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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. To let the team that's losing know they need to try harder. Or to force Phil to chew his gum faster.
  2. From what I've seen they've looked that way for a while now. Depressing.
  3. It was nice to see passionate play again. They've been sleep walking for months imo.
  4. There's still three minutes for him to throw PH back under the bus.
  5. + Ox and Scandella scoring. My alarm is going to go off soon and I'm going to wake up.
  6. I'm torn between watching entertaining hockey or dumpster fire of epic proportions.
  7. PH may be the common denominator in this ***** show but JB keeping him around is not encouraging. Please God let PH be Peg's choice and not JB's.
  8. Hope you're not going to the game. That would be an expensive outing.
  9. I'll keep a seat warm at the local watering hole with the best wings if you ever get back here.
  10. You're right it is. What's holding you back from doing so?
  11. JFC, is Housley running this show tonight?
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