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Posts posted by Doohickie

  1. one scenario is better than the other....


    Pat Lafontaine, Craig Patrick & Tim Murray or Darcy Regier ??



    happy dance !!


    I keep picturing the AT&T commercial that has the one guy talking to a table full of kids: "Which is better? The trio of Pat Lafontaine, Craig Patrick & Tim Murray or Darcy Regier ??"


    And all the kids yell back, "TRIO!!!"


    It's not complicated.

  2. I wonder if Murray does anything before the Olympics. Might take a bit for him to assess the situation.


    I'm sure he's given it some thought during the interview process; he's probably already been queried by PLF what his first moves would be. Obviously he hasn't reached out to other teams yet, but he probably has a plan of what his first phone calls will be.

  3. If I remember right, he wore that shirt to a Wings Alumni game at U of Mich., and it has signatures of some of the old-timers on the back including Alex Delvecchio.


    It's such a sad look to me. You see them grow up and they're strapping and full of life, and then you see that look at the end. It's almost like resignation and "get me out of here."


    I dread that with my youngest dog, a German Shepherd mix. Sure, all our dogs were/are family, but Winston is more family than the rest, probably the best dog we've ever had (he even sleeps in bed with us most nights when it's cold). And right now he's in his prime (almost 4 years old). Not looking forward to his decline; he's such an awesome dog. The recently deceased Sugar was my son's dog and he was her boy. I'm sad at her passing, but I never felt as bonded to her as I am to Winston.

  4. Is that pic from last night?


    Actually from Monday. She was slipping fast at that point, although we didn't realize how fast at the time.


    That sux man.


    (And I don't mean the Red Wings shirt.)


    When that pic was taken, we had just moved from Detroit to Fort Worth, and the Wings had just won their first Cup in 42 years. Also of note: That little boy is 6'-5" now.

  5. I wonder if they could simply postpone it a day? Yeah, it wouldn't avoid that three-day-in-a-row thing, but it would get it done and over with, and there's no way to avoid that anyway. I think it was Carolina that has the three games, maybe the third could be delayed a day to give them a day off.


    I have no idea what your job it, so let me ask: is your job extremely grueling on the body, are there random large men constantly running at you trying to destroy you, are there heavy frozen rubber objects flying at you, do you constantly have to pump your legs at your job?


    Unless you're either a hockey player or an Alaskan porn star, the answer to all those questions are no.


    I guess you didn't see my tongue. It was in my cheek.

  6. Our younger son "failed out" of nursery school. At the time he was about the same age as your son. If you ever saw the scene in Mr. Holland's Opus where they find out their son is deaf because he was throwing tantrums cuz he couldn't communicate? My son was like that a lot. He was diagnosed with "autistic spectrum disorder"- not full-blown autistic, but in that direction.


    My wife strongly advocated for him to get the help he needed, but the other side is she also made sure they put him in the highest functioning environment possible. She wanted to make sure he didn't get "warehoused" in a classroom where he wouldn't be given what he needed to improve to his potential.


    So from almost three, he went to a full-time early intervention setup with speech therapy, occupational therapy, all that. From that he transitioned to where he was in the same school with our older son, but was full-time special ed. Then, to part-time special ed. By the time he got to middle school, he was able to function without special help. By high school he took some AP classes and he actually graduated college this past month.


    We really had to fight at times to get him the right treatments, therapies, placements, etc. The school districts want to just put the kids where they don't cause trouble; you have to convince/motivate/work with/push them to get what's best for your kid because they're not nearly as interested in outcomes as you are.


    One thing that my son got when he was about 5 or 6 was a program called Fast Forward. As I recall, it was a computer program that helped him learn how to catch up with the aspects of speech he didn't learn the first time around. It monitored his progress each day, and the following day's lesson was tailored to the results from the previous day. If you can get the school district to pay for it (or if you have the means), look into Fast Forward. It made a big difference for our son.

  7. He's already done more than D'Augustini.


    Incorrect. He drew a penalty that led to a critical goal. D'Ags has done a helluva lot more positive than that.




    After sitting on it a few days, I will say this: Nolan had done a pretty good job of sorting out the lines and establishing some team chemistry. In the second Bruins game, though, suddenly that chemistry was gone. Was the insertion of Omark? I think that played a part in it. He might have a lot of talent but maybe he just doesn't play well with others. We'll see.

  8. No, Ennis is by far the better player to me.


    However, consider that this was only his first game with the team. I'm open minded; I think he will improve. I will say that the work ethic was there. He skated hard, played good defense. Yeah, he wa guilty on the hook, but it was embellished by the Bruin who held onto his stick a bit. Not a heinous penalty but the Bruins did score so it looks bad.


    I think it's okay that he didn't have a huge impact. Look at all the players who scored in their first game in the blue & gold and weren't with the team a year later.


    This is the perfect spot for him. If he's NHL caliber, we'll see it soon. If not, he'll at least be able to say he got his shot.

  9. Members of neo-Nazi groups use the number 88 as a sort of signal to one another. H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, and 88 stands for "heil Hitler" among the loonies.


    That said, I've never heard of anyone in any sport changing his/her number because of this. Lindros wore it, and it's pretty common among wide receivers in the NFL.


    Really? Not wanting people to use it because of that, when most people don't even know what it means, is BS.

  10. 1) Enroth

    2) Horton

    3) Robataille

    4) KORAB. Duh.

    5) Ramsey

    6) Schoenfeld

    7) Martin

    8) Lorentz

    9) Roy

    10) Ramsay

    11) Perreault

    12) Savard

    13) Kozlov (mostly remember him from his Red Wings days)

    14) Robert

    15) Meehan

    16) LaFontaine

    17) Foligno

    18) Gare

    19) Connolly

    20) Luce

    21) Stafford

    22) Ruff

    23) Carriere

    24) Pyeatt

    25) Andreychuk

    26) Vanek

    27) Peca

    28) Sauve

    29) Pominville

    30) Miller

    31) Puppa- I attended RPI when he was playing there

    32) Ray

    33) Brennan

    34) Butler

    35) Conklin

    36) Kaleta

    37) Ellis

    38) Paetsch

    39) Hasek

    40) Lalime

    41) Barnes

    42) Gerbe

    43) Biron

    44) Zhitnik

    ...then I got tired.




    Honorary mention:

    3) Taro Tsujimoto


  11. There's an extensive list of "Mickeyisms" for those who've watched the Red Wings over the years. They jump up into my consciousness from time to time. He would describe someone like Myers as "a tall glass of water" and a nasty slash on the hands was a "B.C. two-hander" (I guess hockey players from British Columbia had a nasty reputation).

  12. I love Pysyk, but a stint in Rochacha won't hurt him. Let's see what we've got in the AHLers and whether they are ready (or close to ready) for the NHL. The best way I would characterize this season is "triage." Bringing in some D'Agostinis and Ellises to fill out the roster is better, think, than trying to bring all the AHLers up at once. If you have all the kids up at once, it puts too much on them to succeed without giving them the tools.


    My only frame of reference for this hockey-ism is Robitaille (in fact, that's generally my source for such phrasings), and I know he uses "cup of coffee".


    When I lived in Detroit, Mickey Redmond used the term "going out for a ginger ale" as a euphemism for going out and getting drunk. I was really just muddying the water with that line.

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