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  1. It means they are just as bad if not worse overall than last season and exponentially more boring! Give me bad and fun 1000x more then bad and boring. #freekrebs
  2. We now know the DG is not an advanced stats guy, but just basic stats and eyeballs say sitting R Johnson or Joki while playing E Johnson makes the team measurably worse. I just don’t get it. I guess the whole “don’t want to block young players” doesn’t apply anymore, especially when it seems to be working so well sitting 6 from the bottom in league.
  3. His definition of success is not wins and championships, it’s sustained profits for himself and his family. I’m sure he considers himself successful, he doesn’t need or partially care if championships are a part of that portfolio.
  4. Terry is not interested in winning a championship with either team. He wants PSE to have “sustained” profits, and teams that are “stable” with a bunch of nice culture guys.
  5. Terry isn’t going to do anything!!! Terry is more concerned with stability than actually winning championships. Both the Sabres and Bills are structured exactly how he wants them. Both teams are filled with management, coaches and players that are “culture” and “process” oriented first, which always gives him a convenient out when they under perform. Terry is not driven by winning Championships period. He has been completely absent from both teams for years, while he largely lives on his yacht in Florida. I understand currently being there for Kim and her recovery, but then delegate or restructure the organizations so there is way more accountability. The only time he has been seen or heard from is to cut the ribbon on his new cash register in Orchard Park after stealing/taking 950 million dollars from NYS residents. The managements, coaches and players of both teams kind of love this setup. They can do what they want, play how they want and not worry about any real accountability from anyone. These teams are both not driven entities of excellence but complete country clubs and that ALL starts with Terry! I always thought that the Bills were just a cash register to Terry, just there to make him look good in public and bring in a sh*t ton of money. But I really did think he cared about the Sabres. I had faith the Sabres would get it right under his ownership because he seemed to truly love the team and its history. Man, I just don’t know anymore. This all starts with Terry, he has created this atmosphere with both teams. If he truly can’t take command and demand better for whatever reason he should just cash out and sell them both.
  6. The new Houston Aeros. Actually one of the coolest sweaters out there.
  7. Didn’t get any better. Yikes
  8. Rochester is literally the most segregated school district area in the country. If you want to learn more about the some of the history of Rochester that isn’t taught to us in school, here is a start. This is research from RIT and Yale, not just OP EDs from New York Times. BTW, I’m white, grew up in upper middle class house in Fairport, and most of my family went to SUNY schools and still live in area today. https://reporter.rit.edu/news/redlining-rochester https://landmarksociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/ShaneWiegand_Redlining-Segregation_web.pdf https://law.yale.edu/sites/default/files/area/clinic/document/2020.7.31_-_confronting_racial_covenants_-_yale.city_roots_guide.pdf
  9. I grew up in Rochester, have lived in Florida and Texas. Rochester is more racist then either Florida and Texas. This is not a surprise.
  10. KA had to know this goaltending wasn’t close to being NHL level right? If yes, why did he do it?
  11. Grew up in Rochester, have lived in Denver area for past 9 years.
  12. I’m sure the union won’t let Jack assume the risk from the surgery also, even if wanted to. So this seems it is now more about insurance policies vs union CBA.
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