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Porous Five Hole

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Posts posted by Porous Five Hole

  1. 34 minutes ago, Curt said:

    A team is going to require something in return for taking that on, no?

    Absolutely, it’s a 7.8M cap hit until 25-26. The actual dollars are a lot less(only 6M in actual money paid over the remaining term), but it’s going to take quite a bit to get a team to invite that atrocity into their cap.  Unless someone plans to hover around the cap floor for the next four seasons. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Norcal said:

    Lots of "action" in the league already. 

    So happy the "trade" for AB didn't go through. 

    Wentz to Commanders is funny

    Russ to Broncos is meh

    I'd love a chance at tackle machine Bobby Wagner when hes released, but not sure he's a scheme fit. 

    Congrats to the Denver Broncos for going from having the 4th best quarterback in the AFC West… to having the 3rd best quarterback in the AFC West. 😜

    • Haha (+1) 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Pimlach said:

    Good job overall but - no way Spacek and Errhof beat out Campbell, McKee or Warrener.  

    I’ll take Jaro over Rhett. Spacek had more points in one season (45) than Rhett had in all three of his qualifying seasons (00-01, 01-02, 02-03). However, both were plus players each of their three qualifying seasons and Rhett played a heavier game.  

    I suppose it just depends on roles.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Weave said:

    And PAs contention is that coaching is one of the deficiencies. 

    29 minutes ago, PASabreFan said:

    I can expand on it. The biggest move the team could make to signal to the fans/players and hockey world that there's a commitment to winning next season would be to get an NHL coach in here.


    I am sure must know DG’s history, but it isn’t for a lack of experience. 

    Was he a cheaper option? Probably.

    But I don’t know how attractive the job was to established veteran coaches in the market, I do believe in the Krueger stench, and the Sabres are among the least talented teams in the league. Just recently has a top line emerged as a legitimate top line and just recently did we regain our replacement level NHL goalie. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. Honestly I loved the post-horn retaliatory slash by Dahlin on Spurgeon. 

    It was one of those, “don’t eff with me, punk” moments. 

    He has worn his big boy pants as the year has gone on. He’s embraced contact and played more physical. His mix of physicality and skill is in a good place right now.   

    • Like (+1) 7
    • Thanks (+1) 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    I see that.

    My interpretation, and @PASabreFan will speak up if I'm full of it, is that the jersey matters, not the player.

    The more hyped the player, the higher the level of antipathy if the results aren't there. If I remember correctly, he pushed back hard against Ryan Miller for precisely that reason.

    I can't remember @PASabreFan embracing a player for simply being "good," the way, say, you and I embraced Reinhart, or many are embracing Tuch.

    I think he should try it on for size. Not trying to be a 🍆
    Remember the ascent of Brian Campbell? That was fun. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  7. 5 hours ago, The Ghost of Yuri said:

    It's not hard to figure out.  If they do take on debt it will affect their cashflow while they're paying it back.  Cashflow for the Sabres has slowed to a trickle at a time when they would like to maximize their cashflow.  It makes sense that a partial or total sale of the Sabres would improve their cashflow (with a lump sum) and reduce the amount of debt they have to service.

    It's kind of like you want to do major renovations to your primary residence, so you sell your lake cottage to help finance the renovations.

    I believe you’re over-simplifying the financial picture of a football team worth two billion dollars and an owner whose net worth is at least five billion dollars.  

    If your home improvements (the Bills new stadium) are akin to 15% of your net worth (which the Sabres are half of that 15%), are you really selling that tangible assets to cover the balance? My position is you aren’t. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Flashsabre said:

    IF the Sabres are sold, the Bills Stadium deal gives me some sense of security.

    If the Pegulas are investing the Bills and staying on as owners they cannot sell the Sabres to some guy or group that will move them. They would absolutely be eaten alive in the market. They will have to make a deal that keeps the Sabres in Buffalo and looks good on them.

    You and I agree. I’m not saying the Sabres aren’t on the block because I don’t know that…but someone needs to explain to me how selling the hockey team furthers the Bills long term interests. The owner is worth five billion dollars.  He doesn’t need to sell the hockey team to build a stadium. Debt can be utilized to build a stadium.  

    I think people are putting too much emphasis on Twitter rumors. And I’m not interested in fighting the Twitter mob.  But it just doesn’t make sense to me that the Sabres are for sale.  

    Someone, please, make it make sense (ducks). Are people saying Terry & Kim are so butt hurt over negative press that they don’t care anymore? Is this what it is all about? Because I’ll die on the hill that it isn’t about money…regardless of how big their yacht is. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Curt said:

    No, that’s not at all what Friedman has said.

    Friedman has said that he has also heard rumors of people discussing purchasing the Sabres, but speculates that it may not be the right time with the Bills stadium decision up in the air.

    He also said that he heard that the Pegulas were approached by potential buyers, but were only interested in selling a minority share, but the buyers only wanted to purchase a majority stake.

    I listened to that and Friedman said he heard interested parties/outsiders. He never said he heard the Pegula’s interested in selling a majority stake. 

  10. Just now, Thorny said:

    If constructing a bet the difficult part is determining what counts as a “legitimate” goalie. 

    Can start by agreeing on whether Craig Anderson represents/represented that 

    Not to my eyes. He hasn’t been a reliable number one since 2018.  It might be a short term deal or it might be a trade for not much term remaining, but the move will be more legitimate than the above. 

  11. 6 hours ago, Taro T said:

    The REAL news from that article buried about 2/3's of the way down:

    "and Luukkonnen is expected to be ready to be the team's top goalie come the fall."


    HELLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Bedard sweepstakes.

    This is Harrington projecting. There’s no comment from Adams or Meatballs on this. 

    I am not saying Adams is going to try to improve the position in the off-season, but after the last two seasons…it’s very possible he makes a move for a legitimate goalie to bridge the gap of the college kids.  The need is clear.

    Actually, I would be willing to bet on it. So I guess I am saying he will improve the position in the off-season.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, Curt said:

    Peter’s has been pretty transparent that what he has heard is that the Sabres are probably for sale, at least a minority stake.

    He has been asking Elliot Friedman on his podcast what he knows about a possible sale literally every week for over a month.

    And Friedman has repeatedly said he has heard nothing of the sort. 

    I understand Peters connecting dots with the Sabres absolute minimum budget, but there hasn’t been one smell of actual smoke from any reliable source on this. 

    It also doesn’t make any sense. We all know Terry loves the Sabres and they’re finally starting to rebuild properly. Could he get sick of the losses year after year?? Maybe.
    But his wealth has probably increased over the pandemic as most other billionaires. Selling the team has nothing to do with cash flow. 

    The only thing that makes sense is if Kim says she is done with hockey and the negative press/fan backlash.  Other than that, I don’t see Terry selling. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. It depends on how you assign worth.

    I agree he is worth his value in terms of being paid as a top five player on this team. His points are in the top five on the team despite averaging the least minutes per game.
    He oozes effort.  
    But it is tough to quantify leadership into six million dollars annually. It certainly doesn’t appear contagious. 

    He’s got 130 NHL players ahead of him in points this season. That doesn’t scream six mil to me, but this team has to spend it somewhere…so why not KO, I guess. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
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