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Posts posted by Knightrider

  1. When Briere went down, a lot of people were like it's not that big of a deal, we have a lot of good forwards...and it is true we have alot of good ones, but I think Briere is our most talented, and I think he has been since he got here. That's just my opinion, but look at the lift this guy has given us since he came back....5 points in the last 2 games, add in tonight and its 7 in the last 3.....he is one of the most underrated players in the league


    He was just starting to get noticed right before he was hurt...

  2. the bruins lose a "heartbreaker" in buffalo

    in other news, the Sabres came back from 1-0 and 2-1 to beat a desperate bruins team. Solid game


    Ya know, it sure felt great saying, how about them Bruins today to the guy who made fun of my kids in their Bills outfits. Tomorrow, I won't have to say anything. A smile will do... ^_^

  3. I realize the Sabres are looking for much more than just making the playoffs, but here are a few random notes with slightly more than 1/4 of the season remaining.


    The Sabres magic # for a playoff spot is currently 12. Any combination of 12 Sabres wins and/or 12 Atlanta regulation losses and the Sabres are officially in the tourney for the 1st time in 5 years.


    If the Sabres get a point in tonight's game they will guarantee there is no mathematical way for them to finish dead last. They could forfeit the rest of the season and STILL finish ahead of Pittsburgh. If the Pens win out, the most they can get this season is 81 points. The Pens are impressive, with 21 games to go, they have clinched a losing record.


    The Sabres are currently on pace for the league's 4th best record.


    What a difference 2 years and enforcement of the rules make.


    BTW, two more wins to match the '03-04 point total.

  4. I'm excited too, but I think a lot of people are getting ahead of themselves right now. There's a lot of hockey left to be played and there's still the trade deadline. Teams are going to look very different than they do right now.



    PA, did Vanek do the move where he circles his stick around the puck and then shoots? I didn't see any replay and it's too quick to see on the live broadcast. I remember him doing that move earlier in the year, but he rang to puck off the post that time.

    TSN's coverage includes a video replay - (use bugmenot.com for a login if you don't have one)...


    But to answer your question, yep that's the move Vanek made, and the video slows it down enough...

  5. 4-2 was my prediction...



    I didn't have the heart to edit that post, but you can still call me Nostradamus.


    as for an updated prediction, i have a funny feeling its going to be 6-1 at the end of this one.

    A good thing you didn't! Nice job!


    BTW we'll ignore that thing about 6-1...

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