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Hard Hits and No Hard Hits


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The biggest difference I saw in games 1-5 vs. games 6-7 is that in 1-5 Buffalo came out with at least 4 CRUSHING hits within the first 10 minutes. I mean *ouch* I heard that thru the TV kinda hits. In games 6-7, our physicality was nearly non-existent. Do you all think this was a coaching call by Lindy to lighten up in order to stay out of the penalty box or do you think our big hitters like Grier and Kaleta were getting worn down and/or injured even. Obviously Kaleta was injured somewhere in game 6 but I mean beyond the obvious. Even Grier kind of seemed like a wasted roster spot as soon as his hits stopped coming (games 6-7... maybe even 5). Anybody else notice this?

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The biggest difference I saw in games 1-5 vs. games 6-7 is that in 1-5 Buffalo came out with at least 4 CRUSHING hits within the first 10 minutes. I mean *ouch* I heard that thru the TV kinda hits. In games 6-7, our physicality was nearly non-existent. Do you all think this was a coaching call by Lindy to lighten up in order to stay out of the penalty box or do you think our big hitters like Grier and Kaleta were getting worn down and/or injured even. Obviously Kaleta was injured somewhere in game 6 but I mean beyond the obvious. Even Grier kind of seemed like a wasted roster spot as soon as his hits stopped coming (games 6-7... maybe even 5). Anybody else notice this?


Absolutely no coverage on the points without Pominville and Connolly. Grier probably shouldn't have been on the ice....no Kaleta.......only Gaustad left on the top of the box.

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I'm really a fan of "the moral high ground" and it is frustrating to no end to know that the Flyers played dirtier and it paid off. How many times was Hartnel in Miller's face after a save? Carcillo? I lost count. How often did we make a run on Boucher/Bobo/Leighton? I can't recall a single time.


The Richards punch on Kaleta, which keep in mind was one game after the Richards mini-hip "oops" causing Kaletta to go face first into the boards at full speed. The Richards push from behind on Connolly. The Briere hit on Niedermayer tonight.


I know the Sabres were doing some pretty rough retaliatory stuff in the earlier games of this series.... but like I said it just feels kinda .... uggh ... to know that the dirtier team prevails. It even seems like they got rewarded for playing that way.

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I'm really a fan of "the moral high ground" and it is frustrating to no end to know that the Flyers played dirtier and it paid off. How many times was Hartnel in Miller's face after a save? Carcillo? I lost count. How often did we make a run on Boucher/Bobo/Leighton? I can't recall a single time.


The Richards punch on Kaleta, which keep in mind was one game after the Richards mini-hip "oops" causing Kaletta to go face first into the boards at full speed. The Richards push from behind on Connolly. The Briere hit on Niedermayer tonight.


I know the Sabres were doing some pretty rough retaliatory stuff in the earlier games of this series.... but like I said it just feels kinda .... uggh ... to know that the dirtier team prevails. It even seems like they got rewarded for playing that way.


I sad it early in the No Suspension thread and I'll say it again. What Philly has, and what Buffalo has almost always lacked, is a check your conscience at the door and just do whatever you need to do kind of player. Playoffs aren't for guys content to play fair. I wasn't outraged at the lack of suspension. I was outraged because we NEVER have players willing to do whatever needs to be done. Even if it means an opponents season is done before the series is over. Frankly, I am jealous that Philly has guys like that and we don't.


Who was on the last team that made a real run at it? Danny Briere. Yep, the guy who gave us fits with unfair play all series. Did whatever he had to do (within his physical ability) to see his team win. Instead, we've got guys who play fair. Screw that.

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I sad it early in the No Suspension thread and I'll say it again. What Philly has, and what Buffalo has almost always lacked, is a check your conscience at the door and just do whatever you need to do kind of player. Playoffs aren't for guys content to play fair. I wasn't outraged at the lack of suspension. I was outraged because we NEVER have players willing to do whatever needs to be done. Even if it means an opponents season is done before the series is over. Frankly, I am jealous that Philly has guys like that and we don't.


Who was on the last team that made a real run at it? Danny Briere. Yep, the guy who gave us fits with unfair play all series. Did whatever he had to do (within his physical ability) to see his team win. Instead, we've got guys who play fair. Screw that.


It's a war of attrition........


The diving is seriously disgraceful.

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It's a war of attrition........


The diving is seriously disgraceful.



Agreed. But the guy was in Millers face. In his crease. he was hitting and slashing behind the play. He wasn't just an offensive force, he was busting his ass to get players off their game.


Who was in Boucher's face? He's a lower tier goalie and we don't have the personnel to throw off the composure of a lower tier goalie.


Gimme the diver that's in the other teams face and affecting their decisions. I don't need a guy who follows the spirit of the rule in the playoffs.

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I'm really a fan of "the moral high ground" and it is frustrating to no end to know that the Flyers played dirtier and it paid off. How many times was Hartnel in Miller's face after a save? Carcillo? I lost count. How often did we make a run on Boucher/Bobo/Leighton? I can't recall a single time.


The Richards punch on Kaleta, which keep in mind was one game after the Richards mini-hip "oops" causing Kaletta to go face first into the boards at full speed. The Richards push from behind on Connolly. The Briere hit on Niedermayer tonight.


I know the Sabres were doing some pretty rough retaliatory stuff in the earlier games of this series.... but like I said it just feels kinda .... uggh ... to know that the dirtier team prevails. It even seems like they got rewarded for playing that way.


Philly has been playing this way (and getting away with it) for most of their existence. Big money owner in a big market tends to make the refs (and the league) look the other way. The really disappointing thing is that this Flyer team does not have to play that way - they are laden with speed, talent and heart (just not a #1 goalie). Flyer fans (and I think the team management) demand they play the bad guys. It would be interesting to see what this team could do if they just played hockey and left the goon squad stuff in the locker room. BTW, I pray for a Vancouver-Philadelphia Final, as I want to see Raffe Torres take out Richards and/or Carcillo and/or VanReimsdyk.

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Agreed. But the guy was in Millers face. In his crease. he was hitting and slashing behind the play. He wasn't just an offensive force, he was busting his ass to get players off their game.


Who was in Boucher's face? He's a lower tier goalie and we don't have the personnel to throw off the composure of a lower tier goalie.


Gimme the diver that's in the other teams face and affecting their decisions. I don't need a guy who follows the spirit of the rule in the playoffs.


It's hard to get in the goalie's face when the team can't move the puck beyond the red line.

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