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Posts posted by shrader

  1. A translated version of a german video? Unless it's Hitler talking about TO, I'm not watching it.


    Korab, I'm pretty sure he was banned. That was the only thing that was going to shut him up. The part about responding to the same post 5 times was just for you. Hope you liked it.

  2. I don't agree with you, so clearly you're an idiot and you know absolutely nothing. I'm going to go out of my way to point this out each time you post. In fact, I want to drive this fact home so much that I'm going to reply to your one post 5 times. You are a fool and I am much better than you.



    But anyway, I've kind of hit the point at my job where I need to move on and take that next step. I'll hit the 5 year mark in november. The whole writing a resume and starting to send it out thing is a pain though. I've never been one to brag about things I've done (which fits well with the first part of this post, right?), so I usually end up putting together the most bland resume you'll ever see. Once I actually get all of that together, I have no idea how I'm supposed to go about searching and letting the boss know that I'm doing that. I've been told that I don't have to say anything until I actually get an offer, but how exactly do you use someone as a reference and not let them know you're thinking of leaving? I'm also ridiculously loyal, so I don't want to do anything that would leave them hanging if I were to leave quickly with the usual 2 weeks notice.

  3. Professors that want to take a look at your cookies. On your laptop that is. Quite the uproar today. Everyone's talkin about it. May drop the class, fire the prof. I'm sure there will be a retraction statement next Tuesday.


    Oops, I "accidentally" cleared them out at the end of class.

  4. If I hear the words "Death Panel" one more time I'm going to scream. Anyone who doesn't think that Insurance companies don't already have "Death Panels" is a fool. But, boy, "Death Panels" sure sounds scary...I better not be pro universal health care because then I'm pro Death.


    I was walking through the Boston University campus yesterday (I think it was the first day of classes for them) and this kid was standing in front of the main dorm holding a sign that said "OBAMA IS HITLER". About 30 minutes later, I walked by again and the kid's sign then said "OBAMA ISN'T HITLER". Stupid kid is just out there crying for attention.



    This past October or November, I got a call from a friend asking if I had any vhs tapes she could borrow. Her dvd player was broken, some friends were in from out of town, and they wanted to watch a movie. I let her borrow my old PS2 since I had moved on to the PS3 by that point and it was just holding the role of a spare dvd player for the tv in my bedroom. She lived one block down the street, so it was really no big deal at all. Last week, I see a status on her facebook that says something about her recent move being a success. She still has my PS2 though and hasn't answered any questions about it. Evidentally the statement "you can borrow my PS2" somehow implied that it was hers to keep.

  5. Refs who refuse to call anything on the other team. Wow this was one ugly hockey game tonight. This was one of those games that would've ended in a fight if two specific players showed up. When refs let things go, worse things always happen. When will they learn this?

  6. People who don't realize you can hit the little yellow box next to the thread title to go straight to this Thursday complaints.


    And even if you can't figure that out, it's 125 pages. How to find the most recent posts? Oh I don't know, maybe try clicking on the last page.


    But anyway, 125 pages? Was every single complaint thursday thread since the start of man merged?

  7. The college that I pay tons of money to go to.


    They decided this week to cancel our intramural Ice Hockey program indefinitely, citing some real B.S. reasons for doing so, including incidents that occurred up to 4 years ago. Last year they mandated that we have a security guard on duty for all the games, so we paid the college to let us play. WE PAID FOR SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE FREE. Apparently the security guard wasn't enough though, because certain teams and players that should have been banned ages ago were still allowed in.


    So now the rest of us are being punished for the actions of a select few, because the intramural and recreation board was too lazy to bother to sort out the problems effectively, or involve ANY of us in the discussions they've apparently been having on the topic.


    Thanks for nuthin RIT.


    So wait, RIT is dropping their DI program? :D

  8. 6:40 hockey games. They're next to impossible to get to on time during Boston rush hour traffic.


    I hate this scenario when I'm cashing out at a store. I had the bills to the cashier while holding a handful of change in clear site. I'm doing this to show the cashier that I intend on giving some change, but don't have the free hand to start digging through for correct change. Sometimes I'll say something along the lines of "I should have the 19 cents", but other times I forget. I'm always holding the change right next to the cash though so the cashier can see that I intend on using it. Most of the time, they just immediately cash out and start digging through the change in the register. It's annoying, especially when you get the clueless one who can't figure out what money to give you back since they already hit that $10 button on the register and are totally reliant on the machine to know the correct change. That last part is a whole rant on it's own, but the first part about them ignoring that I'm about to give them change is my main complaint here.

  9. Did you see this while you were going by on the train?...


    People actually read that thing over on TSW? But yeah, that's a good complaint, so here we go:


    Yesterday on my way to work, I watched some kid driving an SUV pull up behind a parked garbage truck. He then tried to throw and empty water bottle out his window into the back of the truck. He missed, then as the truck pulled away, he parked in the spot the truck had been blocking. His water bottle was right next to his door as he got out, but he couldn't be bothered to pick up the bottle and throw it out in the garbage can the truck had just emptied. I'm always amazed at just how lazy people can be.


    And another train rant. On the cars I ride on, they'll open all of the doors to let people out, while new riders are supposed to enter at the front so they can pay. They'll close the back doors pretty quickly so people can't sneak on. Well yesterday, this one guy was taking his time even getting out of his seat and the door closed long before he got anywhere near it. He then began pounding on the door yelling "OPEN THE BACK DOOR!" over and over. Each time he did it, I'd add a "please" on to the end of his sentence. Then the driver started yelling back "front door" every single time he said it. The guy eventually caved and walked the incredible 20 feet up to the front of the train so he could leave. The train was completely empty too, so it wasn't like he had to push his way through 50 people to get there. I'm always amazed how much of a scene people will make just to save about 5 seconds of their day.

  10. I just saw a guy standing outside a store, begging for change. Once he got enough, he'd head inside, buy some scratch offs, then immediately head back outside. Could there be a more worthless move? At least with alcohol or smokes, he gets something in return.

  11. I may have just had a monitor nearly blow up on me. I was sitting at my desk minding my own business when it started to make a sound pretty much like those high voltage sounds you'll hear in movies/tv/cartoons. I immediately shut it off and unplugged it. Then a pretty strong smoky smell followed. And to make matters slightly worse, when the computer guy came to take it away, I found out that I unplugged the wrong plug. So the thing was probably still a time bomb the whole time.


    Now I'm stuck with this tiny old monitor that is really blurry. This is going to be an interesting day.

  12. I can't stand when I have to complain and the thread is locked.



    Hockey refs suck. I made a rush from end to end and set up a goal that put us up 3-2. But because the refs were too lazy to skate they weren't in position to see it. They were still in the neutral zone. If a ref can't keep up with my blazing speed(cough) then I just feel sad for him. Our goal didn't count and we ended up losing 4-2. When I get mad and start complaining about the refs, if I here one more person say,"cut 'em some slack, they just don't make enough money." BS. I sure pay a lot of money to play. If they are only doing it for the money then, again, I just feel sad for them. They should have some pride and actually care about what they are doing.


    That out of position thing happens way too much. We had one a few weeks back where we're down one late with the goalie pulled. The other team cleared the zone and came at me on a two on one with the empty net. Neither ref bothered to leave our offensive zone. The non-puck carrier on the other team then proceded to go offsides by 3 feet. No whistle. Luckily the other team even froze for a few seconds since they knew how offsides they were, giving me time to poke the puck away. We still didn't come back to win, but if they had gotten that empty net goal to ice away the game, I would've found a way to protest that game somehow.


    And another one: We always get 2 refs and the second one the other day couldn't have been old enough to drink. He was also incredibly intimidated and wouldn't call a thing. I wouldn't be surprised if he never blew a single whistle. Really, why was the kid even out there?

  13. I'm gonna dip back into last week's complaints and throw an AMEN at shrader's post. I work in a YMCA and am the guy who closes the facility most nights, and last night (like many others) I had to go on a search and rescue operation to find the missing dumbbells and return them to the rack. They were on the other side of the weight room by the other mirror and cable machine, and even near the cardio section.


    I always put re-order them when I can. I went with that complaint last week because I re-ordered a few and then this guy who sat there watching me then immediately put something back at the opposite end of the rack. What a jackass.


    So I'm on vacation now, yet I'm waking up earlier than I usually do. That's just not right.

  14. I hate people at the gym who put their weights back on the closest rack possible. The whole thing is in order from lightest to heaviest, and they're even labeled. There is no reason to put something in the wrong slot other than pure laziness. You seriously couldn't take the one extra step it would've took to put those 35s in the right spot instead of the spot for the 40s?


    I just spent the last 5 minutes of my train ride home trying to ignore two screaming little kids. This woman brought them on the train while they were already screaming and they never stopped. The woman didn't even try to shut them up, just let them go crazy. Kids suck and so do lousy parents.

  15. One of the smaller joys of my upcoming fatherhood is the prospects of setting parental rights on the computer and time limits on the router for specific devices. Life is going to be grand!


    Just think of where technology might be when your kid is old enough to be using that stuff.

  16. That is essentially my position... It turns an ordinary thread into a feature. A community defining staple. A thread that has 5,000 posts in it and 50k views. An epicenter of rage and discontent...


    And eventually Lord Vigo takes over the board. It's win/win.

  17. The complaints are timeless. Each is as important as the next (except old man PAs complaints). I kind of like the idea of eventually seeing a complaint thread with 100+ posts in it. It makes us look like a group of incredibly miserable people. It strengthens the idea of complaint thursday.

  18. I stopped at a supermarket yesterday to reload the apartment. I also needed some contact lense solution. They just recently remodeled the place, so things have been moved around. When I got over to the little pharmacy department with all that kind of stuff, each aisle had these little subsections with different signs sticking out from every 4th or 5th shelf down the row. "Skin care", "Soap", "Deodorant"... things like that. I couldn't see anything that the contact lense stuff could possibly fall under. Eventually I just happened to walk by it. After I grabbed what I needed, I looked at the sign for future reference. What was it labeled as? "Foot / Eye Care". Obviously when I was looking around, I immediately stopped reading after "foot". Who came up with the bright idea of grouping those two together? Yeah, I'm sure it was an issue of shelf space, but man is that stupid. But hey, now I'm wondering if I were to go out and get a bad case of athlete's foot, maybe my lense solution could take care of it.

  19. I hate people who don't realize that the purpose of headphones is so that someone else doesn't have to listen to your music. I was stuck next to this guy at the gym and I could hear ever single word in whatever "music" he was listening too... and this was while I had my own ipod going. Absurd.

  20. Yeah, I must have bumped into him at another flick. I was taking a girl to see Titanic and on my way in I passed someone who declared, "I can't believe the boat sank." I was pissed.


    If only he had told you to find a better way to spend the next 3 hours. But hey, at least you attempted to cover your tracks by saying you brought a girl to the movie.

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