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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Posts posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. Opinion.  ;)


    And I think that's the crux of how a lot of stuff happens. This place is sort of a country club with open public tee times. If you come in and sit at the bar, the same old timers have heard every story from each other and they are like old drunks, calling each other out, playfully 99% of the time, but sometimes the screwdriver takes over. But there's nothing more fun than having someone new to shoot the junk with. You may not know how many Majors the Golden Bear won, or you might not be able to immulate Chi-Chi Rodriguez after a 30 foot putt.....you may not even know who they are.....but you can say, "That 14th fairway sure is a b!tch with all those bunkers".....and the old drunk is going to say, "Tell me about it! How many did it get you for?"


    We all love in one way or another, this team. We may have different ways of defining what love is, and what really constitutes team.......and that is where you see a lot of strife.


    Bottom line......if the Sabres ever win the Cup, we will all be drinking together and playing grabass. Even if some of the new guys need to wheel us old guys around downtown......

  2. New posters always get a free pass. I know I will go all West Side Story on familiar folks, but unless you come in here shilling for your own blog, or name....I welcome and encourage it. It usually takes me a few dozen posts to get an idea of what is going on. Some of my favorite posters rarely post.


    I don't think it is so much the community as it is the world has become so PC. There are a lot of good young posters here who earned their stripes, and maybe the young kids find it easier to give an opinion because of free range social media they grew up with. If you are 40, have a family and a job.....you have trained yourself to not rock the boat. It may be fun to READ a strong opinion, but to give one is either not in the nature, or can be intimidating. 15 years ago, we relied on a few to have strong opinions in the press. Now, anyone can speak their mind....AND....call out the establishment.


    There's nothing wrong with being a casual fan. The gameday threads are so dead now, it would be nice for a new person who just wants to feel a sense of fandom to post even in there...."Nice shot by Bogosian!".....everyone saw it....nobody has to respond, but that doesn't mean everyone isn't at home nodding their heads, going, "Hell yeah!"

    Agree with above. Higher hockey IQ posters on here than I. Also some posters seem to be on 24-7, don't know when they sleep. So a few times I have had a thought, someone has already posted it when I looked at the thread.

    But really enjoy reading here, makes following the team more fun.

    From long time lurker.


    Hell Yeah!

  3. The Blues and the Ducks have both tried pounding the D into submission against the Hawks and failed. And that with the Hawks third pair rarely seeing the ice. Now is that something unique to Duncan Keith, or is it a rule of thumb that applies to most teams?


    You find guys that WANT to play that game and actually have talent....like Bogosian, Zadorov, Gorges, (maybe) Risto......


    If the Sabres defense matures, under Bylsma it will be a top 5 unit. They just need a real top 10 goalie and this team will go on a 5 year run in 3 years or so.

  4. What's up with that crazy talk!  Someone should rub your nose in it, buster, for thinking such fool things.  McDavid is clearly the number one pick, do you hear?  C.L.E.A.R.L.Y.


    God, Jesus, Allah, the Buddha, Megalon, not a one of them could appear between now and July 1 to change the universal, undisputed FACT, I say, FACT, that McDavid is the number one pick and shall be forever and ever, amen.  You can tattoo that on your butt and cash it at the bank - no one in Oiler-land will even whisper the thought, let alone consider the idea, that Eichel has worked his way up on par with, or, **shudder**, above, the magnificent birthright that is his only, Conner McDavid.


    Or so I have been told, at least.


    What kind of odds would you like?

  5. Drane here.


    Member since late 2006. Once they jobbed Dumont and let Grier walk, (McKee too but that was valid), it was a whole new ballgame. Called out Briere and Drury for being wusses by not fighting Ovi, and Briere hiding bedhind Campbell to spear him. While people celebrated the brawl against Ottawa, it showed the biggest inferiority complex this side of the Niagara. That's when I pegged Lindy. PA and DeLuca openly disliked me, Taro called me a slimeball scalper because I sold most of my tickets the rest of the year, not to make money, but because the Soccer Moms and teenie boppers who took over the arena and would chant, "Let's Go Sabres", to the organ cue...pretty much gave me the sign it was all over.


    I have no affiliation with the team. and as far as I know, none of my family or close friends has one either. I have made money selling off my Sabres historic collection over the past few years, and had fun being able to give away some as well. I get more of a thrill out of the memories of seeing a 90's Nolan smirk, or a Danny Gare babyface smile, backed up with a right uppercut than anything hanging on my wall at this point. 


    I don't have anything to add to the agenda. After the last few weeks of this season, I think I experienced my Sabres Fan Death Rattle. Being banned, I came to understand what a waste of time it is trying to hold a candle in the gusty alley of darkness. This week gave me a bump.....almost enough to take as a sign to keep caring.........but the A$$holes will always outnumber the good. It was always worth it because I truly felt the city was special. Then...I watched this place Crucify Mike Weber.....for actually caring about the team and winning.......the only player who ever gave a sh!t every time he stepped on the ice for the Sabres the past decade. He never turtled...he took on guys 50 lbs bigger....he tried to clear the net...he dove, blocked, hustled.....and this city was calling him out for being who he was......a 3rd pairing defenseman who gave enough a sh!t about this team and city that he would actually have his feelings hurt by getting cheered against in his own building, then got the reward of going home with a missing tooth and an icebag on his ballsack...like he does almost every night. 


    I guess I am a dinosaur. I tear up over the stories of the vets and personal stories in Pappy's thread. I always go to the handshake line and try to find a genuine compliment to give to someone, even if I plastered them through the boards 20 minutes earlier. And I actually think enough about the city of Buffalo, that I figured they would gravitate to the same qualities I always tried to present, in the midst of my clowning, and not be bamboozled by the real jerkoffs out there.


    My name is Ghost of Dwight Drane


    I would win sports trivia contests at Buffalo Police Headquarters at 8 years old with money on the line.


    I would cut out Wendt's milk cartons and use the winnings to get a pair of Upper Blues against a sh!tty team like Washington or St. Louis.



    I AM.....Team Stormcloud.........



    I think I'll just go take a nap on my tinfoil pillow now, for I am tired.

  6. This is as solid a post as you ever have posted.


    In three years I am there and will, indeed, write the trip off ...  :angel:


    Also, if I am reading the link right, Disco Dan's father was a stud by the name of Ramadan.  Is that right?  Well, there is a grand omen if I ever saw one.


    Yes....a Canadian horse.....you can read the link like a family tree.

  7. Yep. I'd rather see 32 & rules enforced reasonably than contraction.


    The following have centered the 1st line of the Buffalo Sabres the past 5 years......


    Luke Adam

    Johan Larsson

    Cody Hodgson

    Jochen Hecht

    Steve Ott


    You probably could throw in Cory Conacher and Kevin Porter as well.....but that may be overkill......


    Based on this, there should be 6 teams.

  8. I want to know when Joey B is sending you those selfies he promised.


    Oooooh......gotta look. He's on the clock.


    I give him this one. The family IS from Pittsburgh and liked the Pens.....so he gets a pass on this one.


    I did notice however that he had a front row seat to the presser. The Helen Thomas of Buffalo sports was a bit further behind today for some reason.

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