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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Posts posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. I love this addition as much as the next guy. But how do those ranks stand up against NHL 'history' when most coaches never had the benefit of the shootout?


    That's a great point, and if I didn't like him so much....I may have made it myself before he got hired. :)

    Duffer and Disco





    I think Duff has a 98% approval rating here, and you can see Dan go from a 2.5 to a 4 on the enthusiasm scale by talking to him.


    We're gonna be just fine.........

    TM with the rare smile...


    I'm not even trying to be a dumba$$ here.....that's not a smile from Murray. Bylsma is smiling at Murray's reaction, Pegula has the lithium grin in the background, and my guess is that Battista was there making an attempt at a joke that Murray was all...WTF?!!!

  2. Dan comes off dry in the media, but I still got a good vibe from him during the presser. Murray seems to like him and Dan took his joke like they were old friends.


    He said the right things about learning from his experiences in Pittsburgh and learning more during his time off.


    He's young and will relate better with his young team and vice-versa. He's smart, not afraid of fancy stats, and is all-in with Murray's elusive plan.


    Sounds like he has the "freedom" and "power" he needs and wants, and the long-term security and trust from the organization to develop the team correctly.


    I can't see anyone better, right now, just different, maybe, but without the ring. So, I think the Sabres made the right choice here, and, in fact, I'm glad we have Disco Dan over Manipulative Babs.


    I really think that there is a synergistic multiplier factor with Murray and Bylsma. These guys are dry and protective when needed, but when they feel a loyalty with those close to them it is Disco time. They are either both gone in 3-4 years after a burnout, or this team actually becomes a multiple Cup winner.


    After viewing the results of the poll, Ted Black just PM'd me with a 20% off coupon at the Sabres Store.

  3. I know nuthin bout brewing beer, but on Saturday go to friends house where he has an annual crawfish boil with a whole bunch of home brews on tap. He and 4 of his college buddies been doing this party for about 10'years...they get 100 lbs of fresh crawfish delivered Friday, they brewed the beer I guess 6 weeks or so ago.....just a great afternoon doing nothing but sucking crawfish brains and tails, eating corn and potatoes and drinking mess loads of home brew!


    I hope you bet Fairgrounds too......

  4. As long as it's not a first, I'm ok with it. I'd also it rather not be a 30-45 pick either.


    Maybe make it conditional? Fail to make playoffs in the next two years, PIT gets a 3rd rounder instead of a 2nd?




    Welcome Back.


    So a Sabres choice of 2016 2nd round picks it is!

    Has the ink dried?

  5. I didn't want to bring it up because Godd seemed pleased to have coined the phrase disco Dan, but I've also read some articles referring him as that nickname. Just felt bad being the first to bring it up. Still a very good call man.


    He's been called Disco Dan for 20+ years.


    If I'm going to coin a nickname for someone, it's probably going to be a little more less subtle...like..Weasel !!!

  6. You are so off base here it's ridiculous and I doubt that you are so naive as to not know this.


    The person coming forward, now, has lived with the event his entire life. He knows exactly what happened. There is no suggestion of third party knowledge here.


    It's not the same thing, it's not remotely close, you know this.  That's what you let go.  You don't let go the disgusting events that occurred that are blight on humanity.  When there is proof, then get back on the horse and ride like Paul Revere... until then it's good to just keep your suspicions to yourself and investigate on your time.


    As was said back then, prove it or be quiet.


    Finally, you are victim shaming here. I find that disgusting in its own right.


    LTS....you are missing the 180 of my post. Think about it.


    If someone would like to give me the power of the PA Atty. Gnl. then I will gladly honor your request.

  7. I saw an interview where Bylsma said that even though you can make a point for possesion, the hardest thing to do as a defender was to have to turn your back to a play and go retrieve a puck. If you are a smart defenseman and a team wants to try to gain the blueline with the puck, you can read the play and make the coreect response. If you have to turn your back, you are half blind and risk physical punishment on top of a poor decision.


    Now...that's more of an offensive philosophy....but as far as Bogosian and Gorges go, those are the guys you want reading the play. If there is a league trend to possesion.....perfect. They will read and react. If a team is going to dump.....bring it on.....they will wreck you in the corner before you do, them.


    That is why I pointed out Bylsma's defense when he won the Cup. You have to trust your guys to read the play, and smarts and grit is better than speed and skill. It is the Belichick way of doing things.


    I am SO pumped if he actually gets hired. We will finally get to watch TRUE hockey.


    And if you think he is just a guy......he won the cup with this group on defense:


    Letang (21 years old)


    Gonchar (35)


    Orpik  (28)


    Hal Gil  (34)


    Scuderi (30)


    Eaton (32)


    Those were his top 6 guys......and he won the Stanley Cup


    Compare those guys to


    Ristolainen (20)


    Bogosian (24)


    Zadorov (20)


    Gorges (30)


    Weber (27)


    Pysyk (23)




    The point on Weber, Gorges and Bogosian is likely because Bylsma doesn't have a ton of experience in coaching rugged-type dmen at the NHL level.


    OK DS.....you are a hard worker and smart guy.


    If you put your effort into finding the steak instead of the sizzle......you have a shot.


    There are a lot of fairly young posters on this board who are an asset...including yourself. Do the 5 minutes of research first.....not trying to insult, just help.

  8. weird-al-tinfoil.png



    Found this description of Conspiracy Theorists. Pasted without comment.


    Powerful Drug


    The obsession with conspiracy theories has been compared to an addiction. Once one has delved deeply into this mindset, recovery—a return to balanced, sound thinking—is rare. What motivates a person to immerse himself in them in the first place?


    Conspiracy theories are a powerful source of pride and a wellspring of intellectual vanity. The theorist comes to see himself as thinking on a higher plane than the ignorant masses around him. He walks the fringes of society, watching his surroundings with suspicion. No one realizes what’s going on, he thinks.


    If speaking his mind on conspiracies causes others to recoil, he simply dismisses them as “dumb sheep” who cannot see what he sees. Every episode like this further reaffirms how special this inside information makes him.


    While many conspiracy enthusiasts lack education, the supposed inside knowledge they gain makes them feel superior—one of the elite, enlightened few. “Besides, who needs schools? They’re just brainwashing centers run by ‘the machine,’” right?


    Many of these individuals enjoy the thrill of perceived danger that comes along with having supposedly top-secret knowledge, feeling as though they have a lead role in a secret-agent film—except they are not in a movie!


    If a reasonable person attempts to point out serious flaws in a theory’s logic, there is a standard response:The conspirators purposely do certain things that appear to counter their goals, just to keep investigators off the trail. Once this idea is accepted, any facts—whether or not they appear to fit the supposed covert scheme—reinforce the theorist’s central idea that “things are not as they seem.”


    Physics? Where are you Physics?


    Show this guy how to do it right!



    I've seen more rats scramble the past week than I did after shining a light in the back alley of a Chinatown eatery during the 1968 NYC garbage strike.............

  9. You are correct, sir.


    I wouldn't defend a known monster.


    So who are you defending?


    This story is about a 17 year old at the highest level of his sport at the time who took 23 years to come to authorities to tell his sad tale about someone who was already in jail.


    So how tough do you think it is for a bunch of 8-13 year olds from inner city broken homes, who are fosters, who get lost in the system and they feel nobody cares about them anyway?


    Those children who get violated in the worst possible way, and not in some small Canadian town, but at a school with a multi-billion dollar sports program, a program that receives billions from state politicians, a program that has 6x as many current students in their population than that Canadian town has? How long should those kids get to tell their story?


    Are you familiar with "the lullaby", "Hush Little Baby"?



    May the good Lord judge me with the same critical eye as I do others at times. May he see my heart for what it is, and others for what their heart is. I Believe. May the good Lord, Never....."Let it go"......

  10. :)


    Wasn't everyone popping champagne in the front office a few days ago?


    How much would Babcock have gotten from Toronto if Buffalo didn't get involved?


    Now......you don't want to give rightful compensation (which y'all misreadin' anyway), to the waddlin' birds?



    That's OK.....feel free to keep your draft pick.


    The coaching budget just went from $50 million to $4 million.......but at least you will get a guy who is 2 years older than Bylsma to come aboard who has lead the Baby Sens to one playoff game victory in his 3 years of coaching in the AHL.


    If God cast out angels from actual Heaven.........isn't it a possibility that some need to be cast out of, Hockey Heaven???........

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