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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Drivers that don't pull all the way into the center turn lane to take a left. Leaving just enough of your bumper sticking out that traffic can't get by.
  2. Haiti. Why do bad things happen to good people?

  3. She's not a Twitter chick? http://www.break.com...r-chick-1514813
  4. Sleepwalking. I don't remember a thing when my roomy tells me I was up the night before. I'm clawing at the windows, digging in corners. I woke up downstairs on the couch and distinctly remember going to bed up stairs that night. I told her one morning my jaw hurt and she said "Oh, that's because I slapped u last night trying to wake ur ars up". it's not every night but it still scares me.
  5. Maybe I can get carp to do a chart on my hrs before sack over the years?
  6. Try this http://gethuman.com/ all the backdoor to most companies phone systems. works like a charm. Dammit beaten by a swamp.
  7. People at hockey games that won't stand up to let you into the row. It is that much of a bother to stand up and give some space? You just sit there with your legs to the side like you own the row. I paid the same as you for the seats now move it! Oh and same people that don't stand up and cheer when we score? WTF? Did you come to the game for the air conditioning? Stand the f up and clap !
  8. Prolly make some joke about shrader with it. :nana:
  9. No complaints today. and I'm happy someone finally saved Bm's kid.
  10. Where the frig is my SabreBuck card?
  11. Although I haven't seen it yet, I hear my bf is hung like a chipmunk.
  12. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.
  13. It's 8am on game day and no GDT yet. :angry:
  14. Found him! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBVmfIUR1DA
  15. I guess there should be a number of **** involved here.
  16. Raw egg in his bed should do the trick. :sick:
  17. Okay, I'll give. It wasn't chz it was tslhkyrls. The first three are my initials (sort of).
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