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Peter Zezel


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Former NHLer peter zezel has been taken off of life support. He's apparently comatose and near the end from a rare blood disorder. Keep him and his family in your thoughts tonight.






Update: Passed away this afternoon at age 44. RIP


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Wow. Sad to hear. I remember him first as a Flyer, and then as one of those guys that always "ended up" on a team that was in the hunt. Possibly because he made those teams into teams that were in the hunt.

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That just breaks my heart how someone has to suffer through such a horrible infirmity. :cry:


My prayers go out to his family. :worthy: (FYI, I'm using the worthy emoticon because there's no prayer icon on this forum.)




As an aside, I remember that some people on this forum said some rather callous things about Zezel's obesity after retiring from the game. I don't know if the blood disorder caused it, but it may cause some people to wonder if there was a correlation from here on out.

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Sad day. I remember Zezel as one of the best faceoff guys I've ever seen. Long before Yanic Perrault, Rod Brind'Amour, and others, Zezel was the original faceoff specialist. I remember watching Toronto's run to the Campbell Conference Finals in 1993 and 1994, and I swear, I never saw him lose a draw. He was one of the best faceoff guys that I can remember in my lifetime. He used to have this move where when the lineseman dropped the puck, he would immediately fall to his knees, turning his body to face behind him to get the puck back to one of his teammates. It is likely because of Zezel that they changed the formation of the faceoff dot with the lines to show where a center is supposed to have his legs before the draw, etc. I will always remember Zezel as one of the best faceoff guys of my lifetime.

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