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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. The SABRES have him off the roster. Will trust THEM knowing their roster more than a 3rd party website. His CAP HIT for the day remains, but HE is gone. He does not count against the 23 man limit.
  2. He's been waived, he's off the Sabres roster. There are 23 healthy players on the roster. Fitzgerald appears to bethe spare healthy D & Hinostroza and Asplund appear to be the spare healthy Fs. Comrie & Jokiharju are still on IR. Pilut has to clear waivers to play in Ra-cha-cha. Whether he does or doesn't will be known at noon.
  3. Not surprising, he'd played his way off the roster. Hope he clears.
  4. Why will the arena be devoid of fans?
  5. 2 TOTALLY different situations. Football plays a 17 game schedule over only 18 weeks. And they only play a max of 1 game during any given week. They had to get that game played that weekend. Hockey plays 82 games through a roughly 187 day window. IF there were need to reschedule the game there are plenty of options that don't entail screwing over 16k people. So, even if there was still a travel ban, which would be the only reason the game wouldn't be played, you're fine with driving a bus through the middle of the travel ban to pick up players. Any other entertainers that should be treated as essential workers in your world view? And there is more to getting Detroit into Ra-cha-cha than simply altering a single flight. (Which still can be a task in itself on kess than a day's notice as that plane has to fit into the schedule of everything else heading into ROC.) They also have to work out ground transportation & hotel accommodations for the team & equipment. You sure are awfully cavalier w/ other people's time and money regarding those paying fans. Couldn't have anything to do w/ giving you a 1 hour trip to see them rather than a 2 hour trip now could it? Too bad for you the game will be played as scheduled.
  6. Unless McCabe's wife has had a change of heart, he ain't leaving Chi-town. She's from there & that's why he's there. (Happy wife, happy life.)
  7. Will ALWAYS dislike the Krackers for sliding into the league a year after they were scheduled to come in. (The fact the Sabres play hung over against them is just a 2ndary reason to dislike them.) The Sabres would've lost Hutton or something even less valuable at the NHL level. At a minimum for changing the entry date teams should've been allowed to protect 1 player that wouldn't have been draft eligible the previous year. Would've kept Borgen a Sabre & would've cost them something roughly as valuable as Hutton. And, yes, get how on the surface it's silly to pine for a 3rd pairing D. But considering he'd still be in the Sabres top 6, will continue to pine away until he wouldn't be.
  8. Isn't it King Charles wife? 😉
  9. Practice?!?! You're talkin' 'bout practice.
  10. Htf do you plan on doing that? The game in BUFFALO is nearly a sell out. There are 11 sections in the 300's w/ no seats available, 4 sections in the 100's w/ no seats available, and the majority of the 200's sections have no seats available. Are you going to tell those people to drive 80 minutes east and hope they're one of the 1st 10,000 people to show up so they can get in the building? Several of the players are still in the wonders of the travel ban. How do you propose they get to the game if where they live still has the ban in place tomorrow? Can Detroit reroute their travel to Ra-cha-cha on 1 day notice? As the Heineken commercials used to say: BRILLIANT!
  11. No data. Would suggest calling the Sabre Store. Would expect the problem will be finding that sparkly gold material. The navy should be pretty easy for a reputable seamstress to find.
  12. Pacioretty married his own sister? Huh? Did he hang w/ Ricky & Julien as a kid?
  13. Well, last time a game was rescheduled, the buyer was able to return the tickets to my account. So, yours truly was stuck w/ the tix. Annoying, but it was what it was EXCEPT Ticket Master forgot to reset the barcodes and we couldn't get into the building. Had to wait for an usher to escort us to Guest Services & after about 15 more minutes of screwing around finally got allowed in after the game had already started. So would really rather the Detroit game not get rescheduled so as to not have to find out what interesting hoops that would entail jumping through.
  14. Which is fine & dandy, but would like to have one sooner than he'll be showing up. And if they're giving up assets for one would want to know he's at least a Poor Man's Samuelsson.
  15. Oh, no doubt. But the last time something like this happened they didn't bother to put the tix back into my account. PITA getting into the building for the rescheduled game.
  16. That, the Yotes want a small fortune to part w/ him, & he's a Poor Man's Dahlin when what the Sabres need is another Samuelsson. That said, if his price came down wouldn't mind him in B&G.
  17. On the plus side, there's a real good chance Power will be back & Comrie & Jokiharju will be all that much closer to healthy whenever they get to play again. Heck, Lyubushkin could be fully healthy too. We may never see Pilut in a Sabres uni again. 😉
  18. Really hoping that one gets played. Somebody bought our tix & really don't care to find out how the refunding process works.
  19. We couldn't do our normal trip in to hang w/ family tonight, but the kids are home & we did a turkey dinner tonight & the tradional steak dinner is set for dinner on the day of days. Not sure what is on the itinerary except watching the Fish try to miss the playoffs. Hard to believe the whole division was above 0.500 about 4 weeks ago. Loo,ing forward to the Sabres getting back to it.
  20. Our outage had 8,000 affected. If 8,000 took 7 hours, 1k should be 1 hour tops, right?
  21. Here's to hoping it's just for a few minutes.
  22. Seeing as Santa doesn't seem to be coming here tonight, Merry Christmas to all. And to those that celebrate other holidays, please have a safe, prosperous, and wonderful celebration. Happy holidays to all.
  23. True, but the Fishies getting their bippies rocked is always appreciated.
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