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Posts posted by inkman

  1. Ok, I'm not a big capital punishment guy, but fir this I can make an exception...


    ANY web publisher who puts up a picture of a product, a place, a person, etc... and has an "enlarge" link - better make damn well sure the picture that comes up is SUBSTANTIALLY BIGGER!!! If that thing is only 10% larger it makes me very, very angry and anyone who does that should DIAF.


  2. I hate how people in large groups think they're somehow entitled to the entire sidewalk.

    I don't think it's exclusive to large groups. People are self-absorbed and inconsiderate at an unprecendented level. Next time some punk ass kid tries that with me, I'm lowing my shoulder and going Kaleta on their ass. I'm sick and tired of people's lack of consideration of those around them. It's all about looking out for number one, screw whoever I inconvenience to get what I want.

  3. I had one for a while that would be perfect for the late phone call like that, "Them Bones" from Alice in Chains. The damn things opened with the scream from the start of that song. That would always freak people out at work.

    Nice choice. Right now I still have "I'm Broken" from Pantera. When people hear it ring, they give me a "holy #%^$#! what the #%^$#! is that look". Then again, I get that from my appearance alone. :beer:

  4. Oh oh.. another one.. guys with extremely loud cell phone tones in an office setting. Extra points if a) they have some fruity cutsy thing, or b) they leave phone on desk whenever they go to a meeting/take a leak.


    The guy behind me has this annoying blues tone and it's turned up to 11... "duh da duh dah dun dun dun dun dun."

    Next time he leaves it there for a meeting, dowload some Pantera on his phone. Then call him at 3 in the morning.

  5. I have to start a real job next week. Well, not a 'real' job, just something to do over the summer. Anybody want coffee out of one of those little trucks look for me!

    (inkman begins looking for parking lots of work places he can pretend to be employed at)

  6. I just bought a bar and plopped it into my vacated dining room. (thanks to the ex B-) ) Now I need to buy two 24 inch flat screens for the corners of the room and a sound system to hook my new laptop up to. Dammit! :P

  7. The other day when it was sunny and 72 degrees (with low humidity), I saw people driving around with their car windows up and (I assume) the air conditioning on. What? We wait all winter for a gorgeous day like that and then you don't even open the window for fresh air? Oh wait...that's because the wind noise will disrupt your cell phone conversation. Which is illegal. And annoying. Yeesh!
    That bugs me as well. People bitch and moan about the weather all Winter long (even here in GA), but when it gets all nice, it's AC time. Open up the windows, air out the house, let the 65mph wind smack you in the face for a while!

    Thank you! Of course the a/c in my truck doesn't work so even on days like yesterday I have them down with buckets of rain pouring in. I'd rather be cool and wet than hot and dry. :unsure: :w00t:

  8. Any band with numbers in the name is automatically disqualified(except for Level 42, they've been around long enough to be grandfathered in).

    Hey, I'm not annointing them Rock & Roll Hall of Fame status. It's just a catchy song, if not hysterical.

  9. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeTFSC_eoxc&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeTFSC_eoxc&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


    Not the manliest song ever but I love it!

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