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Posts posted by inkman

  1. Since last Wednesday's episode of Glee, I cannot get this song out of my head. Also because of all the people that post the dancing baby video (and others using this song) all over facebook, I still can't shake it:

    Penalty - Illegal Motion on the offense

  2. But do you feel it "on the street"? Among average people? I'm not sure it's seeped down to that level.


    The overt racism on display in the country is something to behold. It shouldn't surprise me, but it does.

    Your average street thug, no they are just worried about eating. You typical NRA nut who wants to start a revolt with his drinkin buddies? I'm worried. If they come to my door asking if I'm in, I might want a better response than no.

  3. I can't remember a more disgraceful era in politics. And that's saying a lot. I'm actually starting to fear what's next. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if some element of the neo-cons got together with some domestic nutjobs and rogue elements of the military and tried to stage a coup.

    The country is in a major divide. I can't remember a time when politics were so volatile. I've contemplated arming myself because of this very reason. The closemindedness and radicalism is frightening.

  4. This week a friend of mine hooked me up with some bagels so I've heated one up every morning to eat when I arrive at work. I place it in the toaster over when I get up, brew my coffee, get ready for work and then fix my bagel and coffee to take with me. It normally takes 7-10 minutes for the bagel to toast adequately. After I pour my coffee, I reach into the toaster oven to grab my freshly toasted bagel for cream cheese application. Upon touching my bagel, I notice it's still room temp. After a quick study, I realize someone has tampered with the settings and has it on "bake" mode. When it is on bake mode, the temp needs to be set, otherwise you end up with a non-toasted/baked item. So it's 20 minutes later, my bagel is untoasted and I need to leave for work.


    I've had this toaster oven for nearly 5 years. I've never had to adjust any settings. I toast things in it. If I want to heat something up, I use the microwave. If I want to bake something I use the oven. My retarded brother, seemingly likes to bake things in the toaster oven because he's too lazy to take the extra 5 minutes during dinner prep and heat the oven. Due to his laziness, I nearly rip out my front teeth on my untoasted bagel this morning and he cops a tude when I send him a text that looks somewhat similar to this post. For the $200 a month I charge him for rent, the least he could do is keep my toaster oven set on freaking toast.

  5. Ah, "The disease of Kings". Like free said too much meat and cheese. People get that from drink wine and eating cheese too much too.


    Do U look like this?



    no it's my foot, not much swelling but it's quite painful. I'm guessing it's more from booze than food. I was on a week long bender capped off with a 9 hour marathon on sunday.

  6. My foot has been in excruciating pain since Monday. I'm not sure what it is. It feels similar to cramps I've gotten in the past when I drink too much and I was coming off a week long bender, but I also tied my shoes too tight that day (please insert joke here). I think I need to go to the doctor.

  7. My complaint is extra loud clapping guy. You know the guy who cups his hands and torques his elbows just right so the sound emminating from his clap is near thunderous proportions. This person also persists on clapping 10 seconds after everyone is finished. At sporting events said schmuck is somewhat tolerable, being it's a large arena with thousands of people. So why does this a#$^$#!e have to sit directly behind me evertime I go to the bar to watch the Sox? :angry:

  8. There is a red light not far from my house or second job that I hit every single time. It's not a major intersection but it turns red everytime I approach it. This light single handedly is responsible for 50% of my brake wear. I want to write the town about it. Hell, 75% of the time it turns red there is NOBODY crossing the intersection. One side of the intersection is apartments/condos, the other side a normal suburban neighborhood with about 15 entry/exit points. Why the hell is this light always turning red?

  9. but I don't want him on any team I am a fan of.....

    Well, where do you draw the line? Michael Vick is a special kind of scumbag, but the Bills aren't a team of choir boys.


    James Hardy - Pulling a gun on his father

    Marshawn Lynch - Hit-and-run, gun & weed possesion

    Ko Simpson - I'm Ko Simpson, I'm worth millions

    Dominic Rhodes - Convicted DUI

    Roscoe Parrish - DUI charge

    Donte Whitner - aggravated disorderly conduct and resisting arrest

    Marcus Stroud - violating the league's policy on anabolic steroids and related substances


    That's just to mention a few, not to mention the indiscretions of former Bills, Travis Henry, Willis McGahee, and the like.

  10. The cops didn't like it and told him to leave.

    Taser etiquitte aside, if the police ask you to do something do it. If you have a problem, request to see management or send an email to the stadium management after the game. I'm guessing dude had plenty of warnings. Proving a point is nice but risking life and limb to do so is just plain stupid.

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