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Everything posted by PerreaultForever

  1. That was a really good game. I thoroughly enjoyed that. This reminded me of many years ago when both teams were good and the games were heated and competitive. It's been a long time. A really really long time. UPL made a number of good saves. Maybe he's better than people thought and JBot will have been right about another one 🙂 I like the spunk, but if this is the way he reacts to getting a beat down I eagerly await to see how he reacts if he wins one. This was a hockey game. A real hockey game. This actually could get good.
  2. Definitely a trap game for the Bruins with the Winter Classic coming up. Ullmark, Nosek and maybe Lindholm on the possible injury/illness list but they are basically healthy. This will be a very different style of game from the Detroit game and if you haven't seen the Bruins this year you will be surprised as they are not playing the way they used to. Montgomery has changed a lot of things. The D is extremely active (not unlike Buffalo) but they are somewhat vulnerable to the stretch pass. What will be most interesting to me is what happens in the 3rd period. Both teams are big 3rd period teams (and often slow starters) so this makes for an interesting match up. I am really curious to see if this Buffalo team can measure up to them. If they do, maybe you actually can think about playoff possibilities after all.
  3. It would depend on the price tag. If I remember correctly he had good chemistry with Cozens at the Worlds but that of course means nothing at the NHL level. I would give up one of our 2nds for him and then trade Mitts for a D man.
  4. I agree. but you could. I remember McAvoy being scratched a few times early in his career. Sometimes I think it's good to scratch a rookie just to see how he handles it. Does he pout or does he work harder? It can tell you a lot about the individual going forward and how best to develop him. But we shall see, he might end up being a bust. Hard to say. This is a nice dream.
  5. Wow a healthy scratch and people already have him being shipped out of town. Doubt the Rangers have given up on LaFreniere any more than we've given up on Krebs.
  6. Sure. But lighten up. Just having a little fun.
  7. See, now THAT'S actually pretty funny. You should try to retain that wit instead of just using tired old memes. A lot of women don't really understand hockey, but neither do skinny little tech nerds. I'd always assumed you were the latter.
  8. Not everything sexist is incorrect. but now I do understand why you see hockey the way you do and don't really understand the dynamics of locker rooms, teams, and physical play. Like my wife, you probably do understand the judging in figure skating much better than me though.
  9. This is factual and accurate. Pilut, on the other hand, is crap. Picking up Reilly, instead of using Pilut, might have won us a few more games and if we miss the playoffs by say 2-3 points, that lack of D depth will ultimately have been what sunk us. (Now before you start, I'm not suggesting Reilly is great, just much better than Pilut (or Bryson for that matter))
  10. Are you actually a Mrs? This will likely sound sexist, but it would explain a LOT about how you see hockey and a number of your biases.
  11. That, and the play where he got the puck near the goal line were the only 2 times I noticed him. None of the Sabres prospects shone in this one imo. Swedes won but overall I liked a lot of the Czech players better. Bigger, stronger, more drive. We should shift some more of that Euro drafting in their direction. Only if Florida craps out. Which is possible.
  12. Borgen IS getting better. Clague CAN still get better. We were talking about Pilut not Clague Mr. Deflection.
  13. They should switch to those red black and whites forever. They don't have a clue how to protect a lead but they sure do have Detroit's number. The Peterka penalty was............just bizarre. Never seen an embellishment call for something like that ever (before). Clague's stick lift on their break shows straight up why he's still here and Pilut isn't. Now beat the Bruins and I might get on the bandwagon.
  14. I don't care about Lawrence Pilut 🙂
  15. We might feel the same way about Borgen over time. He's played very well for Seattle and is still improving. idk if he will ever be higher than 3rd pairing on a good team but he's definitely turning into a solid and reliable player.
  16. Without a doubt a terrible trade. Desperate attempt to make the team tougher, I suppose he felt he had his stars and scorers and needed to fill out the bottom end but ya, overvaluation of Fasching's potential for sure. maybe getting the picks from Philly for Risto was our Karmic payback and balances it all out now.
  17. Ya, exactly. That's why I was saying he looks like he could become a true sniper. I just hope to see a little more drive. I'd like him to be a little more Tuch rather than VO.
  18. Maybe, and hopefully, but right now he looks like he'd be blown away in a Buffalo blizzard.
  19. I missed it. What was the reason he isn't there? Was he just not considered as good as the players chosen or was there another reason? I've only seen bits and pieces so far but Kulich looks like he can be a real sniper with good net drive but on the downside he waits around a little too much and lets others do the dirty work. Rosen has skills but looks like a child. Not sure if he can be NHL material without getting substantially bigger/stronger.
  20. It's so weird. We got snow here outside Vancouver which is pretty rare, Buffalo go buried, which isn't unusual but the amount is insane, and yet I saw shots of Moncton for the World Juniors and they don't seem to have any snow at all. Weather is getting crazy no question about it.
  21. Well rested for Detroit and then the Bruins in a trap game (for them, as they have the outdoor game with Pittsburgh after) so the winning streak could continue into the new year.
  22. I doubt KA makes any significant trades this season. I think it's possible the Chychrun deal actually happens but it'll be before the draft. I'm 50/50 on whether I think it would be a good move. Depends in part on the final price tag. I think he will sign an older veteran goalie to replace Anderson in free agency. Maybe a depth player or two but no other big names. I do not think we will make the playoffs. I think we might drop off slightly if we start seeing teams first strong goalies and more hard checking. We will battle with Detroit, Montreal, Ottawa for final draft positions as the point differences between them and us will be small as it is now. We likely end up around 10th or 11th conference wide. Mitts won't be traded. Kyle and Zemgus might but probably won't be. Krebs will become better, but is ultimately a bottom 6 player, probably bottom 3. Power will slowly get better and better and BETTER.......................
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