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Posts posted by Winston

  1. I think the thought is that if it happens you'd keep posting here and give us all the inside info


    Imagine dark sitting on the end of the bench, donning full gear and a ballcap as he backs up Ullmark, posting regularly in the GDT. Hopefully they'd let him on the private wifi :D


    PS @Thwomp, I don't think I ever noticed that you're in Columbus! Is that new, or am I unobservant?

  2. Had to get off mobile to see it. Isn't censorship kinda like a thing on message boards? ###### ###### ######. See?


    You've gotta put your ######s in a little more context. Otherwise I can decide what word is bleeped, and therefore I can decide whether or not I am offended ;) 

  3. JFTR, I think we all acted appropriately when JW acted like the home schooled only child, and instead of joining the circle of people having a conversation, he stood in the center of it and told us how stupid we all were because our public school educations.


    100% on the same page. I took your comments to be a general sense. JW was very much "option b" in all of my scenarios. I don't fault anyone that was snippy back or poked fun at him.

  4. There were 7349 PP opportunities in the NHL last season. That was 245/team. Almost exactly 3 chances per game.


    There have been 7556 opportunities in the NHL this season. That's 244/team so far. Again, right around 3 per game, but slightly up.


    The average PP% is up though, from 19.11% to 20.08%. Still not drastic though.

  5. If they're going to turn up the heat in the arena I'm going to have a beef. It's going to be too damn hot in there. You know why people wear their coats and hats in the arena? Because that's what they were wearing when they walked a quarter mile down Washington from the ballpark ramp in January!


    Now...if they were to work out a shuttle system from the nearby ramps and lots whereby I could leave my coat or sweatshirt in the car, then by all means, turn the heat up. 


    It's probably a personal and nostalgic thing, but I love parking a little ways out, walking to Pearl Street, then walking to the game in the cold. I know it's not for everyone. And I know that removing this piece of the puzzle will open up doors to the new casual fan without losing me as a hardcore fan. But still, I like to walk and be cold :P


    It's part of my routine here in Columbus too because I found a free lot not far away from Nationwide. I regularly chat with the cop manning the crosswalks after the games as I wait at long lights lol.

  6. Bobblehead night. My coworker got free tickets to go tonight from a friend- I said hey, at least you get the Hasek bobblehead out of it. Nope.. the one thing the friend asked of him was to relinquish the Hasek. Poor dude. 


    Oh, I'm sorry, I accidentally left the bobble head under my seat.  Now if you don't mind, I'd prefer if you never come anywhere near my desk ever again.


    I got one of the RJ bobble heads for my birthday and I have it on my desk at work. My coworkers are not hockey fans, nor did they grow up in WNY. Needless to say, they don't get it 


    Sabres’ lines:





    Porter, Pouliot extra

    Sabres’ defense:







    I'm not too upset about any of that. I LOVE Eichel with E-Rod instead of Girgy. Also glad that Nylander is with <insert name of player I care about> instead of <insert name of player that shouldn't even be on the Amerks next year>


    Him and Casey could be fun together. Interesting that he's playing LW. Haven't they had him at RW in Rochester all season? Sadly I don't get to catch any games. Can anyone confirm his regular wing position?

  8. I agree with this generally, and I even agree that it doesn't really need to be "fixed" per se. This place is worth working for. I just think I'll try a little harder to respond to folks who are newer, or at least, like, read their posts. Its not that big an ask.


    Absolutely a good idea. It's good to be the kid that says, "sure, sit at my table" instead of giving them the Forrest Gump bus treatment. I think we could all do a better job of communicating agreement as frequently as we communicate disagreement. Swamp makes an astute observation. 


    Very good summary of how life and SabreSpace works.


    I was welcomed to the board by nfreeman and some others (sorry to the others, but I still remember nfreeman's welcome as it really stood out ... he was not a mod back then just a guy).  It did mean a lot.  I always try to do the same if I notice a new poster making their first few posts.  I hope that it helps.


    After that my first few months were rough.  I did contribute some and most posts were well received.  SwampD brings up a good point that there are a lot of different opinions around here and people tend to respond more if they see a post that differs from their opinion as they see an opportunity to engage and most of the time it is in a good way.  If your posts are agreed with you will tend to see good post replies sometimes, but not always.


    I ended up trolling a good poster and at the time I did not realise that was what it was.  It resulted in a warning and my taking a break that was not entirely self imposed.  That poster ended up trolling me back, though he said it was not intentional, and now I do believe him, but at the time it was rough.  I did end up apologising to korab rules in private and in public.  I do hope that he returns to posting regularly, but for some time now it has been very sporadic korab sightings.


    Anyway, it was a process and the only advise I will give is to be who you are and let your posts reflect that.  I would think that most would say I am not a troll, so it was not good form for me to behave as one.


    Always make your posts about the post and not the poster.  Rules to live by.


    Good stuff. FWIW, you were one of the first (if not the first) to make me feel welcome here. 


    I know SDS doesn't like mega-threads. But some boards have a pinned "welcome thread" for new folks to post in. Something simple, like: 



    Hey guys, I'm EichSnipe. Grew up in Rochester as a Sabres fan. Really became hardcore when I was living in Buffalo for school. Now live in Columbus, OH where I am surrounded by CBJ fans. Looking forward to discussing where Dahlin will fit into the D pairings next year haha



    Has SS ever had a welcome thread? Should we start paying NS for his role on the welcoming committee? Could we at least reimburse him for the cost of all the casserole ingredients?? (jk, I'm sure he writes it off ;) )

  9. I think this is getting overblown. Think of SabreSpace as a microcosm of real life. 


    You're in second grade. A new kid moves to town. He asks to sit at your lunch table, so you say sure.

    a) He's into the same sports that you are into, and even shares his snacks with you.

    b) He kicks you under the table, and tells you that your mom's sandwiches suck.


    You've lived in a neighborhood for 12 years when a young couple moves in next door.

    a) They wave hello as they get the paper in the morning, invite you over for a BBQ, and even shovel your part of the sidewalk when it snows.

    b) They blast their music at 2:00am and let their dog ###### in your yard.


    You're a longtime poster on SS when someone new signs up.

    a) They post in a couple game day threads, NS gives them a warm welcome, then they start their first thread about a solid topic.

    b) They drop by late at night, bash people over the head with their ctrl v/ctrl c hot takes, and when someone disagrees they resort to expletives.


    You're going to get a slow but friendly welcome to all of the As. You're going to get a swift and negative reaction to all the Bs. It's not a good ol' boys club or anything. It's just life!!



    I don't think SS is the anomaly. Perhaps TBD is the anomaly due to higher volume and higher turnover. Maybe that's why I love this place. I don't feel like a cog in the machine here. It takes some time to learn about posters and the mood around here. I'm sure that turns some people away if they are seeking a seamless entry into an anonymous world. I think places like Reddit, hell even HFboards are good for that. Around here, people actually get to know each other. The ones that are worth knowing will stick around.


    (and Gramps, I hope you don't think this is directed at you in a negative way. On the contrary, you're someone I think is worth knowing and I hope you stick around :) )

  10. Sure they can. They just have to act like they're not egomaniacs. It's no different than being the stranger who interrupts a group of friends at the bar. If you want a seat at the table, act like you want to be there. You can't sit on a soapbox. 


    I'll echo this. I never felt like there was any ceiling that I had to break through to last as a poster. Several others have joined and made great contributions, even if they are unpopular opinions. It's how you react to disagreement. Even as an outsider, inside jokes only assure me that this is a place with personable posters that I'd like to interact with civilly. 


    I think having a media presence here would be awesome. Valuable contributions are there to be made. But lately JW didn't come here to make valuable contributions. It seemed more like he came here to blow off steam and take a break from AP Style writing.

  11. Doubt it, if you're doing it in this fashion.  If you really want to try committing "suicide by cop" rather than just staying away for a while or whatever, you're probably going to have to go harder than that.


    I would challenge WildCard to a football knowledge contest if I were you, jw

  12. I want some more speed with Casey, but considering there's not a ton available I'll take this lineup


    Yeah, I do too, but slim pickings.. Baptiste is already on his off wing in that lineup. Could slide him up, because Girgensons really hasn't done much to deserve a top 9 spot despite nice opportunities. I'm sure Girgy will stay stapled to Jack though. I just want someone that has the smarts to get in the right places. E-Rod has his gaffs, but he seems to have a knack for getting in positions to finish. Maybe not every time, but more often than Girgensons finds himself anywhere useful. Jack is the type that can see that and take advantage. 

  13. E-Rod-Eichel-Nylander





    is what I would like to see. Nolan, Larsson, and Pouliot all deserve to watch the end of the season from the box. Larsson won't because he's a C and a pest. Pominville probably deserves a third line spot, but the right side gets crowded if that's where Nylander is playing. 

  14. Any word on why he was scratched?


    I didn’t see any explanation on Twitter, but I’ll dig. My guess: set aside the fact that it was dirty, it was also just a bonehead play from a team perspective. For a marginal player (which Hartnell is at this point) to singlehandedly swing a game... yeah, that would get your ass benched if I was a coach.

  15. That one was 2 + 2. Two empty net points, or even three.


    The 3+1 was Carolina around THanksgiving.


    LOL Pominville

    Yep, just looked it up. I gave Jack an extra point- it was indeed 2+2. And it was the day after Christmas, not the day before. I watched at a bar, so you’ll have to give me a break :P




    Anyways, 5 must be a new career high. But he should go for 6 anyway!

  16. After each goal, it is considered a new powerplay. So, unless they score rigbt at the 5 minute mark they will end up getting stopped on the final pp. They should be 4/6 now on the pp. (They were 1 for 2 prior to the major & then 3 for 4 on it.)

    Gotcha. That probably makes the most sense, although it still isn’t a perfect measure. Hell of a way to help the team percentage.

  17. I don't think the hit was high. It was totally unnecessary, but I suspect the league upon review is going to cite Antipin turning his back on the play and not suspend the dude.



    Looked to me like Harnell finished high and did so intentionally. His body was definitely moving upward. And the primary point of contact appeared to be Hartnell’s shoulder to Antipin’s neck.

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