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Everything posted by Buffalonill

  1. He is done ... And ROR can go suck an egg This
  2. Lots of people can think this is not a huge loss but it is. Buffalo took all the time and money to develop this player And they get nothing out of it but a 3rd round pick. And probably Buffalo didn't want to draft a certain defense in drafts because they thought Johnson was gonna be in the fold. This has ripple effects but people don't see that
  3. If he wants his money To burn one year. has one more chance
  4. If he doesn't sign today I think it pretty much tells everyone that hes walking
  5. Thank you for what ? For having the longest Postseason drought in NHL history
  6. Made millions on his garbage clothing line Making fun of Buffalo
  7. Lots of kane supporters in this thread. 😕
  8. It was a rookie year they were adjusting. I"ll tell you what dont be surprised when quinn hits 40g and JJ hitting 30. Those 2 are going to explode next year
  9. Most likely both .. But the liver hasn't had that much since green bay won the superbowl
  10. Wouldn't mind Ottawa passing buffalo so the pick has more value Hell maybe we win the lottery with that extra % lol
  11. Ottawa has a very nice core like buffalo its a tie right now
  12. I would agree but the same stuff happened last summer. We didn't find out untill after camp he was going back to college lol
  13. At least they tried to actually make the playoffs
  14. I don't understand what's going on. He should be signed right now The only thing that seems likely is that he doesn't want to be here
  15. Going to try my best to Pretend buffalo is still in it so i dont get Bothered a 1000 times To get the pool ready for the grand kids. And the beauty of dvr You can pretend the games on all the time. Have a good summer
  16. What did Rousek do to get jj or Quinn Demoted
  17. He isn't signing its over .. Use the 2nd for the replacement
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