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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. I never knew the refs can review for a penalty? I guess I don’t know the rules.
  2. Bobrovsky with a huge save, then the Leaves hit iron, go Cats.
  3. I want Toronto out above all others. After that, no new Cup winners. No Seattle, no Vegas, no Florida. After that I don't care enough to think about it. I will root for Lindy to get a Cup if anything.
  4. We will see what the Florida market really is. We know that Miami does not support any team unless they are winning, and even then they are quick to abandon them. Just win Florida, then lose the next series.
  5. Starting in the 70's, we were all conditioned to Leaves and Habs fans coming over and making a lot of noise. Then it quickly spread to any Canadian team. Now its Pittsburgh, NYR, Boston and NYI. Some of these games sound like we are the road team. This has to stop. You know these fans have no problem buying on-line because there are so many seats open. Be a perennial playoff team, sell more season ticket packages, and this should be solved to some extent.
  6. Every year and every situation is different. Some years teams add and it helps.
  7. Just bringing up the absurdity of the entire concept.
  8. The should trade everyone and tank.
  9. I pay for ESPN and I have the ESPN Live App too. Still, I can’t watch the Devils v Rangers tonight because it is on ESPN 2. The NHL had got to fix this. Over to MLB.
  10. Absolutely, and I don't want to stop you from supporting an Adams move, you quite often do not. I just do think the age thing is the real reason, its a convenient story for Adams, but lets face it, all the players that could get out wanted to get out.
  11. Joker would be in the 3rd pair were he belongs. I am not that concerned about losing Montour, I stick with my thought, he didn't want to be there. Adams talked to them all. He knew who wanted out.
  12. Well KA's comments make no sense to me at all. To me that is measuring with a micrometer and then cutting with chainsaw. Would a 29 year old Montour be hurting anything on this team. Lubyshkin, who he acquired last year, is the same age as Montour. Some of the those free agents we talk about, like Orlov, are to old then I guess?
  13. He was 27 at the time so I doubt it was age. He wanted to leave. We pretty much gave him away at the deadline, traded for a 3rd rounder (we picked Steve Sardarian). Trading for a 3rd rounder was basically giving him away.
  14. What are you talking about? Who is "them". As I pointed out, they have had 4 different GM regimes since Terry took over. Are you saying they were all operating the same way?
  15. I will be annoyed if Florida wins a Cup before we do. I want them to beat the Leaves, and then lose 4 straight in their next series.
  16. I actually think they overachieved to win that much for that long. Bergeron (0.8 PPG) and Marchand (0.9 PPG) are not the the dominant scorers that past multi-cup winning teams have had. Chara was big part of it as was great goaltending (Thomas/Rask). Other than that they have a endless stream of hard working grinders. Pasta and McAvoy are their future to build on.
  17. I too really wanted to see the team get playoff experience this year. It would reinforce the moves they need to make in the off season and the players would have gotten a huge lift from a tangible accomplishment. However, I would have definitely cared if they got killed. Losing is one thing, but my expectation was to go out and win some games. Florida has a bigger, more physical, and more veteran team so they matched up better than we would have, but we could have won few games and got some much needed experience.
  18. I don't care for the related tangent. This "transition" you speak of is your own creation. I don't like seeing the fans and avid followers criticized for basically doing nothing but sticking with their team. No one is calling Tampa a terrible franchise and sure, they will very likely "rebuild" (more likely retool) faster than the Sabres did, and that won't be hard. The current Sabres FO, coaches, and players are evaluating their team the same way that every team does, by where you finish. Nothing I heard at the end of their season says otherwise. The Sabres problems for the past 10 years lies with a single common denominator - Terry Pegula. You want to blame someone or something for the past 10 years blame Terry and Kim. All of this is on Terry because he hires the people that run the team. Regier, Rolston, Black, Sawyer, LaFontaine, Nolan, Murray, Byslma, Boterill, Housley, Krueger - all gone. Only Terry remains. Hope and pray that Adams, a guy with no prior NHL Hockey Operations experience, can get the job done. That is all a fan can do. If a fan has to look for a reason to be optimistic then so be it.
  19. @nfreeman said he wasn't a great player and I agree and it sounds like you do too. Great would be like having the season that Thompson just had, when your are playing so dominant that teams game plan just for you. But great really means that you do that every year for a long time. Reinhart has improved from good in Buffalo (~23 goals and ~55 points) to very good in Florida (~32 goals and ~75 points). Part of it was playing with the better team and part of it is maturity. He is up to 193 pounds now. When he started he was physically overmatched a lot. Not anymore. At least he did not publicly say bad things about the organization, although he could have and would have not been wrong.
  20. Also admire the consistent high level of play. The Prez is not the prize.
  21. Agree. Anything but that. That would be hockey torture for me.
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