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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Posts posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane






    You need to work on this when Disco Dan is hired. It's for the kids.


    Get the alumni to come, maybe the Hanson Brothers show up again.......I smell synergy.


    If Ted and Tim Murray show up in a leisure suit, I'm willing to wear a Bruins shirt and they can dump nacho cheese on me or shoot off a fire extinguisher or whatever strikes Ted's fancy. They can even do it in private.

  2. Remember this post, folks, when you try to suggest that Wawrow is the one with the obsession. :doh:


    I actually respect Physics when he attempts a tangential insult. He's can at least hide a beef behind some humor.


    Physics.....where are you???


    If you show up the day after a coach is hired, I will be very disappointed. I missed your commentary during the previous hiring/firing phase.

  3. I watched Hamburger Hill yesterday. I don't know how I missed this one before.  Very powerful. It was from 1987.  Starred young Dylan McDermott, Steven Weber, Don Cheadle, Michael Boatman, Courtney Vance. 


    It still pisses me off when I'm reminded about how the guys returning from Viet Nam were treated.  Many lost their lives for a worthless war.


    I will tell you it was not a worthless war. I agree I can't wrap my mind around how those heroes got treated by a faction of the population back then.....I think the stink of that has a lot to do with the political divide going forward here.


    I have Vietnamese neighbors and friends who came over as children, and their parents lived it. Today, they took a trip 2 hours away to take part in a ceremony, and they are some of the most patriotic people I know. They've thrown 4th of July block parties for everyone, and just for fun I sometimes try and get my friend going on a rant about the communist. It may not have made a big difference in land and policies at the time, but a whole group of people remember the attempt, and appreciate what America has to offer. It is a perpetual reminder to me that those kids didn't go there there for no reason.

  4. thanks for linking this. Somehow I missed when this was originally posted. Also thanks to Joseph F Zampogna for his service and willingness to put to paper his experiences with his sons help and encouragement of course


    I wasn't in a reflective enough of a mood to read it again tonight and do it service. It really is a smooth read. I think I was serving my own time in the penalty box and couldn't do a review on the board.

  5. Didn't know where to post this but there are new charges for Graham James. Castrate that f#$&.


    apparently these charges are from 90/91 when he coached Swift Current. Another player has come forward.


    Don't get banned my good man......

  6. A truly awesome show. I once told a fellow Seinfeld fanatic that I thought The King of Queens was as good as Seinfeld. It wasn't a well thought out opinion (go figure), and I heard her wrath. But I think it was close. I loved some of the tender, sweet endings that came out of nowhere.


    Ghost, you're an old soul. Did you ever see any clips of Anne and Jerry as husband and wife comedy duo? I was going to look some up.


    I think one of the reasons I will probably always be a bachelor is that I'm looking for my Anne Meara. You saw her and Betty White still sharp and active all these years.....and you can't help but say..."sexy!". She took care of that little funny bastard.


    I was debating pulling up some old videos, or reading your Dad's war story again.


    By the way, anyone who wants to read something awesome.....



  7. this ghost of dwight drane must be having conniptions given that i might have more than one source with les sabres. he or she'll never admit to it, because he or she is a one-trick pony, and yet i seem to continue to confound his or her's deeply rooted biases that they've long surpassed the delusional. but what the heck do i know, given the disrespect.






    I'm just wondering....are you going to show up at Prior tomorrow night when Gibby sends you the flight info on a text, or are you so ashamed that I have used a bully pulpit the past 3 weeks to preach to the Buffalo faithful, the glory which awaits this franchise under Dan Bylsma as opposed to someone who was looking to "Maximize Potential" like Babcock, that you'll just sit this one out?

  8. Sort of bummed by the selections for Memorial Day on the tube, so I put on King of Queens on TVland.


    Not sure if it was planned, but they have some Anne Meara episodes with Jerry Stiller. I'm assuming it's an employee more than earning their paycheck. Awesome.

  9. He replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."


    Matthew 17:20


    GoDD is moving a mountain.


    24 At the king’s command, the men who had falsely accused Daniel were brought in and thrown into the lions’ den, along with their wives and children. And before they reached the floor of the den, the lions overpowered them and crushed all their bones.


    Daniel 6:24    :)

  10. Might as well get this one going.


    It's probably safe to say that Mike Babcock, whose contract status for next year is unresolved, is of interest to many Sabres fans and many NHL GMs alike.  GMTM has worked with Babcock in the past.


    Who else is available and worth talking to?


    Physics.....where ya been?


    I feel bad. You did all the heavy lifting by starting this thread, but you haven't posted in over 2 weeks!!!!


    I'm glad you at least have the time to visit often.....but it's not like you not to have an opinion.

  11. It's layers and layers of people don't you know? Battista? Bah! Pegula has men buried deep in the shadows doing his real dirty work. Battista is small potatoes.


    This is what I'm talking about.


    Murray was fine about it. Some of the other "Sabres Brass" was livid.


    Who is the Sabres Brass?


    They have no coaching staff....unless Irbe had a bottle of cheap Stoli at lunch and started pissing off the 2nd level of 716.




    That's all I'm asking if I am being asked to give the benefit of the doubt.



    I suggested we move on from Babcock over 2 weeks ago and what his plan probably was. If the "Sabres Brass" was caught off guard by this, then maybe some of them shouldn't be the "Sabres Brass".

  12. Daniel Paille - Ghost's son, successfully recovered from Ruff's school of wussitude


    We can debate the Julien Effect on Daniel. I believe it's more of a Grinch like phenomenon that the Son Of Ghost's balls had sometime after leaving Buffalo and arriving in Boston. But my favorite line in a long time, excellent.... :thumbsup:






    Claude is the best coach for the job going totally by analytics, but he is such a Douche as a man.


    Dan still first choice because of this metric...


    Everyone knows that Pyatt is my baby.


    My beef with Paille was that you could have traded him, Stafford, and a few 2nd round picks and would have had Guerin and Roberts on your team. Darcy hung on to them because he knew the captains were walking the next year and needed bodies.


    That's OK though. It's not like it's 9 years later and the Sabres have won a total of 5 playoff games........

  13. I am not following you at all here. 


    Murray reports directly to Pegula. What does that have to do with Sabres brass being overheard at lunch to be pissed at the Babcock situation? I don't get the connection. 


    GO SABRES!!!


    I'm just trying to figure out who the Sabres brass is......




    If I have to listen to a cackle of hens sqwak that Battista doesn't matter......then someone please tell me who the "Sabres Brass" is, other than Murray and Pegula?

  14. Late to the party. TB in 6; Ducks in 7.



    Tampa in 6? We may need to get you into one of those early dementia studies.....



    They only need to win 4 of the next 5. ;)


    Do you happen to have any war bonds stuffed under your mattress?..........

  15. Not at all. There may have been several pissed off members of the Sabres' hierarchy, perhaps all of them. My point is that Murray doesn't have to run anything up the flag pole for anyone other than Pegula, whom he directly reports to. 


    GO SABRES!!!

    They don't have a coach


    Murray didn't care


    Who is left to be eating a local lunch? Did Sawer and Patrick fly in for the Early Bird Tuna Salad Special?

  16. It would make sense that Babs had comitted to Buffalo and when he wife couldn't be convinced that he went back to his friend Shanahan to bail him out so he didn;t have to go back to Detroit with his tail between his legs. I'm not sure we will ever hear the whole story but I can tell you that certain members of the Sabres' hierachy are not as forgiving as TM. Anyone who may have been out for lunch at the right place when the Babcock presser was on knows this all too well.



    I appreciate the comparison here. But just to clarify, there are no middle men between Pegula and Murray.


    Well then I guess that answers the first part.....

  17. Happy Valentine's Day. 


    GO SABRES!!!


    True story...


    When I was still in high school, I had Bills season tickets. The SuperBowl was going to be in Atlanta, and I have family down there. I booked a flight in the summer for that weekend.


    My uncle got reservations at the best steakhouse in town. While we were eating dinner, there was a little bit of activity and commotion out front. It turns out out that Al Gore wanted to come in for dinner. At the time he was the Vice President. They turned him away.

  18. I'm honestly scared that Bylsma will pick somewhere else to go.


    The time to strike was to understand what value he had when everyone was chasing the Babcock rainbow. Now that Babcock and Mclelan are gone, Bylsma is the talk of the nhl circles. If you could have identified him sooner and wooed him when things were calm, he'd already be yours.


    Sadly, now is the time you have to look 2 steps forward. Where do you go if he rejects you for another team, and what does that say about Hockey Heaven once again? I can't say that he will reject Buffalo, I'm just saying that while everyone was having a PP party the past few weeks chasing "the great white whale" which turns out, you never really had a shot....now the 2a choice is in Edmonton and 2b is suddenly on top of Buffalo, San Jose, New Jersey and whoever's list. The Kobe Beef and Filet have sold out. The seasoned Cowboy Ribeye now has 4 orders for 1 steak. You're down to a few strip steaks, some burgers, and mystery meat after that. 


    To me the best value is always in the 32oz. ribeye and a big ol' baked potato with sour cream and chives and a quarter stick of butter. A martini at the bar....one on the way to the table....and another with dinner. That's living! The sad thing is, it was Tuesday February 10th and you didn't want to order it. It's now Saturday February 14th at 8PM, and all of a sudden you want that ribeye and full meal experience.

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