09' or so. I believe it was Godd or Deluca that did this. I mentioned in a thread, probably one for video games, my 360 had crashed and I could no longer play NHL 09' on it. After hearing about it, Godd or Deluca sent me his copy of NHL 09' for the ps2. Godd/Deluca and I do not know each other, but this shows how friendly/great this board can be. 


    If it wasn't Godd or Deluca that did this, I apologize to the person that sent me the game. SabreSpace is a great "community" to be a part of. 


    I was the one who sent you the November '92 Hustler mag. Props to the video game fella.....

  19. Thanks Drane. I do the same thing, and it goes back to all the lurking I've done. Often when I read a post that says what I want to say before I've even said it, I just kind of mentally note it and I often won't comment on it.


    As to the second bit, I'm laughing. You are right, it does kind of look like a pistol, I didn't even notice that! It's actually me in the photo, I'm holding a hockey stick with my hockey glove on. That's what I get for trying to edit the image in windows paint. My photoshop skills are sorely lacking.


    I'm just teasing. I know what you were doing.....sometimes even if you think it's obvious, there is more than one way to see something. (general statement)

  20. As a new poster, I haven't felt that the board is unwelcoming at all. I had been lurking for quite a long while before I started posting, so I think I probably had at least a decent read on how things are and maybe a bit of the "personality" of some of the posters (At least whatever can come across on a message board). I intend to post regularly, but it will take me a good long while to reach the gaudy numbers put up by other posters, as I try to read the entirety of every thread that I'm interested in/intend to post it. I tried to read through everything I could when I was lurking, I always find I get a good range of information and opinions by doing so. (edit - I'm sure many people read the entire threads too, I probably just read a bit slower haha)


    As for any idea of feeling "unwelcome", I don't think I'd ever find that to be an issue. When I post something, the only time I get a slight feeling of disappointment is if it doesn't trigger any kind of a response. In those cases, I assume I probably either posted something that has already been said, or something that perhaps doesn't need to be expanded upon/addressed. I would hope that if I say something highly disagreeable, somebody would call me out on it and give their opinion, I'd much rather be disagreed with than get no response. I would hope that no one would find being disagreed with, even in a fairly bold way, as being unwelcoming. I would greatly welcome such things.


    Anyways, I've had a blast posting so far.


    You have been a great poster in my opinion. I don't piggyback too much on things i agree with. It was nice in the day when there was a thumbs up function, as that is a lot quicker, but it turned into some junior high nonsense for some.


    I have one admission...your avatar is a little scary. I don't know if that is a hockey player with a stick, or a fan with an 1860's pistol that had enough of the tank?

  21. can i be appointed to distinguish betwen fact lies and insanity.. I feel i have a very firm grip on this particular subject and my newly initiated wife that is really not to happy about her peak behind the curtain... Its ok if you dont hire me, but ....ill just  keep that out there if you like... I could look through every comment , like say google and just reorder it if it doesnt fit the discussion or the 'known and obvious facts".... my pleasure, really.... nooo trouble at all


    Nobody gets it right 100% of the time. 100% tell the truth some of the time. Some tell the truth 99.9% of the time.


    We just have to watch the wiggle. It's not fun.

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