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Posts posted by Bmwolf21

  1. Yeah, I'd rather watch the HOME FEED IN HD, but at least the 'yotes feed is in HD. Dave Schrader is a very good announcer, but Tyson Nash blows as color, and their roving reporter sucks, too.


    The Rangers game isn't on HD on the MSG side, either, just on Comcast (Capitals feed).


    Just gimme all my fukkin HD, would ya?

    No HD here, so that doesn't make a difference to me.

  2. Facebook is having a big tech support issue right now - a lot of people are unable to access their own profile pages, and therefore can't reply to wall postings, add/edit photos, etc. My profile is one of those affected, and it's very frustrating, because FB seems to have no damn clue what the problem is nor do they have a timetable for a remedy.

  3. I'm trying to update my avatar and it doesn't seem to be going through - still showing my old av, at least on my end. The new picture is 11.3 KB and 200X200, but every time I try to upload the new pic, it reverts back to the old avatar and the image size message pops up. I was able to change my profile picture, but the avatar is fighting me.


    The old pic was my little guy at the Memorial Day parade, while the new one was taken today at a pumpkin patch - in case someone else is seeing something different from what I'm seeing on my end.

  4. Since I shifted my schedule around and now have Thursdays off, my mood is considerably different today. Aside from being exhausted from the last week of moving and work, I don't have much.


    This is all I've got:


    1. I'm an idiot for not planning this cross-town move and my corresponding work schedule better. We moved last Thursday, which I had off, but I worked Friday - Wednesday, with OT sprinkled in. I should have scheduled another day off in there to knock out the last of the move in one additional day; instead, it got spread out over a week and I'm sick of it.


    2. Last week my editor emails me the game assignment schedule, and I see my name next to a game being played in Youngstown, OH - an hour and a half and over 80 miles away. Not a huge deal on a Saturday, but a 730 kickoff on Friday night, after working a full day and then having to work the next morning at 7 am - not good. Can't be getting home at 1 am and getting up the next morning at 6 for the next shift.

  5. You don't get Indian Summer in very early fall. You get it in late October or November, after it's snowed, and stuck, at least once. Come on LB!

    In a similar vein - if we're going to go through this early crappy fall weather, I'd like to get that first hard frost out of the way as quickly as possible, so it kills the ragweed and all the other fall allergens that make me a sneezing, watery-eyed mess.

  6. 1. As I posted in another thread -- still no HD for Sabres games on MSG if you're not in WNY.


    2. I bought a Dell laptop in February 2008 and paid $250 or so for the extended 3-year, in-person warranty. It was a lemon. It died every few weeks -- just shut down. Each time, I'd have to go through the phone menu, talk to tech support in India for about an hour, they'd finally send the tech dude out to fix it, he'd show up with the wrong part, they'd send the right part (usually a replacement motherboard), he'd replace it, it would work for a few weeks, then die again. At one point I had to send it in to Dell for them to work on it in their shop. Same result. Finally, after about 5 or 6 repetitions of this BS, they sent me a replacement. This was about a month ago.


    The GD new laptop is completely schizophrenic and freezes up every 60 seconds. It's unusable. Here we go again on the tech support merry-go-round.


    I hate Dell.

    I'm really disappointed with Dell's ongoing slide into mediocrity. I've had more issues with my newer Dell products than I've had with any of my older stuff. The first few things I bought from them were built solid and seemed to last forever, but the newer stuff feels cheaper and breaks easier.


    The worst thing is - they don't seem to care that their products suck. Their customer service is getting more and more indifferent and less helpful.

  7. Moving sucks. Been at it since 7 am this morning, and while we're done with the big stuff, there's still a lot of little things left at the apartment, as well as a lot of cleaning that needs to be done there if we want the bulk of our security deposits back. Now I am so overtired that I can't fall asleep, and I have to work a 14-hour day tomorrow, as well as my regular shift on Saturday and OT on Sunday. Next day off is next Thursday. Yay.

  8. I'm complaining that I am only #4 in posts in this thread. I really need to step up my game and find more to complain about!


    shrader 223

    inkman 185

    Bmwolf21 177

    LabattBlue 148

    Crosschecking 147

    d4rksabre 135

    spndnchz 108

    PASabreFan 96

    Ouch. That's one of those eye-opening stats that make you sit up and take notice.




    Looks like I have a lot more bitching to do to catch shrader.


    Proof that I am an incredibly bitter person. :thumbsup:

    Same here. I am starting to hate random people. For no good reason. Just pure, old-fashioned disgust with people. Calling on an old favorite - the more people I meet the more I like my dog.


    I need to win the lottery and buy an isolated island somewhere.

  9. Work sucks. A lot of new changes out of the blue, people have been reassigned, some fired, and others laid off; and now others who are lucky enough to still have a job are being threatened with 30-day action plans if the results aren't what the main office expects. It might be good for me in the short term, as I am in the next group to be promoted and fill in these positions, but long-term I don't know. I think it's time to get out, but there aren't a lot of openings out there.

  10. I'm covering a HS football game on Friday night, and as I usually do, I called the schools to ask them to fax or email their roster to me. The one school sent it in a SNP format. I had no idea what the hell that was, and had to download an SNP Viewer in order to open the file. Thanks for making more work for me.

  11. Dell laptops and Microsoft Windows Vista. Specifically Dell laptop batteries and Vista SP1. I still cannot get SP1 to install, even though I have MS Tech support "helping" me. I have had at least 25 failed installation attempts.


    Dell laptop batteries - I am really getting disgusted with Dell's declining quality. I bought my first Dell laptop back in Fall 2004 (five years ago) and the battery still works fine. And this thing has really been beaten up by me and the elements - this is the one that had the storm window fall on it and crack the case, for those that remember.


    Fast-forward to 2007, when I needed to replace my desktop and bought a new Inspiron laptop. First I had to complain and piss and moan because the original model they send me had a design defect where the sound card and headphone jacks pick up noise from the processor and motherboard, eventually getting me an upgrade to a redesigned upgraded model, which they sent to me in March 2008. Over the last couple weeks my battery has stopped taking a charge and Dell wants $140 to replace a battery that is less than 18 months old. :wallbash:

  12. Gonna get a last-minute one in here. Some of you know that I freelance for the local paper, covering high school sports (mostly football) once or twice a week in the fall to pick up some extra cash. I am trying to do some research on the two teams I covering tomorrow night, and cannot navigate the enormous clusterfugg cleveland.com's high school sports section has become. Pages are not loading right in Firefox, IE or Chrome, so I cannot pull up past games; there are unrelated stories on the football pages; I cannot find a simple schedule with results listed anywhere - instead I have to go through their ridiculous "scoreboard" feature to select a date range. What a waste of time.


    I don't think the issue is cleveland.com or the plain dealer's website as much as it is the feeds they are getting from Ohio High School Sports, but this is ridiculous.

  13. Professors that want to take a look at your cookies. On your laptop that is. Quite the uproar today. Everyone's talkin about it. May drop the class, fire the prof. I'm sure there will be a retraction statement next Tuesday.

    Why does he want to see your cookies? Is it an issue of people cheating or not paying attention and surfing the net during class?

  14. If you hadn't clicked on the little yellow thingy since the new updates that SDS did (oh, wait, there was some loser who did it for him. I wish there was some info on the bottom of the page indicating who did the design...) you will go to the first post.

    I had a couple posts (including the last post) in last week's complaint thread before it was locked up, so unless SDS made more changes since last Thursday, then I don't think that was the issue.

  15. People who don't realize you can hit the little yellow box next to the thread title to go straight to this Thursday complaints.

    FWIW, I did click the little yellow box and it still opened the first post on the first page. I had to use the little drop down box and type in 125 to get to the most recent stuff.

  16. I'm tired of idiots I work with having no respect for your time and normal schedule. Piling on trainings sandwiched around meetings on top of the usual steaming pile of crap I have to deal with every day - and most of the time the meetings fall under the usual last-second "oh by the way you have to go to this meeting at our downtown branch next week" scheduling. Absolutely ridiculous.

  17. This applies to treadmills too. :angry:

    Treadmills are iffey, IMO. If you are in the middle of a good run and/or have the earbuds/headphones in, don't even think about interrupting me unless my treadmill is catching fire or the building is being evacuated. If you get on a treadmill and walk at a leisurely pace and have no headphones in - well you're just asking to be pestered.

  18. Wow. Did they really do that? First I've heard of that particular wrinkle. Disgusting if true.

    Vick - who was sentenced to 23 months in federal prison last Dec.10 for his role in bankrolling a dogfighting operation called "Bad Newz Kennels" on his Surry County (Va.) property and for killing some of the underperforming dogs - placed family pet dogs in the fighting ring as trained pit bulls and "caused major injuries" to the pets, according to a 17-page Department of Agriculture report released Friday.


    The Aug. 28, 2008 report describes how Vick and two associates, Purnell Peace and Quanis Phillips, "thought it was funny to watch the pit bull dogs belonging to Bad Newz Kennels injure or kill the other dogs."


    Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/2008/11/22/2008-11-22_report_michael_vick_threw_untrained_fami.html#ixzz0O5WFWoLQ



  19. Well I agree, and I know they have some guys who aren't high character players, but I can't stand someone who punished abused and killed dogs for fun.... just not my idea of someone i can support

    I agree. I just don't think I can watch the Bills if they bring Vick on board. I liked Vick when he was in Atlanta and I think he might still have something to offer, but I cannot get past what that POS did.


    I think what Vick did was worse. He was responsible for the ritualistic abuse, torture and murder of dozens of dogs. He was the bankroll of a thoughtout criminal enterprise. Many of what you have listed can be considered instances of bad judgment. All, but Stroud, didn't leave the there house that morning with the intentions of doing what they did. Vick was fully aware of what was going to happen.

    Bingo. Not to mention kidnapping family pets and throwing them in the ring with trained killing machines as training fodder and laughing as their own fighting dogs maimed and killed the untrained pets.


    My complaint goes out to all the people who whine and complain about gov't decisions on all levels. Municipal, Provincial and Federal.


    If you don't like what these gov'ts are doing, then here's a suggestion.




    In Kelowna we had 20% voter turnout last fall. This past spring we had less than 30% turnout for the Provincial election and around the same Federally.



    I agree that people who don't vote shouldn't bitch, but what's the answer for those of us who did vote and still find what local/state/federal governments are doing reprehensible? Apparently we're an "angry mob" if we show up and challenge politicians - and this is coming from a registered democrat who is scared crapless about the health care reforms being bandied about.

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