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Sabres Fan in NS

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Posts posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Licensed to Drive, starring Corey and Corey? Nope! Licensed to Marry, starring my fiancé and I!


    Congrats to the happy couple.


    I'll give you the same advise I gave shrader when he made his blessed announcement ... remember from now on you two are a team. Don't ever forget that and don't let anything jeopardize it.

  2. Bugger freezing cold.


    I don't care where you're from or who you are, Human Beings were not meant to be breathing -5 degree air. (That's -20 for you liters per microgram folks)


    Thanks for the conversion.




    My complaint ...


    I / we love oranges and all citrus fruit. Especially when it is *bugger freezing cold*, as it is here in Halifax too.


    Anyway picked some up the other day. Advertised on the package as seedless and easy to peel.


    Craved one and ... took forever to peel. Once the frustration abated and bit into that sweetness ... chipped a tooth on a seed.


    Complaint = *easy to peel and seedless oranges* that are, in fact, neither.

  3. This video ... it gives me hope that there are others out there that care that humans still insist on destroying the planet ...


















    Video by Scott McKinley Productions, Produced for Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation for Ad campaign. Licensed music by Kenny G.. This short video won Grand Prize - Best of Show at International Wildlife Film Festival in Missoula Montana! The majority was shot on location in Yellowstone National Park, Grand Tetons National Park and The National Elk Refuge in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

  4. As for the flu shot ... never got it and never will. For a number of reasons. My wife and I had it (real flu) about 10 years ago. It is nasty and most people who say *I had the flu* really didn't. Basic hand washing would work wonders to help curb all these things.


    Anyway ...


    2 complaints today.


    1 ... Had a second meeting with that prospective client almost two weeks ago. It went really well. They said they wanted to move relatively quickly, but needed to take some time. It will be two weeks this Monday and nothing, zero, nada. Anyway, hoping for the best, but aniticipate the *Dear candidate, F-off and die* cowardly letter to arrive in the mail any day. Hope I'm wrong.


    2 ... We love Halifax. It's a great place to live (hi shrader ... :flirt: ). Yesterday we had our first significant snow of this winter. Snow started around 1:00 PM. By afternoon rush hour a fair amount had fallen, but nothing crazy. This year the wankers at the city started a policy not to send out plows and salt trucks out until the snow stops. So, rush hour turned into chaos and there was no need of it. Just plain nuts!

  5. Lionel Messi wins the Ballon d’Or for a mind boggling and record setting fourth straight time.


    If he brings the World Cup home for Argentina in 2014, I think you'd have to give him the title of best footballer of all time. I never thought Maradona would be touched, but Messi is getting awfully close.


    The only thing missing from his impressive career is that WC title.


    I think he will do it in 2014 and then the debate will end. Well, for me it will.

  6. When in college we used to go to the Quebec City, or Montreal, area ski resorts.


    None of us skiied, but we did the *apres ski* thing at the lodges.


    Let me tell you this ... chicks dig guys with casts ... :flirt:

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