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Coulda Woulda Shoulda, and Luke Adam...


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Here is an interesting stat about the Regier regime that I don't think many realize. If the Sabres miss the playoffs this season it will be six out of 9 seasons. Previous to Regier this franchise missed the playoffs six out of twenty-seven seasons.



You complete me.

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TB just traded for Roloson, who shut out the Caps in his 1st game as a Bolt. It's highly unlikely that they'd trade for Giggy.


I wouldn't be surprised if someone traded for Giggy, but I would be surprised if the Leafs got more than, say, a 3rd round pick for him.


Burke seems like overall a good guy, but well over-hyped as a GM. It appears that you don't regard the Kessel trade as a debacle for the Leafs -- that puts you into a pretty small minority.

Kessel is only 23 years old and is on pace to score 36 goals this year matching a career high. He is signed long term at $5.4 mil. Which may seem a bit high right now. If he takes that next step to the 40+ goal ranger it will be a bargain.


Phaneuf was another great pickup. He is legit NHL Captain, he is only 25 years old and is signed long term. $6.5 a year is a hefty contract. Phaneuf is a hammer back on the blue-line and that cost money.


Versteeg has one year left after this year at about $3.1 mil. He is another guy that is only 24 years old. I am sure he will be evaluated over the next season and a half and Burke will decide if will remain a Leaf.


Burke is bringing name players to Toronto. He is also bringing young quality players Toronto. If Kessel, Phaneuf and Versteeg were all in their 30's I would be saying what the hell is this guy doing.

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Should this thread maybe be renamed "Darcy Regier's Legacy" mods??


Lol... It is entitled "Luke Adams", and Luke hasn't been mentioned since like page 1 or maybe 2.


Some of the points made above for negatives on Darcy Regier we have all lived through in the past few years. The Sabres came out of the strike with the best young team, built for success. Briere, Drury, Dumont, Connolly (at the time, when he wasn't injury-prone), Vanek, Roy, Pommenville, Campbell, Miller, etc..., etc... Who got them into that position??


Hind-sight being 20/20... Looking back, do we jettison Briere a year earlier to hold on to Dumont (since we WERE at the CAP limit, after which time, Galisano had Quinn implement his self-imposed "team CAP"..., thinking we'd get smarter that way, for the future..., and where has it left the team??)? Who do we get rid of, in order to hold on to Campbell? Decisions were made by Regier BEFORE Larry Quinn was put in place to practice fiscal responsibility. Those decisions got us a few minutes from a CUP (loss in game #7 against Carolina in ECF). Hard decisions had to be made. That team seems to have run it's course, and there's nary a cup in Buffalo to show for it, and we want to throw the baby out with the bath-water.


I don't have the answers. I'm hoping that if there's going to be a change in ownership, that the team makes the right decisions with personnel people. I guess if we jettison Darcy & Lindy, we'll soon find out if it's only a myth that other teams will / won't pick them up (I think we'll get to see how they do elsewhere).


Given what they were able to put together, coming out of a bankrupt situation, I'm hoping whomever comes next is just as shrewd to GET us to the top of the heap (and then we push that next step...).


I personally would not have a problem if it continues to be the same people (definitely would prefer to keep Lindy)...



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Should this thread maybe be renamed "Darcy Regier's Legacy" mods??


Lol... It is entitled "Luke Adams", and Luke hasn't been mentioned since like page 1 or maybe 2.


Some of the points made above for negatives on Darcy Regier we have all lived through in the past few years. The Sabres came out of the strike with the best young team, built for success. Briere, Drury, Dumont, Connolly (at the time, when he wasn't injury-prone), Vanek, Roy, Pommenville, Campbell, Miller, etc..., etc... Who got them into that position??


Hind-sight being 20/20... Looking back, do we jettison Briere a year earlier to hold on to Dumont (since we WERE at the CAP limit, after which time, Galisano had Quinn implement his self-imposed "team CAP"..., thinking we'd get smarter that way, for the future..., and where has it left the team??)? Who do we get rid of, in order to hold on to Campbell? Decisions were made by Regier BEFORE Larry Quinn was put in place to practice fiscal responsibility. Those decisions got us a few minutes from a CUP (loss in game #7 against Carolina in ECF). Hard decisions had to be made. That team seems to have run it's course, and there's nary a cup in Buffalo to show for it, and we want to throw the baby out with the bath-water.


I don't have the answers. I'm hoping that if there's going to be a change in ownership, that the team makes the right decisions with personnel people. I guess if we jettison Darcy & Lindy, we'll soon find out if it's only a myth that other teams will / won't pick them up (I think we'll get to see how they do elsewhere).


Given what they were able to put together, coming out of a bankrupt situation, I'm hoping whomever comes next is just as shrewd to GET us to the top of the heap (and then we push that next step...).


I personally would not have a problem if it continues to be the same people (definitely would prefer to keep Lindy)...




Good post, prefer to keep Lindy and ditch Reiger but I like it.


So... Luke Adam?

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Genuine question: how many of the recent 6 were due to the ownership debacle/bankruptcy, at least to some extent?


Playoff misses.


IMO none of the playoff misses post lockout were related in any way to the bankruptcy. That makes 3 including this year. 3 out of the last 6 years.

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Kessel is only 23 years old and is on pace to score 36 goals this year matching a career high. He is signed long term at $5.4 mil. Which may seem a bit high right now. If he takes that next step to the 40+ goal ranger it will be a bargain.


Phaneuf was another great pickup. He is legit NHL Captain, he is only 25 years old and is signed long term. $6.5 a year is a hefty contract. Phaneuf is a hammer back on the blue-line and that cost money.


Versteeg has one year left after this year at about $3.1 mil. He is another guy that is only 24 years old. I am sure he will be evaluated over the next season and a half and Burke will decide if will remain a Leaf.


Burke is bringing name players to Toronto. He is also bringing young quality players Toronto. If Kessel, Phaneuf and Versteeg were all in their 30's I would be saying what the hell is this guy doing.

I'm obviously less bullish than you on the Leafs. I have a hard time pointing to them and saying, that's how it's done.


Versteeg is alright, but I see him as a kind of tweener... a third liner with some good hands and a defensive liability.


Phaneuf is a question mark. He was run out of Calgary - (his teammates thought so much of him). His offense has lagged and he makes inexplicable choices in his own end.


So the Maple Leafs have the most expensive blue-line in the league and give up as many goals as Buffalo, but might have about half as many goals from their defense as Jordan Leopold.


I just see Toronto as the team that does dumb things again and again...but at least they have Nazim Kadri to show for it.


Anywho.....they are hardly a model for competence and shrewd dealing in my eyes. They continue to be the best off-season team year to year though. :lol:


I think Dallas would be a much better team to point to for success in trades and free agency.

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I DVR'd last night's game (live on left coast, game was 4:30pm), and when I got out of work, and saw Sabres had blown 2-0 lead, I couldn't bring myself to run home and watch (and still haven't). I SO despise that Philadelphia franchise, dating back to first cup finals run (I guess the hockey gods have gotten back at our Sabres with Philly, for bumping them out of playoffs on final day a year or so before that). Will do so in day or so (since this disappointing season, and economy, I decided not to re-up for Center Ice, it will probably be my last "watched" Sabres game in a while..., I do listen to RJ regularly, usually last period, after get home from work).


Anyhow, from what I've read, Philadelphia has a team very similar to the Sabres coming out of the lockout (And they have Briere to boot...). A ton of guys who can put pucks in the net, and can go four lines that way. As I remember, Philly was worst team in the league just a few years ago, then went with the Sabres formula after we romped them out of the playoffs (with their slow defense) a few years back. Philadelphia, just a year or so ago even (after they righted themselves), everyone was saying..., had run into cap problems, and had to jettison some of their top talent, and yet they recovered to be one of the top (as much as I had to admit it) teams in the league right now.


So this is where Regier and Sabres fell down (me-thinks)... We held on too tightly to that "one more try at the cup with this team" (kind of like the Bill's did in the late 90's). Regeir, or a combination of Regier with the shackles that are the present Quinn-imposed ownership group, has brought us to where we are today.


As always...



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