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Everything posted by SDS

  1. I have shifted from ink blots to Russell Crowe in A Beautiful Mind...
  2. My mind is as bad as it gets and I can't figure out what else it could possibly say (other than what you meant).
  3. I was just going to post that. :thumbsup:
  4. the argument is silly. No one is complaining about good cops and no one likes the bad ones. Y'all agree on the same things but are choosing to argue different, singular points. with that - this thread is closed for 6 more days!
  5. How about people who walk by your cube and use your garbage can as a public can? Geez, take your trash to your own place - don't be chucking things in my cube while I'm working. :angry:
  6. Good point, considering the number of posts per page is user configurable...
  7. is trying to fix the skin issues...

  8. At Ralph Wilson Stadium? I agree....
  9. That is essentially my position... It turns an ordinary thread into a feature. A community defining staple. A thread that has 5,000 posts in it and 50k views. An epicenter of rage and discontent...
  10. But I said, close and reopen, close and reopen. I just see no need for a new thread every week.
  11. I missed my vehicle passing 100,000 miles. I feel your pain... :cry:
  12. Although complaint Thursday was originally my idea (or was it Tuesday?), LB picked up the ball and ran with it here... I'm pretty sure tehre is something here that we can use to open and close posts by date/time. i'll have to look.
  13. ok, why have a new thread every Thursday? Why not open and close one thread? Sometimes, mega threads can be entertaining for new people and the posts/thread views encourage people to participate.
  14. My 4 year old daughter just took a shower in MY bathroom after being in the pool. She thought she had gas, but it wasn't. She #%^$#! in the shower. :sick: :angry:
  15. it can get pretty expensive quickly. $25/month per 1GB of RAM, $50/month for a RAID controller (to speed up disk access) plus another $20-$40/month for the 2nd drive.... or $50/month for a 15k RPM SCSI... although the RAM can pop in and out theoretically, messin with HD's (often the bottleneck of many setups) is a permanent thing. You can't just put another log on the fire for a month and pull back later. His ad revenue may not cover such things.
  16. I'm guessing this probably isn't the day for that... :ph34r:
  17. That sucks. I know you take a lot stuff around here and you're an incredible sport about it. You certainly don't have a thin skin. He must have been a real butthole if the situation came to that. Do you ever watch SpongeBob? There is one episode where SpongeBob and Patrick go to the amusement park, but are afraid to ride the rides. Larry the Lobster comes over and there is some smell coming from his armpits. He tells SpongeBob, "Do you smell that? That's the smell of adrenaline!"... :lol: I think I just got a whiff of something. ;)
  18. Ok, I'm not a big capital punishment guy, but fir this I can make an exception... ANY web publisher who puts up a picture of a product, a place, a person, etc... and has an "enlarge" link - better make damn well sure the picture that comes up is SUBSTANTIALLY BIGGER!!! If that thing is only 10% larger it makes me very, very angry and anyone who does that should DIAF.
  19. Listing the price of a car as $11,000 and then in the fine print put (with $3000 cash down). Seriously? WTF? Give us $3k and we'll lower the price $3000? Wow, how clever. And you wonder why people hate car dealerships.
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