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Everything posted by WhenWillItEnd66

  1. I thought he was not playing tonight. But when he is, he is expected to be with Dahls
  2. Please please please let us this hellish ride end! LOL Expecting another listless offense joke. You know the one where there is zero shots in 15 minutes or maybe only 2 in a whole period. Until this team changes this is the fan they are getting from me. F Management, F Ownership, F the lazy useless players.
  3. I was thinking the same thing yesterday. Nobody seems to know where their linemates are actually going or doing. Ok, maybe the 4th line but absolutely not on any scoring lines. Their looks to me zero chemistry
  4. Ok, i know a lot of folks are not liking this post. There are parts that i do LOVE. A player should be playing 110% every time they are on the field/ice/pitch whatever. THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE THERE TO DO!!!!!!!! This is a good reason why the Sabres are deep in the suck. They skate around and do not burn it coming back or even on a dump and chase. If they are too tired, then that is a coaching issue!!! If they do not trust a player then that is a management issue. Everytime a Sabre is on the ice during a game, i expect 110% as a fan. If they are not going to do that then they should not be on this team, plain and simple. I am not talking about a player stuck on the ice for 90 seconds cause they cannot change. It has become 100% acceptable for Sabres to play at 70% speed and thats a huge issue why they are where they are. A paid athlete should always give their best when they are playing.
  5. So all the talking heads seem to think we got a good dman. Ok, i am good with that. I also know that we cannot keep everyone. Ok with that too. Here is the big but.... BUT: - We do not need another playmaking defenseman. (Happy to have if he will take minutes away from Dahlin) - This team is in dire need of speed and scoring. Toronto defensively shut us down..... TORONTO!!!!! Thats embarrassing - KA knows there are right handed dmen, right???? Talking heads are saying that in a couple of years we will have one of the best defenses in the league....... So, 10 years later we are still waiting to get to the playoffs. I love this team but i am tired of the year after year kick in the nuts this team seems to give the fans. I wish this new guy well and i hope he plays well, but he is NOT what we need. KA needs to be escorted out of the building never to return. He obviously has zero clue. Great defense and nobody that can score and plays scared that wont hit. I am inspired...... HBU?
  6. He should just retire and refuse to come to this shithole of a franchise.
  7. As long as we have Our current management, we have nothing
  8. I have not seen a lazier slow non motivated group of paid individuals ever. The only player worth a damn that showed up nightly is with the Avs and he is the lucky one to get out of this hell of a franchise. They all deserve what they get from the owner down to the coach ands their stupid moronic decisions they have made. They chased or gave away any true talent we had and left nothing but garbage. I would rather my favorite players ask for trades to other teams so I can at least enjoy them. May the lose out Amma the fans abandon the arena until they are sold to real owners who want to really win. F/U Pegs, KA, and Donnie. Please leave! Rant done I feel better. Time to watch a real hockey team..... Go Avs!
  9. I hate this team. Glad I love the avs.... Puck this team and KA
  10. We are going to get killed 3 on 3.... we look slow and sluggish. At least we got a point
  11. We are seriously offensively challenged when we play defense
  12. We do not need another Puck moving defenseman. We need a defensive defenseman that can hit, be hard to play against without breaking.
  13. Be ready for some serious disappointment.....
  14. 100% not a fan of this unless there is more coming back...... a 3/4 left Dman for a 2/3 center that can play top line...... KA is an idiot
  15. Dominos start to fall..... KA sleeping at the wheel
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