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Posts posted by shrader

  1. Georgia heat.


    Thanks for reminding me about my other complaint. After an entire June full of clouds and rain, the weather forecasts were finally calling for a string of sunny warm days starting today. What do I see this morning on the news? Today will start out cloudy and then clear up, but then we've got clouds and rain straight through to the middle of next week. Rain and clouds are fine, but a full month of it really puts a damper on the attitude of most people around here. It's so incredibly boring.

  2. I picked up the new Ghostbusters video game the other day. I was playing it yesterday and my roommate decides that he wants to ask constant questions during each cut scene. You know, maybe I want to actually hear what the game is saying so I understand the story. Plus, with Murray and Aykroyd, I don't want to miss a second. He does this all the time. The rare times where I'm actually watching something that I enjoy, he has to start talking, annoying the hell out of me. Then there's the times where he'll start mocking some show I like while I'm watching it. Hey idiot, you own sex and the city dvds, so don't go ripping on me for watching 24.

  3. Rain. Sure we're well under where our average rain total for June should be, but I've been getting a lot of bike riding in, and today is one of my cardio days that I so desperately need. Now I'll have to go to the gym. I hate the gym. :censored:


    We saw the sun yesterday for the first time in about a month out here in Boston. It's gone again.

  4. awesome!!! :chris:


    Great, a new complaint: the fact that you so enjoy this thought so much.


    And actually, it turns out that she was working a night shift at a hospital and just got back at around 7. That would explain everything. Still, annoying.

  5. Those late starts are brutal. I had a 10:20 last night. I'm still not completely awake today.


    Oh yeah, I just remembered another thing. My roommate's girlfriend is living in the apartment for the summer. I really don't mind all that much, except that they're not around a lot more than they were before and have this nasty habit of changing the tv station on me whenever they walk in. But anyway, I was a bit late for work this morning because she was in the shower when I woke up. Ok, it happens sometimes, but since the roommate and I are on completely different schedules, I've never had to wait for a shower. The strange thing though, she took the shower and then immediately went back to sleep. What the hell is that?

  6. I had a game last night and and the middle of the 3rd period, our best player decided to randomly start screaming at people. He was going on and on about people not skating, so he can't pass to them... ironically enough, while coasting slowly towards the bench right after he refused to leave the ice at the previous whistle. It might mean a bit more if he wasn't completely drunk and floating the entire game. It also doesn't help that he'll only pass the puck to his cousin and the rest of us have gotten all too used to it. Yeah, it's not the right way to play, but since we know he'll never pass to us, we end up coasting a bit while he's carrying the puck. It's a real shame that he's such a d-bag on the ice, because we all get along really well off the ice. He also has just enough moments of actual team play so that we don't just boot him off the team.


    Oh, and a ref with a stick up his ass who gives me attitude just because I asked him what a call was. That "A' on the front of my jersey? Yeah, that means I can ask you stuff like that. I know it's a recipe for disaster, but this guy was so bad that I had to actually ask him for a little less attitude next time. When you pull a guy off the bench for something that happened about 30 seconds ago, there's bound to be a few questions.

  7. I was just forced to sit through an episode of Family Guy. How is that show popular? It was the most obnoxious piece of crap I've ever seen. They beat jokes into the ground and pretend to be smart by making obscure references. I guess I'd be the funniest poster around here if I started talking about Viktor Gordiouk.

  8. Congratulations! My wife hit the 36 week mark yesterday. Our baby, a boy, isn't due until July 5th or so, but we already have the bags packed! This will be our second child, so we have the much needed experience as well. There is one catch, though. Our first kid, a girl, is only 19 months old! I hope she lends a hand. ha ha


    *Just thought I'd put out this isn't a complaint. It is complete excitement!


    20 months, the same gap between my brother and me. If your son turns out anything like me, you may want to start the complaining right now.

  9. I have nothing to complain about. I make enough money to survive well, I have food to eat, and a few people seem to like me (not on here, of course). What more does one really need?


    Take it to the "I Love Life Fridays" thread. We don't want you happy types around here. :censored:


    Speaking of friday, why can't the week be over already? This has been one of those weeks where I'm getting no sleep and have been tired each day. It also doesn't help that I saw a guy in the lobby of this building this morning who looked like Mario Lemieux. I wanted to punch him but I couldn't.

  10. Everyone has their hobbies I suppose. Crosschecking's seems to be keeping up on anything remotely related to religion which is fine, honest.


    But there's the idea that when complaining about something to a group of people you don't personally know, you want to connect with them on a mutual level. I play paintball, and hockey, and disc golf, and like RIT hockey, and obscure music and muscle cars, and wrenching on my vintage Honda motorcycle. If I come in here complaining about how Anton Kharin didn't show up in the last game, people might have a vague idea what I'm talking about, but there's no real connection. No one knows who Anton is. If I complain about how I'm pissed that Smart Parts keeps suing people over bogus copyright claims again, no one knows what I'm talking about. If I start b*tching about how much of a pain it was to clean my centrifugal oil filter, no one knows what I'm talking about.


    And I like making fun of college hockey programs that are in their infancy. :thumbsup:

  11. People in those farging scooter things at the store.


    Yes, I understand ur disabled and can't walk, but that's no reason to plug the isle with your motorized cart and run people over that don't get out of ur way.


    How about the Vespa things that people are riding around on in the streets? Sure it saves gas and is a lot cheaper, but my god do they look stupid.

  12. I'm driving in to work today and my Ipod lands on Rush - La Villa Stangiato. It made me remember a complaint that has been eating at me for years. Rolling Stone did a list of the 100 greatest guitarists of all time(yes I know these lists are stupid) and Alex Lifeson was not on the list. Personally, he's at least in my top twenty. Whatever, but then don't go and put Joan Jett on that list as well. Yes,... you read that correctly,... Joan Jett.


    Is that the same list that didn't have Joe Satriani on it?

  13. Isn't that what beatniks smoke to feel groovy?


    Oh yeah, my complaint. People here complain about winter saying how they hate to shovel snow. C'mon. You maybe have to shovel here four times a winter...maybe. Yet you have to mow the freakin' lawn every week because it grows so fast.


    Did I mention I hate Summer?


    Not to basically repeat myself but:


    Summer? What's that?


    We've had high 40s, low 50s here over the last couple days. I really don't mind all that much, it's just strange.

  14. I was accused by a subway cop this morning of trying to get a free ride. I really don't care all that much since I have a monthly pass and did nothing wrong. It's impossible for me to get a free ride. What bugs me though is that they almost never bother to check on things like this. I can't count the number of times I see people sneaking onto the trains without passes and the drivers could care less. Maybe the subway system out here in Boston wouldn't be as deep in the hole as they are if they actually went after people like this. Hopefully today is the start of a new policy... but I'm sure it's not.

  15. Power outages in the subway that cause you to be an hour late for work suck. Sure, one less hour of work is great and all, but not when you spend it standing on a packed platform and train on a very warm day. Luckily the crowd was basically all people heading to work, as opposed to some of the people you get later in the day who are too cheap to buy a stick of deodorant.


    So I understand why women would want to dye their hair instead of letting it go gray, but what is the deal with the one's who go with the ridiculously fake shades of red? I saw one with basically purple hair the other day. I hope she realizes that not only are people going to realize that she's old, but they're also going to realize that she's an f'ing idiot.

  16. The burrito place near where I work has a salad bar type setup where they keep all their salsas/hot sauces. It has a sneeze guard that is below the level of my elbows and it's absolutely brutal. Of course what I want is all the way in the back, so I have to angle and contort my body just to reach it. Scooping the stuff out into the little plastic dish with the arm at a crazy angle is always an adventure.

  17. Major complaint:


    Cleaning up other people's messes. Both figuratively and literally.


    Here's just one example: I am the new treasurer of an organization at my daughter's school. Last night I got the "stuff" from the old treasurer. He handed me a box, with bank statements, stubs, folders and other miscellaneous paper all wadded up inside. Oh...and there were some checks that needed to be deposited last week that he found in the bottom. Said I had better take care of that soon. Sheesh...


    Yeah, but now you get to skim off the top. :thumbsup:

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