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Great shot! Proves nothing. Back it up and you'll see that the instant the puck had cleared the Washington zone edge of the blue line, Pominville had yet to tag up (skate position, not stick).


Tom, your description of what you think offside is confuses me.


Not trying to prove my superiority, just trying to point out that the officiating breaks go both ways.


I think it's your understanding of what an offsides is that is confusing.


The shot shows it all. Connolly tips the puck into the Washington zone but does not have possession of the puck, creating a delayed offside condition. Pominville tags up (clearly show in the shot). Connolly reaches out and gets possession of the puck after Pominville has cleared the zone. The delayed offside is nullified.

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OK, here's what Tom was trying to point out I think:

83.2 Deflections / Rebounds ?€“ If a puck clearly rebounds off a defending player in the neutral zone back into the defending zone, all attacking players are eligible to play the puck.

More likely, he meant this:

77.c (NEW for 2005-06) If a player or players precede the puck into the attacking zone, the Linesman shall raise his non-whistle arm to indicate a delayed off-side call. The Linesman shall drop his arm to nullify the off-side violation and allow play to continue if:


i. The defending Team passes or carries the puck into the neutral zone, or

ii. All attacking players in the attacking zone (at the time the puck crosses the blue line) clear the attacking zone by making skate contact with the blue line. All attacking players must be clear of the zone at the same instant before the Linesman can drop his arm permitting the attacking players to re-enter the attacking zone.

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I think it's your understanding of what an offsides is that is confusing.


The shot shows it all. Connolly tips the puck into the Washington zone but does not have possession of the puck, creating a delayed offside condition. Pominville tags up (clearly show in the shot). Connolly reaches out and gets possession of the puck after Pominville has cleared the zone. The delayed offside is nullified.


The linesman's arm doesn't go up for a delayed offside. He sure is giving the play the old skunk eye and makes an emphatic washout signal.


I don't think the rule I cited comes into play. The puck did not "rebound" off Connolly. He played it with his stick.

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The linesman's arm doesn't go up for a delayed offside. He sure is giving the play the old skunk eye and makes an emphatic washout signal.


I don't think the rule I cited comes into play. The puck did not "rebound" off Connolly. He played it with his stick.


There's less than a second between when the delayed offsides occured and when it was nullified. So what difference does it make whether he started to move his arm or not.


The rule you cited is not relevant in this case. The rule Carp cited is the rule I referred to and that is relevant. It doesn't matter if it "rebounded" off Connolly or not, that rule only applies to rebounds off the defending team. It doesn't even matter if Connolly pushed it into the zone intentionally (doubt it since it bounces clearly away from him). What matters is that all Sabres cleared the zone simultaneously before Connolly touches the puck and regains possession in the zone.

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There's less than a second between when the delayed offsides occured and when it was nullified. So what difference does it make whether he started to move his arm or not.


The rule you cited is not relevant in this case. The rule Carp cited is the rule I referred to and that is relevant. It doesn't matter if it "rebounded" off Connolly or not. It doesn't even matter if Connolly pushed it into the zone intentionally (doubt it since it bounces clearly away from him). What matters is that all Sabres cleared the zone simultaneously before Connolly touches the puck and regains possession in the zone.


OK, I got it. Thanks.


The linesman's reaction threw me off. I think it does matter if he makes the right signal, so he doesn't confuse nimrods like me. Wouldn't the correct signal have been a quick raising and lowering of the arm? I just have a feeling, the way he was peering down the line, that he was trying to look at the puck and Pominville's skates. Just watching for Pominville to tag up wouldn't have required that kind of concentration or such an emphatic wipe-out.

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OK, I got it. Thanks.


The linesman's reaction threw me off. I think it does matter if he makes the right signal, so he doesn't confuse nimrods like me. Wouldn't the correct signal have been a quick raising and lowering of the arm? I just have a feeling, the way he was peering down the line, that he was trying to look at the puck and Pominville's skates. Just watching for Pominville to tag up wouldn't have required that kind of concentration or such an emphatic wipe-out.

You could be right about the thought process. It's very possible that the linesman thought Pominville got clear of the zone before the puck entered the zone and that there was no delayed offside either. In which case, we've collectively proven him wrong. However, it doesn't change the fact that it wasn't an offsides. Whether the linesman bumbled in to the right call accidentally or not, he somehow managed to make the right call on a real quick play. It's amazing the call went the Sabres way, but it was the right call.


That play was beautiful for a number of reasons. I love the contrast between Connolly's patience and Pominville's hustle. Pommers literally has to bust his ass to get out of the zone, stops on a dime and then comes flying back into the zone. All hustle. Meanwhile, Connolly shows he's got ice water in his veins and great vision by waiting for Pominville to get back across the line before fishing the puck away from the defenseman. Finally, he somehow feathers a perfect lead pass through the defenseman and made it look easy.

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You could be right about the thought process. It's very possible that the linesman thought Pominville got clear of the zone before the puck entered the zone and that there was no delayed offside either. In which case, we've collectively proven him wrong. However, it doesn't change the fact that it wasn't an offsides. Whether the linesman bumbled in to the right call accidentally or not, he somehow managed to make the right call on a real quick play. It's amazing the call went the Sabres way, but it was the right call.


That play was beautiful for a number of reasons. I love the contrast between Connolly's patience and Pominville's hustle. Pommers literally has to bust his ass to get out of the zone, stops on a dime and then comes flying back into the zone. All hustle. Meanwhile, Connolly shows he's got ice water in his veins and great vision by waiting for Pominville to get back across the line before fishing the puck away from the defenseman. Finally, he somehow feathers a perfect lead pass through the defenseman and made it look easy.


It was a long shift for Pominville. You and Tom are right to applaud his hustle. Where was it on that shorthanded goal a while back!?


To me, it was just the second-most beautiful play of the night. Connolly's hard pass onto the tape of Roy's stick for that tip-in was more gorgeous.

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I was at Verizon last night, and it was a true playoff atmosphere...good Sabres contingent in the house and before the game at Fados across the street. Glad we came out on top, dang did we need that one.


Earlier posts about Caps fans being bandwagon jumpers are true, but the fans are really into the game. They've sold over 12,000 FULL season tix for next year already, and they've established a waiting list.


I've been down here since 1985 and I've seen many ebbs and flows with Caps fans...but now that they've got OV locked up for the foreseeable future, I think the fandom here will continue to grow. They're decent fans, a bit misguided, but decent nonetheless. I least they're not Leafs fans... <_<

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