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Posts posted by Bmwolf21

  1. I'll add one - people who hold up the line at Subway with a list for the entire office/construction crew/family. All I wanted to do was run in, grab a quick bite on my lunch break, and get out. Nope - the guy at the front of the line is holding his list and doing the "on this one I want..." song and dance.

  2. I hate people at the gym who put their weights back on the closest rack possible. The whole thing is in order from lightest to heaviest, and they're even labeled. There is no reason to put something in the wrong slot other than pure laziness. You seriously couldn't take the one extra step it would've took to put those 35s in the right spot instead of the spot for the 40s?


    I just spent the last 5 minutes of my train ride home trying to ignore two screaming little kids. This woman brought them on the train while they were already screaming and they never stopped. The woman didn't even try to shut them up, just let them go crazy. Kids suck and so do lousy parents.

    I'm gonna dip back into last week's complaints and throw an AMEN at shrader's post. I work in a YMCA and am the guy who closes the facility most nights, and last night (like many others) I had to go on a search and rescue operation to find the missing dumbbells and return them to the rack. They were on the other side of the weight room by the other mirror and cable machine, and even near the cardio section.


    On point 2 - I got into work yesterday and my boss told me how he was at Friendly's the night before, and he heard a 3-year-old call his brother a f***er - to which his mother simply shook her head and called them both savages. Awesome parenting skills.

  3. Does Sony ever learn their lesson with proprietary products. You would have thought that after they lost the VHS vs. Beta war, that it would have been a lesson never forgotten.


    Tonight I was looking for a digital point and shoot camera. I had it in hand and was ready to buy it until the clerk told me that it can only be used with Sony memory cards(Memory Stick Duo/PRO Duo Media) which were twice as expensive as the memory cards(SD/SDHC) for all the other cameras(at least this was the case in Target).


    I put the camera back. What a joke.

    I just bought a new digital camera today, and did the same thing, Blue. I was looking at a couple Sonys but as soon as I found out about the memory stick and cost, I scratched them off the list. My first digital camera was a Fuji that took those tiny xD cards but eventually other companies started making the xD format and the prices came down.


    I could have told you that... My recommendation for a point and shoot is get an Olympus. For point and shoots they are the best for the money, Canon makes some good ones too, but you can often find a pretty good deal on an olympus. Go to C-NET.com and read the reviews.

    I just bought a Canon point & shoot today. Good reviews, so far some good pics. A lot better than my Nikon Coolpix s210. Awful photos.

  4. People that ask you question after question about something work related when they can clearly see you are on your lunch break

    I work in a gym and people - both members and coworkers - do the same thing to me while I'm on a treadmill or elliptical. Frustrating as hell.

  5. any good stories?

    Nothing really juicy, just surprised to see how many people came in high as a kite and how the management didn't care, as long as they were closing deals and moving vehicles. It was also interesting to see how management would find a reason to "fire" some of the better salesmen for a few days at the end of each month as they approached their big bonuses, and then called them back to work a few days after they missed their goals.

  6. Listing the price of a car as $11,000 and then in the fine print put (with $3000 cash down).


    Seriously? WTF? Give us $3k and we'll lower the price $3000? Wow, how clever. And you wonder why people hate car dealerships.

    Yep. I had the misfortune of working at a dealership for three months (in sales) and was so disgusted that I quit without anything else solidly lined up. I figured I'd rather go flip burgers than hate myself, my job and my coworkers and feel slimy all the time.

  7. Guys who let their GF/significant other wear skimpy, revealing or otherwise provocative outfits in public and then proceed to glare and puff out their chest at every other guy who checks out said scantily clad "lady."


    Can I put in a pre-emptive complaint for the eventual novel he'll post in here if he ever discovers this thread? Oh wait, he only posts in his own threads to call Wolfy an idiot. But hey, at least he's right on that point.

    Considering I kept replying to his garbage, I have to agree. Sometimes it takes me a little longer to pick up on things....


    Happy I found this quote:


    If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be "meetings."

    That about sums up my work life. I'm in meetings about 6 hours a week. My manager, about 15, my managers' manager, about 30 (worst part is there are 2 more levels above him). Nice to see people actually find time to decide on nothing.


  8. Well, you mentioned it earlier, which is why I replied in kind. That was one reason.


    Second, while it was nice to get reacquainted with old friends (like a pastor in Germany), I could ask practically anyone to be my friend and they wouldn't know me from Adam. Look at the number of friends that Teppo has on FB, and he probably doesn't even know 1/4 of them personally. (He is a likable guy, and I am not complaining about the number of friends he has on there. I am just using that for the sake of argument.)


    Third, if I did enough digging on a friend's info tab, I could see what some of their issues were. I won't go into details, but as I was taking my friends list down to zero, I would look through every info page and see where some people stood on some things. If I didn't like what I read, they wouldn't be getting future emails from me or any notification that I was leaving. (Conversely, I noticed that there was a friend or two whom I invited who later unfriended me, and I think I can safely assume that these old friends didn't like what they read. With me being an ultraconservative of the Ron Paul variety, it doesn't surprise me in the least.)


    Fourth, my wife had an account with FB for a few months. All of a sudden, out of the blue, she gets a message from someone who stalked her when she was in college back in the mid 90's. That was enough for her right there.

    Thanks for the response.

  9. My biggest complaint is Posters who read the original post and hit reply, without reading the rest of the thread to see if they are simply repeating what's already been posted or to see if there is any additional info posted throughout the tread.



  10. 1. Posters who read the original post and hit reply, without reading the rest of the thread to see if they are simply repeating what's already been posted or to see if there is any additional info posted throughout the thread.


    2. Disclaimer - this is not intended to be disrespectful of anyone who has had breast cancer or has had someone in their family suffer from BC. That being said - I am so sick and tired of seeing and hearing commercials for the Breast Cancer 3-day Walk. They are on every station and seem to run in every commercial break, they seem to on nearly every radio station, and here in Cleveland they started the media blitz back in October/November for an event that was eight-nine months away. It's massive overkill, IMO.

  11. Mea culpa.


    However, I've done those self-checkout things at Wal-Mart so many times regardless of the amount of groceries that I have that I actually know what I'm doing so that way it's virtually painless to whoever is behind me.

    I don't mind larger orders in front of me if a) there are multiple self-checkout lines, so I can choose another line, and/or b) the people know WTF they are doing. It's when I go into Giant Eagle and watch these elderly people holding up the line because they are fumbling with the self-checkout process or they have a whole cart full of produce that I want to smack them in the head.


    Plus going to the staffed registers you have a much better chance of having some there to bag for you. At least that's how it is in our stores.

  12. Idiots that are confused by the self-checkout machines. How freaking hard can it be? If you're that stupid, go to the cashier and get out of my way, dumb-ass!

    To piggyback on that - idiots who take carts that are heaping full into the self-checkout lines. It should be an express lane sort of experience.

  13. Getting stuck in line behind the jackasses at Subway who are buying for the entire office. I swear the next time I see someone standing at the counter with a list in her hand and saying things like "and on THIS one..." I'm gonna lose it.


    Brought up by someone last week - people who drive diagonally through parking lots and don't follow the lanes.


    Indecisive people at the point of sale.


    I'll be back with more later.

  14. The protesters were from that Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, KS which is headed by none other than Fred Phelps. They are an aberration to say the least. A majority of conservative Christians rational human beings would say that WBC is definitely on the fringe.


  15. OK folks. All day I have been trying to put to keyboard a few of my many complaints. I really believe in this thread! I do! I feel that we all need an outlet for our random gripes, and this space has meaning for me. For all of us!


    But today I just can't. I live across from Ashland University's practice field and for the first time since October I HEAR THE CRACK OF A BAT! It is such a lovely sound -it means SPRING. And my 11 year old daughter is right now in the kitchen making me a smoothie because she loves me. My husband will do anything I ask of him and someone on this board is a real SWEETHEART SOFTIE (you know who you are :wub:)


    So even thought my hockey team is going through a rough patch (I'm trying to be gentle here), and I have to go to the dentist for scaling and root planing tomorrow, AND my in-laws are still a$$holes, I am (dare I say?) complaint free. For the moment at least. :)

    If you guys get STO you can catch the Tribe-Dbacks spring training game, which is on right now.

  16. It's officially idiot season on this board (not that it hasn't been for a while now).

    Yeah it is. I'm hoping some of the mods do a little pruning of idiot tree real soon. It would be one thing if they were at least entertaining, but they're not even a little funny.

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