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Posts posted by Bmwolf21

  1. Work. At my location there are four department heads (three plus me) and one executive director. Due to restructuring and reorganization, we've lost one department head to another location, one will be leaving in a lateral move so she doesn't have to take a demotion to stay with the company, one resigned for another job, and the executive director is being moved to a new location. All this within the last couple weeks.


    Who does that leave? Me. Already doing the work of two departments in an hourly position where OT is frowned upon, I get to help break in a new executive director and 2-3 new department heads. Awesome.

  2. What a weird day. Full moon hitting my customers and staff hard.


    Plus last week I found out that I lost out on a position I had applied and interviewed for. According to a friend at the company I was applying they really like me and my experience a lot but went with the other guy because he had a little more direct experience in health care than I do. Kicker was that he had already interviewed, offered, accepted and then declined the position a couple months ago and then begged to be reconsidered, so they did and gave him the job again.

  3. I hate to complain in a very short work week, but I came back to Ohio Tuesday night after an extended long holiday weekend in WNY. I was scheduled to be back in work for my usual Wednesday shift, which is 1-9 pm. One of my staff called me at 11 am to tell me about two urgent things - one that was fixed (no lie) by turning off the Caps Lock key and the other which did not affect me or my department at all. I was ready to kill her.


    Plus side: vacation next week.

  4. Went in to see a doctor yesterday; I pulled my gastrocnemius (the upper part of the calf). I was supposed to run the Buffalo Marathon with my brother in 2.5 weeks. My previous three months of dedication down the garbage for now! :wallbash:


    And there's still not enough time in the day sans running 45 miles/week.

    Went through something similar this fall/winter. Started with a bad calf cramp in the middle of the night, and from there it seemed like I could never get it loose when running. Then it would just grab up and cramp and pop toward the end of my run. Finally got an MRI and they couldn't tell exactly what was wrong - it was either a ruptured tendon or a ruptured cyst in my calf. Only prognosis was rest.


    I picked up one of these calf sleeves and it has helped a lot. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003940I4M/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B001GAPEFO&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=00PVSRT45G4DANAH8TNJ

  5. Last fall my company laid off a fellow manager in a department that works very close with mine. She was a fantastic worker, organized, had turned the department around....and was laid off because she didn't have the exact training and background they wanted for a new program they were supposed to roll out.


    They replaced her with a guy who was already struggling working at a smaller branch but had the background they wanted. They didn't move him to our branch, they added ours and another branch to his areas of responsibility.


    Fast-forward six months and we find out that he is unorganized, lacks any sort of common sense, is difficult to work with, communicates poorly, and is argumentative when you point out problems or holes in his ideas. Oh, and he has already lost one of the branches he oversaw because of similar issues there. Every day I am battling him on stupid little things that should be no-brainers but he is too thick-headed to understand what we're trying to tell him.


    Oh, and the program they wanted to roll out that led to the dismissal of the more qualified incumbent manager? Never put in place at our branch, so they replaced the competent person for no reason.


    :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

  6. We are planning to come home to WNY for the weekend but our little guy has been fighting a bug for a few days now and it doesn't look like we'll be travelling today. Hopefully tomorrow at this point but I'm not putting a sick 4-year-old in the back of the car for nearly 4 hours.



    Do you have a roof rack? ;)

    At this point he wouldn't even make it on to the roof rack. Had another setback this evening and now the entire trip is in jeopardy.

  7. We are planning to come home to WNY for the weekend but our little guy has been fighting a bug for a few days now and it doesn't look like we'll be travelling today. Hopefully tomorrow at this point but I'm not putting a sick 4-year-old in the back of the car for nearly 4 hours.

  8. Gotta say that the big Game 1 win is making me not even dread my my monthly "why do your numbers suck/what are you doing to fix it" meeting tomorrow. Or not nearly as much.


    Two other complaints, though - frigging allergies and sinuses. The windy days last week really ramped up the allergies, which fired up the sinuses, which means head pain, runny nose, all that fun stuff.


    And my 5K time on Saturday was not good. I have set my sights on another 5K in June to see if I can improve my time some.

  9. I am fairly certain last weekend's "Supermoon" has fried the brains of many of my customers. Some of the calls and requests I got over the last few days prompted me to instruct my staff to search the lobby for hidden cameras and microphones. I was certain someone was setting us up "Candid Camera"-style with all these odd questions and complaints.

  10. +1


    If you think that's bad, try the price of diesel fuel. That's what should have everyone concerned. Why? Because trucks and trains need it to ship the goods that we buy, right down to our groceries. And then the cost gets passed down to us.


    So, whenever I hear the next report on the Inflation Index, I'm going to take it with a grain of salt.

    I wasn't sure about the number but one report I saw said that every penny the gas prices rise affects the economy by $1 billion.


    The associated costs -- transporting food, essentials, etc - are always the ones that people forget about when the prices rise.

  11. My complaint is your answer. It's just a the news cycle. The price of gas goes up every year at this time to take advantage of the spring breakers traveling. Then it comes back down for a little while. Then it goes back up just before Memorial day all the way past the fourth of July to take advantage of those travelers.

    Gas prices do go up every year at this time but not this much. This has a lot to do with the instability in the Middle East (Libya and Egypt) and speculators pushing the cost of oil up.


    At lunchtime today gas was $3.42. I left work and it's at $3.59. It's ridiculous.

  12. Continued rise in cost of greeting cards. I don't know if any of these companies are traded publicly, but if they are, their stock should be going through the roof.


    Anyone who is spending 4+ dollars for this crap should have their head examined. If I can't find one for 2.99 or less, I'm walking out empty handed.

    Amen. I was giving a couple ticket vouchers for the Lake Erie Monsters to a couple of my staff for all their help in covering for another staffer who was out on an unexpected medical leave, and wanted to put them in a little thank you card. Even at Wal-Mart the best I could do was $2 a card. Whatever happened to the "budget rack" or whatever they called it with the cards no more than $.99?

  13. I got nothing this week. Three-day weekend because the little man's birthday is tomorrow, work is getting better, or at least a little more tolerable since we seem to be shocking people by doing what we told them we would do and are hitting our numbers. Although I am not getting too comfortable in the office because if another job came along there would be nothing left of me there but a Bmwolf21-sized hole in the wall a la the cartoons.


    I guess if I had to complain it would be that since Hunter turns four tomorrow we get to go to Chuck E Cheese for lunch. Yippee.

  14. You work for a French guy too? Problem #1 here is that "upper management" consists of two people - Frenchie and his American wife, the EVP, who spends most of her time at their 2nd home in Hilton Head, and really has no clue what's going on. There's another VP who hates Frenchie with a passion. She's been here for ten years, but despite her disdain for the boss and his wife, she doesn't have the stones to go move on to something else. With the new promotion, I'm next in line after her.

    Bonne chance is right. Our CEO has built an atmosphere of mistrust, apprehension and fear, and gets pissed off when the overworked, underpaid staff bolts for new opportunities. I've reached my tipping point, and as soon as I get a chance, I am gone.


    People complaining about a storm that killed 12 people nationally. Personally I'm thankful when a storm doesn't end up as bad with all of the snow/ice that other areas end up with from it.


  15. I hear you on that. I just received a "promotion" and got a fancy new title with more responsibility, but didn't get a whiff of a pay increase. Apparently I'm great at what I do, but when it comes time for my boss to show his appreciation with a raise, it's not quite good enough. I'm currently doing the workload that two idiots used to do (and I'm outselling them by a lot), and now I have to oversee the sales efforts in two other departments (we have 3 sales departments) in addition to handling all of the sales in my department, the largest of the three. I straight up told him I didn't have time to do everything I need to do, and he said we could "look into getting a part-time, unpaid intern." Ugh.

    Sounds like our respective upper management staffs went to school together.

  16. Think it's time to start moving on to a new job....the company I am at doesn't seem to value me at all. I consistently hit all my goals, am way underpaid and they keep dangling promotions in front of me that I think they have no intention of giving me - but I keep hearing things like "they really like you and have plans for you." Now when I see a different position in my company they don't want to even consider me for it because it is overseeing the biggest branch in that department and they don't think I can handle it.

  17. And that's precisely what's happening with me. I can't have a phone conversation with my wife w/o the boss asking what it's about.


    Another complaint: the idiots sitting within 5 rows of the ice who decide to stand up and wave to get themselves on TV. I'm glad I don't get tickets that good or else...

    Same here. Thankfully my micromanager is at another branch 40 minutes away.


    We're in the midst of a month-long membership campaign. The branch I work at traditionally starts out slow and closes strong. Been that way for the last five campaigns I've overseen. For some reason this campaign they jacked my goals up to levels we haven't hit in years (at least not in the 3 years I've been here) and want to know why, halfway through the month, we were exactly ONE DAY off the pace to hit our goals. So we had to do an "action plan" on Monday to make sure we hit the numbers. All this while being down three key staff due to deaths and medical issues. One of them is my branch director, so I have been essentially running the whole place and trying to manage my campaign. Oh - and they cut my hours last month, so I am doing it with less time.



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