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Posts posted by Winston

  1. Personally, my least favorite is when "could have" becomes "could of" because of the contraction "could've." Same goes for could's partners in crime: would and should. When people mix up then/than or there/their/they're or your/you're, it still reads correctly in my head even if the error bugs me. But I have to double take when I see "would of" in a sentence. It just doesn't compute.

  2. You friendly Canadians, you.

    Canadian doctors protest their raises

    Over 500 medical professionals, including doctors and medical students in Quebec have signed a letter in protest of recently negotiated pay raises. The letter argues that nurses and other healthcare professionals have “difficult working conditions” and patients are dealing with lagging access to care, reports CNBC. In sum, the resources could be better spent. "We, Quebec doctors, are asking that the salary increases granted to physicians be canceled and that the resources of the system be better distributed for the good of the health care workers and to provide health services worthy to the people of Quebec," the letter reads. The Canadian government offers universal health coverage but has had to make a number of budget cuts in recent years in a bid to reduce growth in healthcare spending. On average, Canadian family physicians make $211,000 each year. That’s compared to the $217,000 that primary-care doctors in the U.S. make on average, according to a 2017 Medscape survey.


  3. Well I haven’t seen Black Panther, but I have a buddy at work that is obsessed with Marvel. Just an absolute fanatic. I have never been much of a movie guy, so there are plenty (most) of Marvel films I have missed. He owns them all on DVD, so he’s determined to have me watch them in “historical” order. It won’t be quick, but I’m down for it.


    But first, I’m watching Daredevil on Netflix per his recommendation. Just a couple episodes in, but I like the plot. And I love the camera work. The hallway scene... WOW

  4. Not your fault. No worries.


    Unfortunately I'm not sure that matters. At least with most insurance companies these days. A dump truck damn near totaled my sister-in-laws car on the streets of Brooklyn. It wasn't her fault, so insurance paid for the repairs. But it was claim #2 in 2 months for her, both of them no fault. They upped her insurance significantly. Each claim is basically proving that you're a risk to them, be it where you live, where you park, how visually challenged the operators of large utility vehicles are in your neighborhood... at least that's how the insurance companies look at it. 

    So my insurance company has no idea when or why my glass coverage was removed from my policy. Literally the only coverage I have ever wanted to have on any car I've ever owned and somehow it's just...not on there anymore? 


    Love it. Great. Looking forward to spending $400 to get a new back window tomorrow because of some customer service rep with fat fingers who took a coverage off my policy without me ever asking for such a thing to be done. 

    This sucks. Other people's administrative errors that come back to bite you effing suck.


    HR at my old job incorrectly allocated my 401k to some stupid fund. I set my contributions to receive the maximum match, and pretty much put it on autopilot. Moved and the same HR lady forgot to update my address. Now this is definitely partially my fault, but I didn't realize for some time that I wasn't getting statements. Again, I'm on autopilot. Finally dawned on me that I wasn't getting statements, so I went online to check my balance. That's when I realized it was in a "fund" accumulating 3% interest or something like that. Last year the market was up just a little bit more than 3% :P Thanks for the second savings account

  5. PDO is interesting because I look at this list and think "these guys have to be generating their own luck to some extent".


    I also think that about guys like Stamkos, Bergeron, Marchand, Kucherov, even Matthews... guys that are up there.


    But Crosby is 97.5 this year. McDavid is hardly over league average. Jack is at 98.0

    So I think team goaltending is the factor that affects this the most. Eichel's PDO would look a lot better in front of Vasilevskiy. McDavid would be doing alright in front of Tuuka.

  6. I think there already is a name for it. It's just one of those dadgum fancy stats terms. 


    PDO is one of my favorite fancy stats!

    Here are the "luckiest" players so far this season. A glitch in the system omits Vegas from this list. They have several guys posting unreal PDOs. 



    Note- you have to sort by PDO. The list defaults to games played even though I copied the correct link :P

  7. I've been running some calculations to see if paying extra on my mortgage would be worth it. We bought a condo to be our home for the 5 years my wife has left in grad school. Chances are we will leave Columbus when that time is up. Or if we stay, we'll probably be looking for a bigger home anyways to start a family. For the sake of round numbers, let's say we have 60 months of payments before we sell. 


    5 years isn't a long enough runway for the extra payments to mean much. By my calculations, $400/mo extra would only net us $2700 in savings when we sell. I'd rather take that money and max out my Roth and start investing elsewhere (maybe even my company's lousy no-match 401k) before making the extra payment. But if we planned to stay 10+ years, I definitely would be pumping in the extra money. Unfortunately I have a short enough runway that the frontloaded interest is hard to dodge. 


    Side note- I almost considered a 5-year ARM since I knew we would be selling in 5-6 years. But you just never know, so we went 30 year fixed. Has anyone else taken out an ARM with the intent to be out before rates change? 

  8. Chara in an actual fight with some other mountain of a person. It was underwhelming.

    That was a solid 13 foot 4 inches of combined hockey giants.. Refs certainly stayed away from that one haha


    Chara landed some uppercuts. I’m not heartbroken that I’ll never receive one of those from him.


    Gio just had a beautiful tip pass to Krejci for a PP goal. He’s getting PP2 time

  9. It could save ~$450/yr. Not a ton, but it's a few nice dinners, a decent chair, etc. that they don't have otherwise. Better the money stay in their pockets than go to others for essentially no reason whatsoever.

    Blasphemy! You can’t even get a decent chair for $5,000!

  10. Oh, and as of my payment last month, I knocked $188.43 off the principal on my mortgage.....yaaaay interest!

    Yeah, payments during year 1 of 30 suck right now.. I’m chipping away $133 in principal each month while they’re sacking me for $339 in interest ???? Toss in the money going to escrow, and it’s discouraging how slowly I’m building equity compared to the total going out each month. Not surprising, but discouraging just the same. But it beats the hell out of renting for us!

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