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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. Not working for Ottawa yet, but working ok for Detroit so far, and really working well in NJ. It is not easy, no guarantee it will work (see Murray and Boterill), but it is a typical recipe - draft good young core talent, then add complimentary veteran experience and talent around them. The right players added to the right core for the the right contract value. Lets toss in having a good coach and enough leaders wearing the uniforms. Lots of variables at work. Sabres rebuild asks these questions: Can Adams bring in the right vets and missing pieces? When will he try? Is Donny and his staff up to the task?
  2. Lots of injuries, especially on defense, can be a partial excuse but the team has overcome most of them. Dorsey's play calling on the other hand is a problem. His reluctance to develop a run game is a problem - he finally committed to run against Cleveland and it helped a lot. The rest of the league knows how to slow down the Bills offense now so being a one dimensional passing team and putting 90% of the offense on Allen is not gonna get it done. Hoping to see more balance on offense and more starters back on defense. That will help.
  3. Not convinced it is different this time. Maybe it is because the poor performance will be tolerated by Pegula for a longer time period, because it falls under the "efficient and economic" banner, so maybe there will be a winning season sometime in the next 3 years. The ultra slow rebuild with no blockers method. Can anyone point to another rebuild like this to help me get through the pain of losing? I am thinking of taking a break from the Sabres.
  4. I hope you are correct on this. Let’s see if Donny can finish the season with more points than last season. That is a modest goal
  5. I am all for making trades that improve the team right now and also support the longer term plan and are cap friendly. Learning to win is a process and we need to start emphasizing winning. McDermott called it "earning the right to win". It applies in hockey and the Sabres are not doing that. This team plays what looks like an experimental system that favors individuals to open it up and score goals. Just look at the defense and the goalies getting killed by it. Look at all the breakaways and odd man rushes we give up. The book is out there on how to beat this team, get up a few goals and we are done. The coach needs to fix this. I do not agree with the implication from KA and DG that they can switch from development to winning sometime down the road. You can't throw a switch and say, ok we are going to practice different, and play a different system, and viola - we will win now. I read and hear this stuff about them favoring development over winning but how do you develop NHL players when they lose every night? Let's look at development, we are developing Quinn and JJP by playing them with Cozens. I look at Cozens and I cannot help but think how hard his job is playing with two AHL wingers (JJP and Quinn). Did we ever do anything special to develop Cozens? I don't think so. This is not how Boston and Tampa (or most teams) operate. Prospects must beat out real NHL players to get a shot. Put Cozens on Boston and you will see a 2-way power forward that is painful to play against because they will enable that part of his game in part by who he plays with. With us he is babysitting two rookies. How long should he be patient? We are saturated with youth and inexperience (Quinn, Peterka, Krebs, Samuelsson, Power) - this might be unprecedented. Bottom line, we can improve the team a bit faster, and be more competitive, and get the fans hopeful, AND develop players. What is holding us back is Pegula's "efficient and economic" nonsense. Detroit is taking another approach to their rebuild and they are in playoff contention, at least for now. They don't have the prospect pool that we have but they are a destination that good players might want to go to. We will see which approach is better in the next few years.
  6. Well Terry Pegula started with his “reason for existence is to win Stanley Cups”. Then they spent money foolishly. They never understood the game and how it works. They probably alienated themselves within the league with their comments and actions. The league and each team is run by former players. Some become coaches, some become GMs and execs. Its a community of its own. Different than the NFL, less lavish, less diverse, and much harder to make big money in. You have to do much more than say you want to win. You can’t just say it and it happens. You have to be willing to do the things it takes to win. For Pegula, that would be hiring the right people and getting out of the way. So far they can’t find the right people and they continue to impose restrictions. Instead the new mantra is “efficient and economic”. Which so far means minimize financial losses. They do not bring in $$ so they won’t spend $$$. The spend to the cap floor, not the ceiling. The Sabres brand has been ruined since they took over. The hockey side needed a remake and they lacked the experience, skills, and vision to do it correctly. Their Pittsburgh and Penn State connections never helped. There is no urgency to win or improve . It is not an organizational goal. So far the Pegulas have fixed up the Locker Room and bought the team a dog.
  7. Serves as a Senior Advisor to the Florida Panthers. Some teams pay ex coaches and former execs for their knowledge, opinions, ideas, and assessments. Sabres didn’t want him to run the team or in any type of Advisory role. Too headstrong is my guess?
  8. By the time Dahlin and Tage want to leave we will have two more prospects emerge. 2 to 3 more years.
  9. Mitts gets one. Maybe Cozens will fight Mathews next.
  10. When and why would that chicken ***** coach say that? On top of that he was a soft and $hity player too.
  11. Krebs was tripped and UPL looked like an AHL guy. That’s 5
  12. I have a nice crystal tumbler filled with three fingers if single malt scotch. On #2 right now.
  13. I doubt that helps very much at this point. They are defeated
  14. No not the great Murray. He has had enough time to get over that. Not like his boy JBot was any better.
  15. It’s been happening to fathers for 10 years. But not only that , kids are less interested in playing. Very few new hockey hero’s in Buffalo.
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