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Posts posted by Scottysabres

  1. 1 minute ago, Buffalonill said:

    Until he plays "buffalo hockey" we get to see what a real player looks like 

    Point well taken.

    Given Casey's comments on Avs morning skate, I'm leaning more towards we have a serious coaching staff problem here in Buffalo. Not that it's news to many and given the teams scoring ability last season I was already pushing that way, but I get what your saying for sure. I just try to make light of it all, because if I don't, it gets depressing. So kudos to you and others who try to focus on the bright spots.

    • Like (+1) 2
  2. 15 hours ago, tom webster said:

    He’s just a throw in.  They took care of their captain.

    Yep. While I'm disappointed in this seasons results Tom, I find solace in the organizations handling of their players under Adams. They are doing right by those that soldier on under these conditions. Many won't believe it, but that accounts for quite a bit amongst the leagues players.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Don't think I will botter listening to same old excuses.   The team as whole has been down this year.

    He can say his top 2 centers had a down year , but why trade the one center pushing and challenging them to be better ? 

    Oh oh oh, I have the answer.....

    "We don't want to block the young high talent pushing to make the roster"


    • Vomit 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. I for one am excited to see what Adams, Granato, Ellis and the rest of the organization have in store for the off season and follow up 2024/2025 season. I see big things on the horizon for this team.

    They treat the players extremely well, gifting them very generous contracts, fantastic perpetually upgraded facilities and scoreboards and let's not forget the parting gifts after early professional career development time with the Sabres, a pineapple/banana dachari blender for weekly fort-nite events. Players around the league are well aware this organization will make its way in to the playoffs very soon.

    So everyone..........



    • Haha (+1) 3
  5. 5 minutes ago, WhenWillItEnd66 said:

    He should just retire and refuse to come to this shithole of a franchise. 

    I believe he'll actually thrive here. Since Don isn't going anywhere and a development coach could help this kid regain his 4th over all stature, at least, I'm counting it.

    It also is a bonus he's besties with Cozens and good friends with Krebs, who I also don't see going anywhere. Let's see how this plays out.

  6. 43 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    Fiscally conservative? What's that? Can't be talking about the current conservative party, they certainly are not fiscally conservative. 

    I'm glad I pay school taxes and support my local public school system. 

    I'm talking about communities that actually tow the line on budget. Let's not make the conversation in to something it doesn't have to be.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. Just now, MattPie said:

    Brawndo's comment is more researched, but anecdotally I see a lot of people on Reddit and other places moving to Buffalo. It's regularly listed as a good place to live and inexpensive compared to other cities that the people that dream of owning a home can actually do it.

    The problem with that is as the numbers move here population rises, demand for goods and services rise, prices in turn rise. Also, while the WNY is subjected to the abuse by Albany, for the most part, counties here are more fiscally conservative, save Erie County. Are those who are moving to the region conservative leaning, or are they more of the "it's not my money, so spend away" crowd? If the latter, it won't take long for the area to become less manageable on the cost of living side.

  8. Well, looking at it strictly through the lens of success rates, Lindy was far more successful than the past 10 seasons........


    I'm in the ya, bring him back if he'll take the job crowd. Sorry LG and Swamp, but I ain't getting any younger, so "Are you not Entertained" is most definitely where my thoughts are.

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