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Posts posted by Bmwolf21

  1. You mean like all of his posts? If there's any justice in this world, SDS will pull some strings and that guy will forever be listed as a 4th liner. Then he'll have to follow through with his threat and leave. We'll all be better for it... until navybillsfan shows up for his monthly visit.



    If I figure it out, his new title will be "Career AHL'er" :D



    Bye bye, then.



    Another update on an old complaint:


    I get these stupid telemarketing phone calls on my office phone all the time. It's either something about my high credit balances, the factory warranty on my non-existant car, or my mortgage rates (I need one of those to rent now?). It has always been this annoying recording that I immediately hang up on. Well just today, they found a whole new way to annoy me. I just got a phone call from an actual live person, "Hi, I'm so-and-so from so-and-so...". The guy then immediately turned on the recording. Is there no limit to how far these people will go to pass along a message to the person it's not even supposed to go to?


    :death: :death: :death:

    My wife has complained about the same thing. Her in-home business line keeps getting those same calls (high CC balances, factory warranty and calls about who makes the decisions to buy such-and-such for her company) and no matter how many times she complains to AT&T they insist that her number is not being sold to B2B telemarketers and is left off those directories.

  2. Stupid people in general.


    Bad drivers.


    Oh, and while I don't want to bitch about high gas prices, watching the prices yo-yo back and forth is getting real old real fast. One day it's $1.65, the next it's $1.79, then back down to $1.66, then a 30-cent jump to $1.95 - and those prices have fallen and risen in the last few days. I cannot remember the last time gas prices were so volatile and inconsistent. It's like playing roulette with your gas tank -- "I need gas - will it be higher or lower tomorrow?"

  3. You arent one of those ice fishing genius's at the west end of lake Erie last week were you????

    Those morons blamed the Coast Guard for their situation.

    Go ahead.


    Blame the shifting winds, the glaring sun, the lake effect.


    Blame global warming and Mother Nature.


    Heck, go ahead and blame the walleye.


    Blame everything under the sun and the sun. Just don't blame the Coast Guard.


    That's what some ice fishermen are doing.


    The Coast Guard and local fire departments rescued some 130 fishermen stranded on a floating island of ice in Lake Erie on Saturday. The rescuers plucked stranded anglers from the ice floe by lowering baskets from helicopters and by sending air boats to reach them.


    There's a lot of blame to go around, but none of it should be dumped on the Coast Guard. They should be cheered as heroes in this drama.


    Some fishermen blame a Coast Guard cutter for causing the ice to break away. The Coast Guard says the water in that area was too shallow for the cutter.


    Some fishermen blame the Coast Guard for not putting up warning signs.


    "The sun was out and it was 60 degrees -- that is your sign," Petty Officer William Mitchell told a reporter.



  4. Tyler Perry. Can someone explain to me how this hack keeps getting TV series and movie deals? (I know he has his own studio, it's a rhetorical question.) He's not funny at all, his shows are stereotypical, unfunny garbage (this Madea crap is BRU-TAL) but TBS keeps cranking out new Tyler Perry crap every six months. Dane Cook gets a lot of flack (and probably deserves most of it) but how does Tyler Perry keep getting work?

  5. Not sure if it works the same in Ohio but I know in NYS you have a certain amount of days that you can close schools, I believe its something like 8 days. If you don't use all eight days you get a kick back from the state. And I think you only need to be in school for 2 or 3 hours to have it count as a full school day and not against the "in-service" or "closed" days.

    There's been some rumblings that this was the case. I just couldn't believe that the CEO of the school system would go in front of a camera and toss out such a blatant pile of horseschitt as an explanation - "our people said it would stop snowing at 8 or 9" that everyone knew was nowhere close to the truth.

  6. Rod Blagojevich. Just STFU and go to jail already. No one believes the BS coming out of your mouth. Yeah, we get it - everything you said and everything that has been said about you has been taken out of context. Right.


    Seniors who flood the grocery stores to stock up for a snowstorm, then rush back out on the streets five minutes after the snow stops falling, only to drive 5 MPH and not stay in a lane.


    People who clear nothing but a 6" space on their windshield and then hit the roads, unable to see anyone else and blinding everyone with the snow flying off their car.


    The Cleveland Public Schools CEO who defended his decision to keep the schools open yesterday by saying "we had people tell us the snow was going to end at 8 or 9 am and the streets we could clean up then." Keep in mind it had been snowing since about midnight, this was a storm that stretched across 12 states and we had winter storm warnings in effect saying it would snow until 4-5 PM. So then they reverse ground and decide to close the schools early, further inconveniencing parents who had to come back in the middle of the day. None of this really affected me, but I can't understand how someone in that position of authority has so little common sense.

  7. One more - comments sections under online news articles. Areas populated by anonymous, know-it-all jackasses who are quick to blast the writer and story for what seems to be no good reason. It seems the old George Burns line about "Too bad the only people who know how to run the country are busy driving cabs and cutting hair" should now include "posting on Internet news sites."

  8. How hard is it to read a sign and follow it? Seriously. The mall entrances around here have signs that say "Incoming traffic - Keep Moving" for incoming traffic, while the other two sides of the intersections have stop signs and a sign that says "Incoming Traffic Does Not Stop." So why do people stop at the stop sign and then start going, all the while staring at me like "why didn't you stop?"


    Morons. :censored:

  9. I know what you mean... They were saying "blizzard" here once they latch on to the warnings that were issued for Western Illinois, Iowa and points beyond.




    It has been a hard winter so far... Just went back to WNY last weekend and the snow totals seem to be very high... Really prime skiing in the Southern Tier. It was crazy driving on the Indiana Toll road last Friday... Not a cloud in the sky... Noon and it was still -20 actual temp... Black ice everywhere! I knew it was going to be cold, but you have to factor in that at that temp salt does not work and everything freezes!

    Yeah, it has been...as of yesterday we were 15" over our normal snowfall for January, and they said we've only had something like 5 days without some form of precip since the beginning of December. Not to mention these brutally cold temps.


    I don't mind the warnings if you're going to come close and are not inflating your numbers. Just be somewhat accurate. BTW, the guy who made the 4-9" prediction is supposed to be "Cleveland's only lake effect snow-trained meteorologist" (whatever that is). He's also from Buffalo and his first gig was at R-News in Rochester.

  10. Hey... 2-4 inches a day for 2 weeks adds up! That's 28-56 inches over that span.


    ;) ;)


    Oh, wait... You meant just 2-4 inches total. :doh: :lol: :lol:

    How about last week here in the Cleveland area? We have four local stations - for Saturday, three had forecast 1-3", mostly in the snow belt; the fourth, the sensationalist "Action News" forecasts 4-9, no distinction between the snow belt and the rest of the viewing area.


    We got 1" here, the most anyone got from that "storm" was...wait for it....wait for it....around 3", in the snow belt.

  11. I'm completely fed up with the snow, ice and frigid temps.


    I'm really tired of people making more work for me because they don't want to do their jobs or don't know how.


    I really hate when you ask for basic advice or recommendations on something computer-related and someone has to come in with an uber-technical response on how to build your own computer, router and OS.


    I guess that's three complaints but I don't really care.

  12. And, as always, McJeff215 complaining about a great American, Sean Hannity.


    Oh, lest I forget, the Old Gray Lady...


    If you really want to catch Atlanta traffic without listening to the Hannitizer himself, why don't you listen to 93.3 or 104.7? Just throwing out options. Better yet, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, look up traffic.com

    Pretty sure that is the first (and likely last) time I have ever seen the phrases "a great American" and "Sean Hannity" in the same sentence. Unless those two phrases were flipped and separated by the words "is not"...

  13. I really love how bad weather creates bad roads, which for some strange reason serves as a beacon for every crappy driver to jump in their car and drive like an idiot the whole way.


    I really, really love when the roads are bad and people are being advised to avoid unnecessary travel, but I see them coming into the YMCA to work out -- and then they say things like "man, the roads are really bad today!" Yeah I know, it's really shocking. <_<

  14. I actually use my debit card more often than cash. It's quicker than cash most of the time, unless there is a problem swiping it or something.

    Same here. I hate having to run to an ATM every three days. I rarely carry more than $20 in cash.


    Ice is annoying. I live on the side of a hill, so no matter which direction I go, I have to walk up or down a slope. Well last night I decided to head to the bar about 3 blocks down the street with a friend without realizing that the sidewalks had completely iced over. That was the longest 3 block walk ever. I had to catch her a few times. I'm not sure if I should be complaining about the walk itself or the fact that she couldn't have slipped a few more times. So there's my first complaint of the day, not knowing exactly what to complain about.

    My apartment complex is in the middle of two big hills, and our parking lot is on a slight incline. We had some ice over the last two days, and yesterday I got a call from the apartment office asking me to "move my truck into a spot so they can plow." I had no idea what they were talking about, until I went down to check my truck and found the area where I had parked was one big sheet of ice (at the top of the slight incline) which let my truck slide backwards out of its spot and into the middle of the aisle.

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