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Why oh Why oh Why oh Why?


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I'm at a loss for words. I just want to tell the world to #%^$#! off. I want to tell this damn curse that whatever it is Buffalo did to deserve this torture, that I'm not sorry.


I'm so freaking proud of this team. I hold no grudge against them. They fought their off missing way too many key players. I just hate going through these what if scenerios. What if Norwood kicked the field goal, what if Hull's goal was called back, what if the Bills knew how to cover kickoffs, what if Lemieux freak goal in 2001 never happened, and now what if the 2006 Sabres were healthy? Losing is a part of sports but why can't we ever lose straight up.


I went to Tim Horton's for lunch today. I had my Sabres t-shirt on and the cashier talked about the game tonight with me. The old senile women who was speaking non-sense to people in line heard the coversation and chimed in to everyone's amazement. She was like 90 years old. Then, driving home after work down Maple Road in Amherst. Two 6-8 year old kids in all Sabres gear were out at the top of their driveways with a Sabres flag and two signs: "Honk for the Sabres" and "I Still Believe".


Why do we have to lose to a city where 90% of the population doesn't care about hockey? It's not #%^$#!ing fair. First Washington, then Dallas and now Carolina.

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The "what if" doesn't even involve an issue as big as the injuries. What if Rory Fitzpatrick sees that puck? I think that will haunt me for a long time -- like the many other disturbing images in Buffalo sports history.

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The "what if" doesn't even involve an issue as big as the injuries. What if Rory Fitzpatrick sees that puck? I think that will haunt me for a long time -- like the many other disturbing images in Buffalo sports history.


I was at the game and I saw that play unfold in slow motion. I was thinking "Nooooooo" as Brind'Amour took 4 strides to get to the puck while Rory just stood there. He's gotta be moving his head around on that play. But what can you do... we were severely undermanned on D.

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