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Posts posted by Bmwolf21

  1. This.


    Even when the boss isn't in the office, she's nitpicking over email. :wallbash:

    I hate, hate, hate being micromanaged, and ever since my company reorganized that's all my new boss (who was promoted despite being terrible at her job when we were at the same level) has done. Fortunately a position has opened up in my branch that is both a somewhat lateral position but also a promotion, and I have already started jockeying for it. I think I have the right people aligned with me to make it happen but this company is full of people who could screw up a free lunch, so I am not counting on anything until the paperwork is all finalized and I am in the position.

  2. Good luck! :thumbsup:

    Thanks. Not sure what's going on there. Thought it was a problem with the knee affecting my gait when running, but the calf feels like I'm being Tasered every time I run more than a mile or so. Can't wait to find out what's going on in there.

  3. Got an MRI on the knee and calf today, so now I am waiting for the doc to call with the results - or at least schedule an appt so we can go over them. Kinda sucks waiting to find out what the scans revealed.


    Plus side, though - I got a cool CD with all the images on there. Don't know what I am looking at but it's neat to look at.

  4. I hate it when people play Devil's advocate all the time. It's one thing to disagree with someone's opinion or try to present a different point of view, but when you do it at every single flippin' conversation, you're just talking so that everyone knows you're speaking.


  5. Tomorrow is our monthly "summon all the minions to the main office and give them their monthly reaming" meeting. Always fun to get lectured and screamed at for two hours.


    Bonus - the meeting was supposed to be at the main office, with the holiday party to follow. It was scheduled this way to minimize travel and mileage expenses. So what do they do? Move the meeting to an off-site branch (one that doesn't have the facilities to handle the @ of people in attendance) and then keep the party scheduled for the original time and location - the main office. So go to one meeting and get yelled at and threatened for two hours, then get in the car and drive to another location for the potluck holiday party. Awesome fun. <_<

  6. The non-profit I work for is struggling financially as we come in to the end of the year (no surprise) so they are "reorganizing" and laying people off and making people take pay cuts and setting new goals for the remainder of 2010. So on the 15th of November I get my revised goals for both November and December (which are dramatically higher than what we were forecast for originally) and I'll need a miracle during this weekend's campaign to make my numbers. So I had to sign revised goals, which felt like signing my own death warrant, knowing that they have been firing and laying people off like it's going out of style.


    Plus in all that I am in the midst of working ten straight days leading into Thanksgiving, and given the importance of this weekend's campaign, the powers that be thought it would be a good idea to go ahead with our monthly four-hour all-department meeting that pulls everyone of importance out of each location for half a day - on the first day of the campaign.

  7. Been a rough couple weeks health-wise. Pulled my hamstring on the treadmill last Monday, and it's still sore and bruised 10 days later. Good food poisoning at Subway on Monday and spent the next two days wearing out the hallway carpet leading to the bathroom.

  8. I've been on FB for over a year and it's not that bad - as long as you don't "reveal" too many details. It's a pain to keep an eye on the privacy settings, but since I use it a lot to keep up with friends & family, I monitor that stuff regularly. The most private things I've added are my birthday (not the year, just the day) and email address. The friend requests can easily be ignored - I'll only confirm those who I know and I've ignored several people.


    I still don't get why people think it's a semi-private site, especially those whose "friends" are co-workers, and complain when they b*tch about something. Just don't say anything too private or too stupid or anything that can be considered inappropriate. I'm fortunate enough that my direct co-workers who are friends don't take anything seriously, but I still try not to say anything I'd regret. We all know how circular this world is.



    I almost never use it and am always careful not to post anything that might come back to bite me... I don't get people who will b*tch about work on Facebook and not consider that 1) their current employer can see whatever they post if they wanted to, and 2) your next employer can look at it, too! My main annoyance is when I post pictures from vacation or something, I don't like the idea that everyone can see that stuff. My coworkers are nice and all, but the majority are not "real" friends and they are kind of a nosy bunch. :pirate:

    Not if you watch your privacy settings. I have people on my "friend" list that I have no desire for them to see anything I post, so I have a blacklist and deny them access to stuff. It's really not hard (that's what she said).

  9. The place I work at is managed by lunatics who expect us grunts to pick up the slack for them when they make insane promises to the buyers of our product. If it weren't for the guys who are always willing to ditch their horrible lives outside of work to do whatever the brass begs them to, maybe there would be some accountability in this joint. Everything is a f*cking crisis with these guys.

    Sounds like we work for the same people. Our upper management overextended us with a partnership that has overwhelmed our ability to function normally, gave us little to no direction on how to make it work, and when we start to make it work, they tinker with the processes, tell us we're doing it wrong or not doing enough, and screw the whole thing up. Idiots.


    I hate when people turn this thread into a political bitchfest.


  10. This is what I heard from two guys within earshot of me at last nights game...



    Repeat some variation of the above for 2-1/2 hours. Quite possibly the most annoying people I have ever encountered at a game.


    We ran into a pair of annoying hecklers like that last month at a Lake Erie Monsters game (and I apologize if this a re-posted complaint). First one was a grown man-child who was developmentally disabled, who kept screaming "Detroit sucks" in his high falsetto voice - even though the opponent was not from Detroit or even the state of Michigan. After a few instances of this screaming the drunk douchebag a few rows back decided to start heckling the man-child. Classy.


    Then, for the next 2 1/2 hours we were subjected to the worst heckling I have heard, courtesy of the drunk douchebag. All he had in his bag of tricks was a limited repertoire of gay jokes (mostly aimed at the opposing goalie) and making fun of the opposing goalie's mask, which was purple with the HOLLYWOOD sign across the top. Kept saying things like "you're pretty" to the opposing goalie and "oh, that was close" when he'd make a save.


    So my complaint is this - if you're gonna heckle - do some damn homework and come with some fresh, funny material. Don't repeat the same unfunny crap all game long. If not, the rest of your section should be allowed to forcibly remove you.

  11. Another night in the dentist's chair...temporary crown put on while the permanent one is made...and to top it all off the TV in the exam room was locked on Nickelodeon, forcing me to endure nearly 90 minutes of "The Nanny."

  12. Had to spend nearly an hour in the dentist's chair tonight, and have two more appt's to go. :censored:

    I was informed that today was the deadline for a project that I hadn't even started yet (long story). I've been in all out super speed mode working on it since the start of the day and just finished it. This may have been some of my finest work ever. I'm amazed at how quickly I was able to put this together. One problem: we're missing one minor detail that we don't have anywhere in our records. So now I have to send out random emails asking for this information, all while playing the "if/when will these people respond, and do they actually have the info" game. I'm completely convinced that I will be stuck sitting here until 9, doing absolutely nothing but waiting for an email. It's the most minor detail possible, yet completely vital for completion.

    Had something similar (sorta) happen last Thursday. They call us all to the main office to go over reports and expectations for the next stage of this project we are working on. The reports are a little complicated, so they say "go back to your branch and run the reports now while it's fresh in your mind, and if you have any questions, call one of the three people who gave the presentation." No word of needing to report the numbers from this complex report by a certain time, nothing. So we get back, have trouble with the report, and make the appropriate calls, but no luck reaching anyone. We follow with emails. Nothing.


    End of the day comes (a little early for me, a little before 4) and I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth (dentist appointment after work) and a coworker comes in. Seems the VP downtown is on the phone and needs the numbers NOW. :censored: me. To top it off, he jokingly asks my coworker "does he always leave in the middle of the day like this?" :censored: me twice. I get him on the phone, explain the situation and that I am on my way to the dentist, and he seems to understand.


    Fortunately my counterpart on the project took care of him and the reports while I was in the chair getting my mouth worked over.

  13. Had to take the truck in for service today, and we had to fight with the warranty company to cover some of the repairs.


    Plus going to the dealership to pick up my truck from the service department pisses me off - I have to wander around and look at all the sweet looking new rides and then climb into my POS to go home.

  14. Might ignite a firestorm, but here goes...the use of the word "abortion" to describe anything other than the medical procedure. I know there are other definitions (including "monstrosity") but I feel that, with the the main definition being such an emotionally-charged topic, it's best to leave that term where it belongs and use another term.


    (Note: I am not singling anyone out - I have seen this term used here, on TSW and and a couple other boards and have even heard it used in conversation, and it always touches a nerve.)

  15. I shouldn't complain, because it's the little guy's birthday and we had a fun time at Chuck E Cheese (all 3 1/2 hours of it) but I had to comment on these two things.


    Some changes going on at work, know I should be happy I still have a job but it's not easy. Re-org'd, got a new boss, changed my job and responsibilites, so far the new job outright looks like he thinks and treats me like I am his Beyotch. NICE. I never expected to become that dreaded disgruntled employee but unfortunately I fear I'm there. :wallbash: Know my options just really liked what I was doing before not so much now.

    We are slowly seeing a grand reorganization at my company, and upper management recently entered in a partnership with a local health care provider that has completely blown up in our faces. We have too many people coming in through this program and not enough capacity to deliver on the promises of this partnership, but now the geniuses who promised them the moon are going on the attack, saying that the individual branches are not on board and are fighting headquarters. So they decided that threatening us with our jobs if we don't make this work was the right way to go, and they even said "even the new people will be gone." I've only been on in this position for three months, and the new program that overwhelmed us was rolled out 6 weeks into my tenure. Not a huge fan of being threatened with my job after three months, especially when I am being asked to hit a moving target and not given the resources or support I need.


    And then there's the city of Boston, or really, the whole state of Massachusetts. There was a general panic over the last two days because of that storm that was moving across the state. They shut just about everything down a day in advance. What was the grand total for the snowfall? Less than an inch. The entire city was crippled by a less than an inch of snow! Don't get me wrong, I had no problem leaving work early, but my god are they retarded. With all these budget issues nationwide, I can't imagine the amount of money that was thrown away yesterday.

    Our local guys did the same thing. Warned for three or four days about how much snow was coming, this was as bad as last week, yada yada yada. The day of the storm comes, places had shut down in advance, and the system shifted a little, meaning we were going to get a fraction of what was forecast. Rather than eat crow, the one local weatherguy decided that mocking the viewers was the way to go - said something along the lines of "those of you who were hoping for a lot of snow tonight are going to be disappointed." Hey a#$^$#!e - YOU were the one who whipped everyone up into a frenzy.


    Then of course the next day we got about 4-5", nothing major, but a lot of blowing snow and higher winds, but after the weather people came back and basically said "nothing major coming" I think everyone let down their guard, and that included the snow removal. Roads were awful all day.

  16. People who drive in Northeast Ohio without Bridgestone Blizzaks on their pickup trucks in winter!


    I am also going to complain about the low quality of the youth hockey in this area, and the lack of games. I have 6 games this month to officiate. In Virginia (yes, VIRGINIA), that would be a solid weekend for me; here it's a frigging MONTH! Come on, we're in the north, play some hockey, and play some good hockey while you're at it. Note to coaches - it's not football on skates. Forearms to the head are penalties, as are hits where the puck is no longer present. Learn the damn rules before you start screaming at me, you moron!


    There, phew!!!


    At least I get to see a good game this weekend when I got to Buffalo to see my Bantam Major nephew play for the '95 Regals AAA team.

    I doubt Blizzaks would help my crappy winter truck one bit, but in any case, I'm not spending $500+ for snow tires on a vehicle I am trying to pay off and trade in - not when I have a ~1-mile commute to work. I'll load up with sandbags, go slow and do some fun donuts in the parking lots and work to pay it down as fast as possible.


    And I know what you mean about the hockey. I had hoped that I could pick up some extra cash covering HS hockey games for the paper, but they barely cover anything here outside of football and HS basketball. I go from decent extra cash in the fall (football) to almost none the other 8 months of the year.


    I've been living here for 16 years now and I can't stand the apathy towards hockey in this area. It is just another item in the long list of items that makes me hate living here.


    My complaint: Not being able to move away from North East Ohio. My wife and I were given (yes given) 10 1/2 acres of land and we built on it. I'm attached to the land but I hate that it is in Ohio.

    We've been in NEO for three years now and I am surprised at the apathy towards hockey.


    And I am hoping we don't get stuck here permanently. I am hoping my next career move makes me a "halfback" - and we can move halfway back down South. Maybe North Carolina.


    It was beautiful here today. 40 degrees with sunshine and the sound of melting snow. Thing is...I know it's fake. The tease of the January thaw.

    I know what is coming at us until April and this "fake spring" just pisses me off.

    Yep. Although I am glad to see some of the snow go away, even if it is a temporary reprieve. It's a couple days I don't have to shovel, and I can get into the backyard and clean up some of the dog's land mines before the next round of snow...

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