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Posts posted by shrader

  1. This would be the first time for me. I've never really had a dog until the wife & I got this one, so that makes this decision that much harder. The vet always gives us the "quality of life" speech, which I can never argue with. Only recently, I've started thinking that she might be giving up, if she hasn't already. She doesn't do much around the house anymore, except for sleep on the couch. I know she's not comfortable, but it still doesn't make me want to make this decision.


    They're just as much a part of the family as anyone else. I just wish they lived about 40 years longer.

  2. My complaint: my dog is 13 and it's not looking promising. She's already stayed at the vet one night and will be there again tonight...she's not eating and her kidney enzymes are almost off the chart - this after about 2-3 years of kidney and liver problems. We may be making a difficult decision today or tomorrow.


    Good luck with that. No matter how old or sick a dog is, that potential decision always sucks. I've only had to deal with it once at an old enough age to remember, but now just thinking of it gives me chills.

  3. Maybe they need glasses?


    Marge : Have you noticed something about Bart?

    Homer : New glasses?

    Marge : No. It seems like something could be troubling him.

    Homer : Probably misses his old glasses.

    Marge : I want to get more involved in Bart's activities, but then I'd be afraid of smothering him.

    Homer : Yeah, and then we'd get the chair.

    Marge : That's not what I meant.

    Homer : Admit it Marge, it was.

  4. One guy all week was making references my "donut holes". With saying #%^$#! like "Do you like cream in your donut holes" and #%^$#!.


    #%^$#!ing pissed me off, so today I tossed a large coffee on his crotch and said "Get your timbits away from me".


    I got pulled over at the next stop and asked to leave, which I was planning on doing for a while anyway.


    I'm still shaking a little I'm so pumped right now.


    Have the sexual harrassment suit ready to go.

  5. 6:40 hockey games on a weekday. The traffic out here is abusurd. I'll have to leave work early just to get there 20 minutes late. Usually I'd have no problem leaving work early, but I'd gladly sit through normal work hours to have an 8pm game instead. The rush hour traffic is that miserable.

  6. This one set me off. I go into a Dunkin Donuts and order a value set, you know, the number #3 or something, thinking - hey that's not a bad deal. It's $3.19 on the menu but then I'm charged $3.57 .....I tell the cashier that that doesn't sound right. He says that I'm not adding in the tax, Tax is 8% so even if it 9% He's overcharged me. I wanted the price on the menu.


    The guy looks at me and tells me that the menu is wrong and not the computer, and thereby decides it is more important to make me feel like an a#$^$#!e for complaining about 10 cents than giving me the advertised price.


    I don't really give a crap about the .10, I want to feel as if I'm getting a fair deal.

    Now I wonder if everyone who orders off the menu isn't getting screwed by .10.

    Anyway...that's all I got. Just a slow burn.....


    This reminds me of something that's been bugging me lately. This store down the street from me was recently taken over by new people. The guy that's there everytime I stop in always rings up every $0.99 as $1. He'll round up that extra cent on everything. Obviously I could care less about that penny, but it got me wondering. Over even an hour, how much extra money does that store pull in thanks to this guy? Those pennies are going to add up very quickly. It's only a matter of time before he pulls a Superman 2 and screws up.

  7. I don't think it's exclusive to large groups. People are self-absorbed and inconsiderate at an unprecendented level. Next time some punk ass kid tries that with me, I'm lowing my shoulder and going Kaleta on their ass. I'm sick and tired of people's lack of consideration of those around them. It's all about looking out for number one, screw whoever I inconvenience to get what I want.


    I've reached the point now where I just walk right through people. It happens way too often. And yeah, it's typically groups of 3 walking side by side. I still haven't reached the point where I'll walk through a woman though. There I just stop and stand in their way. If they're decent enough looking, it's usually a happy collision.


    I'm just hoping the kid now goes to a different school simply because one person on the sidewalk was rude (even though he was the rude one). If I had that kind of power, I'd start to abuse it, and that can only lead to good things.

  8. My faith in this board's readership is stricken! 9:45 on a Thursday morning and still no complaint thread? Truly we have all forgotten our place.


    Alas, my complaint is that there wasn't already a thread to post in.


    gah! you beat me out by two minutes!


    I start it the second I show up at work, when it's not already there. The British Open made me a little late today. But yeah, I'm always surprised that it's not open when I show up.

  9. I hate how people in large groups think they're somehow entitled to the entire sidewalk. I was walking past a college tour yesterday, walking all the way to the right, up against a wall. This kid looks at me, knows I'm coming, but refuses to move. Hey kid, maybe next time you and your buddy won't get bumped a couple feet if you show a little common courtesy. I'll gladly throw a shoulder into some punk kid whenever I get the chance.


    But on a postive note, according to the email I just got, I won the japanese lottery! Everything's coming up shrader.

  10. Nice choice. Right now I still have "I'm Broken" from Pantera. When people hear it ring, they give me a "holy #%^$#! what the #%^$#! is that look". Then again, I get that from my appearance alone. :beer:


    Speaking of Alice in Chains, I guess I can complain that they're playing a show out here in September at a venue that I hate.

  11. Next time he leaves it there for a meeting, dowload some Pantera on his phone. Then call him at 3 in the morning.


    I had one for a while that would be perfect for the late phone call like that, "Them Bones" from Alice in Chains. The damn things opened with the scream from the start of that song. That would always freak people out at work.

  12. I haven't been on skates in a long time, but the heat-and-mold ski boots I have are 1000% more comfortable anything I had before them. I have to think someone is doing the same thing with hockey skates.


    Yeah, they do the same thing. I guess it's going to depend on where you buy them, but from here on out, it will be a must for any pair of skates I buy.

  13. Have you tried CCM's. I'm pretty lanky too(6'4") and tried Eastons and Bauers. They both killed my feet. CCMs are the only ones that don't hurt(after they break in of course :censored: ).


    And get the place to throw them in the oven too, if that's an option. I've had my CCMs for about 5 years now without any problems. Stuff I had in the past that was never really fitted to my foot used to cause some trouble.

  14. There's also a substantial likelihood (although not proven or admitted, and I do believe in innocent until proven guilty) that he was a child molester, which really makes all the glorification pretty bizarre.


    The fun part will be the stories that slowly leak out over the next couple months. We'll find out what kind of person he really was. Still, some of the sheep will never change their minds about him.

  15. My complaint, Hockey refs. I know they have a tough job, but c'mon. I play defense. In our game on Monday, the opposing team's guy takes a shot, so I bring my stick down on the guy in front of the net's stick, so that if there is a rebound he can't get to it. That guy then gets mad and punches me in the face. The ref yells at me. Apparently, Hockey USA changed the rules and what I did is now deemed slashing. I say,"but he punched me in the face", he says,"but you slashed him and could have broken his stick." It is the same move I have made twenty times a game since I started playing hockey. I wasn't going to break his stick and it wasn't slashing. And I don't see how you equate a hockey play like tying up a guy's stick, with punching someone in the face. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I should come to the realization that punching someone in the face is a hockey play.


    We've got a guy who, if he sees a female, it doesn't matter who, it doesn't matter where, he has to flirt. 5 years old? Sure. 80 years old? Sure. On the ice or in the stands, anything's fair game. We have a girl who plays for us sometimes and she's playing tonight. I'm sure we'll get this ref. It's always an adventure with him when the ladies show up. I've seen him standing at the opposite blue line talking to people in the stands while the game is in play. He'll also chat up the scorekeeper during play too. The first game the girl played for us, he's over by our bench the whole time trying to figure out how she wound up on our team. Eventually I told the guy we're not paying him to flirt. Luckily this guy is around enough and there are always witty comments going back and forth, so he didn't decide to respond with a chain of bad calls.

  16. Now there is a complaint worth bemoaning, Finding good Buffalo wings when you live outside of Bflo... Everyone will tell you this or that place but then you go there and their not... :angry: ...


    If you're calling them buffalo wings, you're already doomed to failure. I will not buy any product with that name.

  17. I can help. My little girl has diabetes. I am not unfortunatly an expert. :thumbdown:


    I guess my point wasn't clear. I was asking him to drop everything and help me. I can pick out the right ones, but I'd much rather have Buffalo Wings do it for me.

  18. I hate people who open a door just far enough so that they can squeeze through. Would it really be so hard to swing your arm the extra two inches it would take to completely cancel out any chances of the door slamming into the person behind you? I'm amazed there isn't a higher death rate in this country due to the accidental elderly decapitation in public doorways.



    And my original comment about complaining being the only subject on this board lately, I think we have a new winner. They're really coming out of the woodwork, aren't they?



    Oh, and spndnchz mentions working in a parking lot and no one asks her how much she charges? I'm ashamed of all of you.

  19. People.


    Not all of them, but especially those who think your purpose in life is to drop everything and help them.


    I need some help over here with a file I'm putting together. I need you to look through this list of medications and pick out one's that are diabetes meds.

  20. Rain. More specifically, downpours. This has to be the most miserable summer ever.


    Oh, and I know that one of the mods will end up changing this to OT, but since complaining is the only topic on this board right now, it's hardly OT.

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