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Posts posted by Doohickie

  1. That is a great question for the forum:

    If Stafford continues to play like last night, is all forgiven?

    Or has he already burned his bridge with you, the fan?


    All is forgiven. It has to be. When I was in Buffalo visiting family and went to Laux for a Sabres jersey, they were all out of Vanek & Miller and I got stuck with Stafford. So I hope he redeems himself and I can wear the jersey with pride. No, pride isn't the right word... it has a slug logo after all....

  2. This is a critical element that seems to be overlooked in the "effort vs talent" debate. So much of happens on the ice is driven by what's between the ears. As someone else pointed out earlier today, the Sabres have a pretty good amount of talent, and at times a respectable amount of effort, but the package doesn't come together and result in crisp passes or good shots or being in the right spot in the fractions-of-seconds that they have during games to make those decisions.


    I think Stafford is the poster boy for this. When he was scoring a few years ago, he was fast, decisive and confident. Now he looks like a zombie who believes he's incapable of making the game come to him.


    Nolan understands players' hearts and minds. If he can get them feeling confident, comfortable and aggressive, this team could look much, much better.


    I alluded to this (upthread, I think), specifically about Stafford. I don't see him getting an A or a C as such, but I think Nolan is going to tell Stafford he is one of the key veteran leaders he is depending on. I think Staff will live up to the expectations Nolan sets for him.

  3. My only regret - something like today's house cleaning should have happened when Terry Pegula bought our team. Ahhh well...... moving forward.. LETS GO SABRES!!!!!


    Totally disagree. Don't make change just for the sake of change. Terry wanted to give DR and LR (and RR) ample opportunity to demonstrate why they should go (or not). I think he's given them that opportunity and now he knows why he's changing. It seems to be how TPegs operates. He won't fire you for a mistake, but rather take the whole body of someone's work. So far the body of work hasn't been great.

  4. I will wait to pass judgement on whether or not I want Moulson resigned. He looked good in his first game but that doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot. He was a late bloomer and I am sure that he had to have some skills to be able to contribute goals the way he did even if he was playing with tavares. If he clicks with Hodgson then I would be okay with having him for 5yrs at 5mil actually. He has his last 3 years with 30+ goals so maybe he does have a nack for scoring. I think with him it is a wait and see kinda thing where the Sabres can win either way. All that being said if he is not signed to an extension by the deadline... buh bye!

  5. Just think (yeah, I know, woulda-coulda-shoulda), but if the Bills had beaten NE in Week 1, they'd be tied for first place in the division right now. At this point, the Bills are improving and gelling as a team. I'm not sure you can say that about, say... the Patriots. The Pats are as good as they're gonna get.

  6. Serious question: can anyone present a convincing argument why it matters?


    1. All the other teams get to have just one captain.

    2. Demonstrates lack of decisiveness on the part of the coach.

    3. Each co-captain wonders why he wasn't good enough to just be named captain.

    4. Disappearing captain voodoo of the Sabres organization.

  7. I'm getting closer to my home.


    I see what you did there.



    PS: There's another team on the Great Lakes that put all the pressure and expectation on young guys with potential. They even put the "C" on one. Two Cups later...


    But remember he was captain for 11 seasons before he won his first Cup. Buffalo fans are more impatient than that.


    I disagree. Tell me he didn't sulk somewhat when he didn't get it.


    He sulks. ALL. THE. TIME. For no reason at all.

  8. A thought about having Ott as captain and Weber as asst.: If Ott isn't signed and is either traded late or in the next off season, Weber could tank. I don't want to say he's only going to do well as long as he's on the same team as Ott, but it could put a weird twist in his ability to lead if Ott vanishes.

  9. I'll throw this out there: Forget about whether a player is in the last year of a contract. Pick the best captain for this year. If they leave, they leave, regardless of whether they were named captain.




    Culmlative opinion based on watching him over the years and personal bias.


    Do you ever wonder why he NEVER gets interviewed between periods? I do. He pouts when it isn't going well.


    He pouts when it's going well, too.

  10. I also like PA's take on Manuel. There's something in the guy -- a goodness, almost -- that makes me want to believe that he can be our franchise QB. He just seems to "get it", as they say.


    I think there's a leadership quality about him that Bills QBs have lacked for a long time. While still humble, he believes in himself.


    Yeah, I didn't get that either. They were always down by less than a touchdown. Bulldog said a woman stopped him in the parking lot and asked "Did they actually win that game?"


    What the hell is wrong with the "diehard" fans in Buffalo that they'd rather try to beat traffic than stick around to see if their rookie QB can engineer an amazing comeback? Pretty astonishing that that was a thing today.


    When you kick a dog too many times, it flinches for no good reason. So it goes with Bills fans. It's been so long since they could expect a comeback win, they just can't imagine the possibility.

  12. Did that all the time when I was in Madison. Every full moon, year round. Kicked ass. Summers had hundreds of people bike with us go to the parks and skinny dip; winters had the few and the hardcore bike out on the lake ice and drink beers.


    Our groups are smaller, a few dozen, but we ride twice a week. The Sunday night pub crawl is such an awesome way to end the weekend. Wednesdays are more of a "fitness ride" format, but not excessively so.

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