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Fire Darcy


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There are have been some "Fire Lindy" threads but the problem starts with our GM. He and the rest of the Sabres front office have killed the extrordinary atmosphere the Buffalo Sabres and its fans have built up since the lockout with his inept decisions. Changes were needed last year when we weren't good enough, and it couldn't be any more clear that the team STILL isn't good enough to make the playoffs and yet STILL nothing is done about it. The team is boring and soft and its time that we get someone in here to move the Sabres in a new direction. It should start with a GM who isn't afraid to start cutting the fat from our roster in which there is plenty. Regier needs to go.

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There are have been some "Fire Lindy" threads but the problem starts with our GM. He and the rest of the Sabres front office have killed the extrordinary atmosphere the Buffalo Sabres and its fans have built up since the lockout with his inept decisions. Changes were needed last year when we weren't good enough, and it couldn't be any more clear that the team STILL isn't good enough to make the playoffs and yet STILL nothing is done about it. The team is boring and soft and its time that we get someone in here to move the Sabres in a new direction. It should start with a GM who isn't afraid to start cutting the fat from our roster in which there is plenty. Regier needs to go.


Quinn needs to go before Regier.


Doesn't mean Darcy doesn't need a big old boot up his backside, cause he does!

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Quinn needs to go before Regier.


Doesn't mean Darcy doesn't need a big old boot up his backside, cause he does!

Quinn is going nowhere as long as OSP owns the team. I am not even sure that if the Sabres missed the playoffs again this year, that Darcy and Lindy would not be here on opening night 09-10.



I have gone from being optimistic to expecting nothing from this team...


No excitement

No firings

No trades

No playoffs



The more I think about it and some have expressed this opinion before, naming Rivet captain says a whole lot about the guys who were in the locker room before he arrived. No accountability, no responsibility, just picking up pay checks and hoping for the "new" NHL to come back so they can skate around without much effort and pad their stats.

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Darcy should be the first guy to go. Lindy has to play w/ the players he is given. When the Sabres were made up of conservative defensive minded players, Lindy played that style of hockey. Today, the Sabres are made up so agressive weak hitting offensive minded players. Lindy now has to play that style of hockey. The Sabres cannot make the playoffs w/ the players they have. You'd think after the 06/07 season, Darcy would've started to make some changes. He failed to do so. How can he not see the current Sabres team cannot compete in today's NHL? It's simply common sense. I'm glad a number of players are in the last year of their contracts. Darcy, if he is still in town, is going to be forced to make adjustments. I wouldn't be surprised if he stayed w/ the type of players he has now, though. Give Darcy the pink slip.

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The more I think about it and some have expressed this opinion before, naming Rivet captain says a whole lot about the guys who were in the locker room before he arrived. No accountability, no responsibility, just picking up pay checks and hoping for the "new" NHL to come back so they can skate around without much effort and pad their stats.


That is a good point, this team lacks leadership and backbone. Everyone called Regier and Sabres visionaries for their approach to the "new" NHL after the lockout, but clearly they held on to the the strategy of speed far too long. Our prospects seem to be in that mold as well.

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That is a good point, this team lacks leadership and backbone. Everyone called Regier and Sabres visionaries for their approach to the "new" NHL after the lockout, but clearly they held on to the the strategy of speed far too long. Our prospects seem to be in that mold as well.

The funny thing about this is, DR wasn't a visionary and aware that the "new" NHL was on the way. He was just doing his normal drafting of skill/finesse/soft players and happened to luck into the NHL's version of the Ice Capades for a couple of years.

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The sad thing is we all know there will be no changes to the management of the team just as we know there will be no changes of any significance to the roster. It's been apparent for a while now that the players are aware this also. The players know there are no repercussions no matter how poorly they play. The same handful of players will continue to be rotated as "benched".


I said since the off-season that this team had a serious lack of quality and zero depth on the roster. It's really showing now. If it were not for Vanek's hot start this team would have half as many wins as it does now. The forwards ranks beyond Roy, Vanek and Pominville is looking pretty sad.


I do have to ask this. If Quinn, Regier and Ruff are all on the same page, where does the objective voice come from? You have three men who are in love themselves and what they are doing as a organization. Who is there to point out it isn't working? This franchise needs someone to come in detached from the current Sabre mindset to offer constructive critisisms and offer new and fresh ideas.

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The sad thing is we all know there will be no changes to the management of the team just as we know there will be no changes of any significance to the roster. It's been apparent for a while now that the players are aware this also. The players know there are no repercussions no matter how poorly they play. The same handful of players will continue to be rotated as "benched".


I said since the off-season that this team had a serious lack of quality and zero depth on the roster. It's really showing now. If it were not for Vanek's hot start this team would have half as many wins as it does now. The forwards ranks beyond Roy, Vanek and Pominville is looking pretty sad.


I do have to ask this. If Quinn, Regier and Ruff are all on the same page, where does the objective voice come from? You have three men who are in love themselves and what they are doing as a organization. Who is there to point out it isn't working? This franchise needs someone to come in detached from the current Sabre mindset to offer constructive critisisms and offer new and fresh ideas.


One big Amen... :thumbsup: .. Hey doesnt chicago have Bowman as a consultant ? Maybe he was the one that suggested it was time for Savard to go to the owner...Hey TG doesn't efficient business's do this all the time bring in a good organizational consultant to self scout ???


I defintely like this idea because you are right the holy trinity we got aint , seeing, hearing or speaking no evil.. :bag:

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One big Amen... :thumbsup: .. Hey doesnt chicago have Bowen as a consultant ? Maybe he was the one that suggested it was time for Savard to go to the owner...Hey TG doesn't efficient business's do this all the time bring in a good organizational consultant to self scout ???


I defintely like this idea because you are right the holy trinity we got aint , seeing, hearing or speaking no evil.. :bag:

I don't think it's that. I just think they need to go back and hit Youtube a little harder to find better talent. :doh:

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